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"I'm so happy!" Taehyung woke up saying.
"Huh?" Jungkook lifted his head, still in the grips of sleep.
"I'm so happy!" Tae laughed, kissing Kook on the chest.
"Good." Jungkook grumbled, and felt a smile twitch in his lips, "I am, too." he croaked out with his husky morning voice, "And still sleeping." he sighed, and let his head fall back onto the pillow.
"Sleep, my love." Tae ordered, kissed him lightly and started to get up.
"I need my blankie!" Jungkook complained and pulled him back.
"I'm too giddy to stay in bed!" Tae protested, "I want to gallivant through our house that my husband loves!" he swooned, remembering.
"Gallivant, huh?" Jungkook giggled.
"Go ahead, baby." Jungkook laughed and hissed Tae's forehead, "I'll be right up. I just want a second to, I don't know? Soak it all up? The ambience?"
"Ambience, huh?" Tae's turn to giggle and place a soft kiss on his husband's forehead.
"Mm." Jungkook puckered his lips and got what he was after when Tae placed a soft kiss there, "The ambience of our very own castle that you've created for us." he whispered, "I want to feel what it feels like to wake up happy with the love of my life joyfully gallivanting around in our home, waiting for me to get up and make him breakfast."
"Oh, baby." Tae sighed, happily and flopped back ontop of Kook, gently stroking the hair out of his face, "I love you so much, Jungkook. So much." he kissed him again.
"Mmm, this is nice too." Jungkook purred, and gripped Tae's ass with both his hands, pressing him into his growing hard-on.
Tae chuckled and slowly bucked his hips ontop of the covers.
"Mmm, I need to feel you, baby." Jungkook moaned, and managed to pull the cover off.
"Anyway you want." Tae gasped as his cock started to rise from the friction.
"Take me like this." Jungkook breathed, "I've missed feeling you inside me."
"Hang on baby." Tae said and left the bed momentarily, "Lift your hip." he ordered, and slid a towel under him as he obeyed.
"Come back to me." Jungkook held his arms out, wanting his Tae ontop of him again.
"Ok, baby." Taehyung agreed and resumed his place, kissing him deeper this time.
"Oooh, you feel so fucking good!" Jungkook moaned when Tae slid into place without further ado, "So, fucking, good." he shivered.
"I love having you on my cock, baby." Tae groaned, and started to move, "Your tight ass around my cock."
"Yeas." Jungkook slured, getting off from the words too.
"Look at me." Tae ordered.
"Mmm." Jungkook bit his lower lip and did as he was told and opened his eyes.
"Do you like that?" Tae asked, "Do you like my cock in your tight hole?"
"Yeas." Jungkook nodded, drooling a bit, "I love it when you fuck me Taehyung." he had to swallow, getting more and more worked up, "I love your thick cock." he complimented, "Filling me up." he panted, pulling his legs up, letting his knees fall out to the sides, "Making me yours."
"I'm gonna make you come untouched, baby." Tae promised and started hitting harder.
"Mmm." Jungkook sounded, liking the prospect.
"Look down, baby." Tae ordered and lifted himself up a bit by placing his hands on Jungkook's bent legs, pressing them flat onto the bed, making him spread wide.
Jungkook used his elbows to push himself up so he could look, "Omg." he started to pant, looking at his own twitching cock as Tae penetrated him, "I'm gonna die from horny!" he admitted.
"I want you to look at yourself come." Taehyung breathed.
"Omg!" Jungkook felt his orgasm start to run, "Faster, baby!" he pleaded.
"No." Tae refused him.
"Please!" Kook begged.
"Come for me, baby!" Taehyung ordered, "Now." he thrusted faster, harder, deeper.
"OMG!" Jungkook watched his own cock start to spurt with every thrust, shooting its load straight up, "OMG, OMG, OMGGGooooddddhhh-hhh-hhh." he wailed, emptying himself between them, mesmorised by his own dick.
"Sooh phretthhyyyyh." Taehyung sobbed and came in intervals in time with his thrusts.
"Omg." Jungkook collapsed on his back, drawing Taehyung with him.
"Yeah." Tae panted, and placed a kiss on the side of Kook's neck, "That turned a lot kinkier than I expected this early in the morning." he chuckled.
"Yeah." Jungkook laughed, "I loved it!"
"How's your ass, baby?" Tae asked, concerned, they had, after all, gone at it a couple of times yesterday as well.
"Ok." Jungkook said, truthfully, "But, let's just say I'm happy I'm in resting, right now?" he confessed, "I don't think I'd want to run or, God forbid, pole vault the next couple of days..."
"Come on, baby." Tae said and started to get up again, "Let's clean you up and I'll put some ointment and oil on your tush, my love."
"You take such good care of me." Jungkook smiled and let Tae pull him up so he could kiss him.
"Mm," Tae snuggled in closer, "because I love you, my sexy, sexy, man." he kissed him again, "And you feed me!" he winked.

"I'm so in love with you." Jungkook sighed happily, holding Tae close to himself, making them some sustenence in their marvelous kitchen later on, "And I'm never getting out of this bathrobe." he giggled.
Taehyung had gotten them a matching set of silk bathrobes. A white one for himself and a marine one for Jungkook.
"Well," Tae began, "you can wear it at home, all the time baby," he nodded, "but I'm sorry, if you're planning to wear that outside where someone other than me can see you..." he snaked a hand into the robe, caressing Kook's sixpack and kissed him on the side of the neck, "Imma have to put my foot down." he whispered, "And forbid you."
"Forbid me, huh?" Jungkook did his cute nose-giggle, turning Tae towards himself.
"Mm." Tae nodded and opened the robe, "You're way too sexy in this to let anyone but me feast on you." he licked his lips.
"We haven't had sex in the kitchen yet." Jungkook whispered.
"I know." Taehyung whispered back, suggestively, "But we're hungry, baby."
"I know." Jungkook agreed, "We'll be quick." he turned the stove off and pulled Tae's robe off his shoulders, kissing him there as it fell.
"Not in the kitchen!" Jin's shrill voice shrieked.
"Fuck!" Jungkook hiccupped and hurriedly bent down to pull Tae's robe up again.
"Yeah, he has a key." Taehyung laughed winding himself around Jungkook, to hide.
"Take it back." Jungkook groaned, helping Tae into his garment.
"This could be us, but you playin'." Namjoon chuckled, turned to Jin.
"Not, in, the, kitchen, you filthy dogs!" Jin slapped both Taehyung and Jungkook where he could reach them.
"This is my house," Taehyung answered snarkily, "and I fuck my man wherever I God damned please!"
"I did not raise you right." Jin sighed, shaking his head.
"Mlm!" Tae stuck his tongue out, sulking, "And you're the one to talk! You just barged right in here! Barbarian!"
"It's the middle of the day, you didn't answer the door, I thought you were out, and we just came here to deliver your freaking citrus tree, like I told you, repeatedly, we would! Today. At this precise time. And you told me to let ourselves in since you weren't sure you'd be home! Mlm!"
"Oh." Tae pouted.
And turned to Jungkook, "I did say that." he nodded, "Sorry, babe."
"You are forgiven." Jungkook laughed and kissed Tae's cheek, "But why wouldn't we be home?" he realised, 'twas Saturday after all?
"Shit!" Tae gasped, "What time is it?" he panicked.
"Just after one?" Namjoon told him.
"Shit! Shit! Shit! Bikraaaam!" Taehyung yelled running, with both his hands stretched out infront of him, towards their intercom that connected their home with the security house further away on the property, "Bikram!" he shouted into it, "I forgot to go pick them up! You think we can still make it if we leave now?"
"Don't worry about it, Taehyung." Bikram's amused voice was heard, "I figured you'd be busy so, I sent one of our guys to pick them up." he assured him.
"Thank you!" Taehyung sighed, "Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're like the best, person, in the world right now! Thank. You."
"Ok." Bikram chuckled, "You're welcome, Tae!"
"They're comming home today?" Namjoon wondered as Tae turned to the rest of them again.
"Yeah." Tae nodded, "And I thought it would be a nice thing to do, go pick them up at the airport, to welcome them back, but," he blushed, "I got distracted."
"Naww." Jungkook cooed and pulled him close and kissed him on the nose, "I'm irresistable, huh?"
"Very." Tae giggled and snuggled closer.
"Are you gonna show us around or should we leave you to it?" Jin asked, rather harshly.
"Finee." Tae sighed, "This is the kitchen." he sweeped his hand out over it.
"You don't say?" Jin snorted.
"Finee." Tae tried to sulk but couldn't keep his proud grin from escaping, "I'll show you everything but our, private, bed- and bathroom," he turned to Jungkook "'cause we said we should keep those to ourselves." he smiled, taking Jungkook's hand, "Living out in the open as we are."
"Yes." Namjoon nodded, "Sound reasoning there, you are allowed some privacy. Even from us." he smiled at Jin.
"My babies!" Jin sighed, happily, hugging them both, "I'm so proud of you!" he alternated kissing them on their cheeks.
"Sigh." Tae laughed, "We're grown assed men!" he hugged Jin close, very happy to see him be more like himself again, "Dad." he chuckled, "But sit down and have a cup of coffee or something first. Or if you're hungry?"
"I could eat." Namjoon nodded.
"Better make some more noodles then." Jungkook said and put another pot on the stove.

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