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"Never in a million years did I think Tae and I would allow our housing fund to buy the places we'd live in." Jun muttered, "And look at us now."
"Yeah, but it is a tad more private this way." Namjoon argued.
"But we don't own our homes!" Jin moped.
"Neither does the majority of people in the world!" Namjoon protested, "And you do." he argued on, "You two are the sole beneficiaries of that fund, that is, you own it. Thus you own every piece of property in it. If you die without any spawn... Wait, what does happen if you die without any spawn?"
"I don't know," Jin shrugged, "they dig up some second cousin thrice removed from my great great grandfather and/or mother? I can never remember from which side of the family the houses stem from."
He put a tray in the oven, "Can't say I've given it much thought." he confessed.
"I can't with you." Namjoon laughed, "My rich, handsome, gorgeous," he moved behind Jin, putting his arms around him, kissing the nape of his neck, "man."
"Namjoon." Jin gasped, "I'm, the others will be here soon." he complained.
"I know." Namjoon whispered, "But I want you, baby." he kissed his neck again, "And I want you to know I want you."
"Hrng." Jin turned around in his arms and let his fingers play with the hair at the back of Namjoon's head, "You're making me weak in the knees right now." he breathed, softly searching Namjoon's lips with his.
Namjoon held him closer, letting his senses be filled with the love of his life.
"I know we've hit some hard times," he said softly, "that we've been struggling and uncertain and," he sighed, "disappointing eachother. But when I get to hold you like this, be in love with you like this, see a future with you like this, for many, many, years to come, I feel truly happy, Jin. Blessed. I love you, so, so, much and I really don't want for anything else. I feel, I mean I think it's bloody obvious we deserve the right to marry and have kids just like everyone else, but, I feel, like, if I get to have you, if I'm lucky enough to be able to be with you, no matter what, all of that is just a bonus. A, welcome, bonus, but, just a bonus." he smiled.
"Oh, Namjoon." Jin sighed, blown away, "I really do love you something ridiculous." he kissed him again, "And, I'm sorry, for pretty much putting it on you to make things right between us again. It's not fair, but," he blushed, "I'm still, fighting, with a lot of things and," he shrugged.
"Honey," Namjoon smiled, "I have gladly, gladly, picked up the baton. You, us, our family is the most important thing to me. The most. And, well, we're a team? Right? So, when one team member need to take a step back, for whatever reason, the others step up and work a bit harder." he nodded, "That's how it's supposed to work."
"You're right." Jin said, a bit, amazed, "I mean, yeah," he snorted a bit at himself for being so dense, "that is how it's supposed to work." he nodded, "I'm just, I mean, I wouldn't have had a problem, at all, with it, had it been the other way around, it's just, hard, when you are the one not pulling your weight, you know? It feels, wrong."
"I know, honey, I really do know. So, I have to be forgiven too." Namjoon smiled, "For making you pull a heavier load than what I have done, all these years. 'Cause I didn't even realise it. So, not only am I sorry, I'm embarrassed too. For being a lightweight. Up until now." he smiled.
They stood like that.
Looking at eachother.
At ease.
For once.

"So, are you done apologising and being swoony?" Tae asked from outside the kitchen, "So we can come in?"
"Why do we have children like these, Joon? Why?" Jin moaned.
"Come on, honey." Namjoon laughed, "It was only yesterday you were complaining you missed them."
"I was obviously being delusional." Jin snorted.
"Mm." Namjoon agreed and nuzzled his neck.
"Jin and Namjoon, sitting in a tree." Jungkook teased as he and Taehyung entered.
"Hmfr." Jin rested his head on Namjoon's chest.
"Honestly though," Taehyung said, being serious for a change, "it does me really good to see the two of you being in love again. Being sweet with eachother." he nodded.
"We were never not in love!" Jin protested, "We just needed to re-arrange some stuff. Re-assemble, us. To fit our new circumstances."
"I know." Tae agreed and kissed Jin on the back of his head, "But it was still hard to watch." he confessed, "For me."
"For me, too." Jungkook nodded, and pulled Tae in between his legs, leaning on the counter, "But, I think, it's been," he tried to find a way to express his thoughts, "I don't wanna say good, but, healthy? For Tae and me to have to, stand on our own two legs for a while. I mean, we have some really good support around us, and they should be here any minute, but, still. You are our dads." he nodded, "Our immediate family and we lean on you two the most." he shrugged, apologetically.
"And we want you to." Namjoon assured him, with a hand on his arm.
"Yes." Jin noddingly agreed, "We love you, worry about you, need you to need us."
"Thanks Earnie." Tae smiled.
"Earnie?" Jin laughed, "I haven't heard that in a while."
"Well, Jungkook called you dad, so." Tae shrugged, examining his finger nails."
"Aish!" Jin marked a slap over his head, "So," he said, changing the subject, "where's the baby?" he looked sternly at them.
"At home." Taehyung laughed, "With Daewoo. Being spoiled rotten, I'm sure."
"Yeah, sometimes I think he's gonna dognap him." Jungkook shook his head, "But I guess having a volunteer dogsitter will come in handy at times..."
"Ah, shoot!" Jin stomped his foot, "I was really looking forward to smell those wittle pawpaws tonight!"
"You were gonna smell his feet?" Namjoon stared at him.
"Yes?" Jin put his hands on his hips, "And what of it?" he challenged Namjoon.
"I mean, go for it?" Namjoon said, without being fully able to grasp the, excitement. He turned to Jungkook, "Is that a thing? Smelling your dog's paws?"
"I dunno?" Jungkook gestured, stumped by the whole, concept.
"Are you well rested and pumped for your next endevour?" Jin changed the subject again and looked at Jungkook.
"Oh, yeah." Jungkook nodded, "Imma slay."
"Well, you killed it at the Championships, that's for sure." Namjoon said, proud papa bird.
"Yeah, but, "Jungkook grimaged, "I was so frecken close!" he sighed, disappointed.
"Mm," Tae mused and snuggled further back into him, "But I think that's a good thing, for you." he turned slightly, tugging on Kook's hair, "Having something to prove, still. For yourself! No one, not one single soul in the world need you to prove you're the best. That's fucking obvious." he established,
"Language!" Jin said.
"But you needing to prove something to yourself?" Tae continued, unbothered, "Lord have mercy!"
"You're probably right." Jungkook did his nose-giggle, wrapping his arms around Tae's waist, "I want to fucking smash the record." he growled, determined.
"Language!" Jin repeated.
"Atta boy." Tae wrapped his arms around Jungkook's, squeezing them against himself.
"Minhobi's here." Namjoon said, spotting them through the kitchen window.
"Well, go greet them, you big buffoon!" Jin ordered, busy taking the tray out of the oven.
"Yes, dear." Namjoon said, sticking his tongue out as he was leaving the kitchen.
He was very careful nowadays, using that endearment, and saved it for the times it was clear to them both they were lovingly bickering with eachother. Teasing, one another.

The Kim Family TetralogyWhere stories live. Discover now