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They were back at the house.
Jin felt strangely uneasy with the empty place, weirdly enough, since he'd longed for a moment of peace the last time he was here, before, everything.
And now, not a kid or a sex monkey in sight.
Not even Bonbon or Bikram.
Just a completely wooden type called Gared.
If Jin had found Bikram boring before, he now thought him the epitome of joy compared to this dude.
And he chewed gum.
Jin was beginning to worry his jaw would dislocate from all the rumination.
"What the hell are we even doing here?" he muttered to himself.
There was nothing to do here.
Especially now when he didn't even have people to cook for or take care of or worry about.
Maybe they should've gone with the kids to London after all?
But he really didn't want that, for some untangible reason.
He wanted to be alone.
And now that he was, he didn't want that either.
'Cause then it was just him and this mountain of pain he'd ignored for the past, well, since before his parents died.
His whole life, probably.
He'd gotten a psychiatrist at the nearby hospital to take on his case and, lord, was he having a great time.
And where the fuck were they going to live?
Not only had his entire life stalled because of gay, now, everything had come to a complete stop because of him.
And, this, shit.
But not for the others, nooo, they got to do the work he wanted to do.
"I. Can't. Believe." he stomped his foot with every word, "How. Fucking. Messed. Up. Everything. Is. Right. Now."
He sat down on the bed.
His real estate agent had sent over some ideas for a new home for them and he should really take a look, but, God dammit, he had a home.
That he couldn't live in right now.
Because of.
"I hate people." he muttered.

Namjoon entered their bedroom and came to a full stop.
Jin was seated on the bed all dressed in black, Namjoon's favourite colour on him, flipping through a folder of housing proposals, looking beyond irritated, but God damned, was he hot!
"I," Namjoon swallowed, "have you found anything interesting?" he asked, stood by the door like a pillar of salt.
He didn't dare move, lest he'd jump him.
"No." Jin groaned and threw the folder down on the floor and looked up for the first time, "Oh." he was struck by the completely raw desire in Namjoon's face, radiating out of him, and felt a bolt of need flit through his own body.
"Like what you see, huh?" Jin croaked out, his voice didn't exactly cooperate, since, well, he'd become somewhat super horny all of a sudden.
"Yeah." Namjoon gasped, gripping the door post to the point of his knuckles becoming white.
Jin leaned back on one elbow and slowly opened his legs wide, knowing fully well Namjoon couldn't resist that.
"Jin." Namjoon drawled, completely enthralled, begging for mercy.
Jin palmed himself on top of his jeans, liquifying Namjoon's legs, and then opened the fly, freeing his member.
"You're killing me." Namjoon whispered, unable to look away. Or move.
"Wanna suck my cock?" Jin moaned, unusually blunt.
"Yeah." Namjoon sounded and could finally move, closing the distance between them in two giant steps and fell to his knees and took Jin in his mouth.
"Holy crap!" Jin threw his head back when Namjoon's tongue swirled his top, as he bobbed his head up and down, "I'm gonna come!" he almost panicked 'cause of the swift expedience of it all.
"Mm." Namjoon hummed around him and somehow managed to push a finger in, intensifying everything.
Jin's hips started bucking on their own and he came in almost painful bursts.
Namjoon clawed at himself, pulling his rock hard cock out of his pants, pressing his balls to Jin's groin, thrusting into his jerks, "Aaahh my Gooodhhh!" he came all over Jin.

"I need more." he panted, opening Jin's shirt, licking his chest, finding the nipples, sucking on them, twisting them, biting ever so lightly as he pulled Jin's pants down, finding some lube and pulling Jin's legs up, hooking them over his elbows as he placed himself at Jin's glistening hole, "I, are," he tried to communicate but.
"Fuck me Namjoon," Jin ordered, "fuck me hard." Jin took a hold of Namjoon's neck and pulled him down for a sloppy kiss as Namjoon entered him.
"Omg, omg, omg," Namjoon chanted and pulled Jin's ass closer to the edge of the bed and picked up the pace, spreading Jin's thighs wide looking down on his twitching cock and his own dick penetrating Jins hole, "So pretty, so pretty, sooo phreettttyyyy," he started sluring his words as his second orgasm began circulating down around his own groin.
Jin threw his hands back and fisted the cover, revealing his neck as he started twitching, coming once more, "Hooooohhhh!" he arched his back when the orgasm hit and shot his load up on his chest.
"HHHAAAAArrrnnnggg!" Namjoon collapsed on top of him, emptying himself completely inside of Jin with two, strong, thrusts, "Kiss me." he gasped and Jin pecked him on the lips.
"Kiss me like you mean it." Namjoon panted.

And Jin, couldn't.
"I," Jin said on an inhale, "can't." he exhaled.
"Don't you love me anymore?" Namjoon asked, distraught.
"I do! I really do! I love you!" Jin sobbed, "I don't know what's wrong with me Namjoon!" he slung an arm over his head, "I'm so in love with you, I am! But I'm so angry, Namjoon! It's horrible!" he started crying, "I want to hurt you or kill something and, I'm so lonely!"
"Oh, honey." Namjoon sighed and stroked Jin's temples with his thumbs, and kissed him on the chest.
"I'm sorry, Namjoon, I'm so sorry!" Jin cried.
"Baby," Namjoon soothed, and supported his head on his elbow and kept caressing Jin's face with his other hand, "I love you,"
"I love you too!" Jin wailed, ashamed of himself.
"I love you," Namjoon continued, "and I'm not going anywhere. I'm here for you, baby, whatever you need."
"Ok." Jin tried to slow his crying but didn't succeed, it just came out like a mewl.
"But," Namjoon's lower lip started to quiver, "if you don't want me anymore, if you want to find a better man, just let me know? Please? So I can," he didn't know what he would do, could do, if Jin didn't want him anymore, but he knew he'd want to know up front if that happened.
"What's that's supposed to mean?" Jin asked, suddenly furious and shoved Namjoon off him, "Of course I want you. I wouldn't be with you if I didn't want you!" he got up from the bed and stalked into the bathroom.
"Don't Jin me Namjoon! Don't you dare fucking Jin me Namjoon!" he shouted and slammed the door behind him.
"WTF!" Namjoon scrambled for purchase and got up to follow him, "Get a fucking grip on yourself you mean mother fucker!" he screamed and yanked the door open.
"I'm mean?! You keep treating me like some fucking harlot you just picked up outside a supermarket or something!"
"I DO NOT treat you like a harlot, but you just did!"
"Why? Because I didn't have it in me to cater to your fucking insecurities right now?!"
"Wow." Namjoon just shook his head.
"What?! You can't handle a little truth, honey?" Jin asked, sarcasm dripping of the endearment.
"I hope you're seeing the psychiatrist tomorrow, because you're FUCKING CRAZY RIGHT NOW!"
"I HAVE NOT EVEN BEGUN TO SHOW YOU CRAZY, NAMJOON!" Jin opened the door to the bathroom, "Get out." he said icily.
"Fine." Jin left the room and went somewhere Namjoon didn't care to investigate, "GO TO HELL!" he shouted after him, shivering with anger.
What the hell just happened?
"I'm in over my head." Namjoon wrapped his arms around himself and his legs buckled and he sat down on the floor, "I'm in over my fucking head." he started rocking himself back and forth.
What the hell was he going to do?

The Kim Family TetralogyWhere stories live. Discover now