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"Jimin, why wouldn't you tell me about this?" Hobi was holding up the formal letter welcoming Jimin to DV8 dance company in London this fall.
In three days!
"I was gonna, but then everything happened and I didn't know how to tell you I'd auditioned!" Jimin freaked out.
"THAT'S MY POINT!" Hobi shouted, "Why didn't you TELL me you were thinking about auditioning in the first place? You think I wouldn't have supported you?!"
Jimin was staring at his shoes. He didn't know why he hadn't told him, well that was a lie, he didn't want to tell him why, because the reason was silly.
He'd felt left out. Cut from Hobi's life, from Taehyung's life, from everyone's life, unimportant, a bystander, when the olympics drew closer and closer.
"You were never home." Jimin shrugged and looked off to the side.
Jimin still wouldn't meet his eyes and shrugged again.
"How are we ever gonna make this work if we can't talk about these things?" Hobi wondered in a very, very, tiny voice, feeling devastated.
Jimin wanted to scream, 'WHY DO WE NEED TO TALK AT ALL?'
But he didn't.
Realisation hit him, he'd screamed at Yoongi for not talking to him and wanted to scream at Hobi not to talk to him.
"I can't be here, right now." Jimin said. And fled.
Hobi stood there.
What the hell just happened?

Taehyung entered their room, he'd knocked on the open door but when Hobi didn't answer he stepped right in and hugged his friend.
"Why would he leave it laying around if he didn't want me to know?" Hobi asked himself more than anyone else.
"He probably did want you to find out, without having to tell you." Tae suggested.
"I don't have the..." Hobi's voice trailed off in despair.
Taehyung steered him towards the couch and made him sit down beside him, stroking his back.
"I can't deal with this right now." Hobi mewled and broke down in tears, "It's too much!" he cried.
"Break up with him." Jungkook stood scowling in the door, black as the night in his eyes, "You don't need, that," he pointed at the direction Jimin had taken, "in your life. Not now. Not ever."
"Jungkook..." Taehyung sighed.
"No." Jungkook said and walked over to them, kneeling infront of them, putting one hand on each of their knees, "You would've never done something like that to me, none of our other friends would ever do something like that to the person they love. Ever." Jungkook spat out.
"Well, you didn't tell me when you destroyed my nicest shirt..." Tae said, raising an eyebrow, "You just put it back in my closet and left it for me to find it, same day i I needed to wear it!" Taehyung was still traumatised by that unfortunate event.
"Yeah, but..." Jungkook tried to defend himself, "that was just a stupid shirt..."
"Mhm." Tae nodded, "And imagine if you'd done something you felt really bad about, like deciding to go away for a year or so?"
"Still think you should dump his sorry ass." Jungkook growled, having very little emotional savings in his bank account right now.
"Baby," Tae put his hand on Jungkook's cheek, "Jimin may have fucked up, he did fuck up," he acknowledged, "but this isn't your call to make. And it's not that simple, Hobi needs to be the one to decide how to handle this, and we need to support that decision."
"No, Jungkook's right." Hobi tried to pull himself together, "I can't," he started crying again, "It's just too much!" he really didn't have it in him right now to patch things over with Jimin, he was so fucking spent!
But he didn't have it in him to end things either!
"Hobi!" Jimin yelled, having decided to return and work things out, like a grown-up, and ran to him.
Tae got up and let Jimin sit beside his crying boyfriend.
"Couldn't you have picked a better moment?" Tae bit out.
Jimin had never felt smaller, more insignificant and bothersome than he did right now, taking up space in their infinitely more important and exciting lives with his.
"I'm sorry my life is disturbing your very important business!" he cried, "I'm just trying to live it, you know!" he quieted, "My life." he put his hands on Hobi's cheeks, "But I'm sorry you got hurt, my darling." he whispered.
Hobi just cried harder.
"Of course he's hurt!" Jungkook yelled, "You practically broke up with him without telling him!"
"Shut up." Jimin hissed and stood up to face Jungkook that got up from the floor to do the same.
"JIN!" Tae screamed, not wanting any of them to throw hands right now.
Jin came running with Namjoon and one of their bodyguards on his heel.
"CHILDREN!" Jin barked out, instantly pacifying Jungkook, but not Jimin who made a insanely quick move towards Jungkook, only to find himself swept up into the air by Hobi's bodyguard who'd somehow moved even faster.
"PUT ME DOWN!" Jimin screamed, held securely by Bikram, "NOW!"
"Stop squirming and I will." Bikram said, calmly, lowering the now still Jimin to his feet, without letting go of him.
Hobi was still crying but couldn't help but laugh at the completely idiotic situation they were in at the same time!
Taehyung quickly knelt down infront him, fearing he was having a seizure or something from the strange sounds he was emitting.
"I'm fine, I'm fine!" Hobi sputtered and broke down again from Taehyung's kindness.
Jimin started to cry his eyes out as well, leaving the fearless bodyguard suddenly pertified with terror, so Jin stepped in and took Jimin from Bikram's arms and pulled him to his chest.
"I never wanted to hurt any of you!" Jimin cried against Jin's chest, "I just, I got this chance and I took it, and I couldn't bring myself to tell you, 'cause you were all so busy and I thought I wouldn't get the part anyway, and then you won and everything happened and," he swallowed some air and started coughing.
"Oh, Jimin!" Tae sighed, "I'm sorry for not understanding you were struggling with something like this! But you need to tell people these things!"
Yeah, that was easier said than done. It wasn't like he didn't try to tell people, and Tae in particular, he just couldn't.
For some reason.
Not when he was in the middle of it, anyway. At that point he could only walk the path as it layed itself out to him.
"I'm sorry, ok?!" Jimin shouted as tears started to fall again, he'd fucking failed them all! In so many ways! He couldn't bear the disappointment in their eyes!
"Maybe we really do need a break?" Hobi asked, dead tired and emotionally drained, "I mean, obviously, this is a great opportunity for you, and you should take it, but I can't leave Taehyung and Jungkook with all this! I won't. This is a fight I need to fight."
"I was hoping you'd come with me?" Jimin cried.
"I, can't." Hobi started to cry too.
Jimin threw himself in Hobi's arms, "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, please forgive me, I'm so sorry!"
Tae kissed their heads and got up from his kneeling position and left them to sort out this misery, one way or another.
And go call Yoongi.
He might be needed.
He had a feeling.

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