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"I'm so happy!" Hobi laughed, holding Minho round the waist, being held the same way by Minho, leaning their foreheads together, "So, so happy."
Minho had lost the ability to speak, he just tried some ill fated nods, tears running down his cheeks.
"Kiss!" Jungkook shouted from the crowd.
"Kiss, kiss, kiss!" everybody started chanting.
Minho drew a shaky breath, laughing in some kind of smitten way and prepared to dip his man, his husband, and give him a right old smooch, but Hobi beat him to it and he suddenly found himself floating in Hobi's arms, being kissed.

Wistles and applause broke their trance and Hobi raised them back up, but didn't let go of Minho who was laughing and laced his hands behind Hobi's head, letting his thumbs softly stroke Hobi's temples before kissing him back, "My wonderful Hoseok." he whispered as they leaned their heads together again, "You're my husband!" he sobbed, "I'm your husband!"
"You're my husband." Hobi agreed, voice breaking, "I'm your husband." he repeated through his tears, and kissed him again, "I'm so happy!"
They stood like that, arms around eachother, laughing, sobbing, touching, swaying together 'til Charlie's worried voice made them come too, "Why are you crying?" she asked, chin trembling, not far from tears herself, almost dropping her bouquet.
Hobi bent down and picked her up before returning to Minho's embrace, "We're just so happy, sweetheart!" Hobi smiled at her.
"Promise?" tears pooled in her eyes.
"Pinky swear." Hobi held his and Minho's joined pinkies up for her to take.
Minho kissed her forehead.
"Toss the bouquet!" someone yelled.
"We don't have a bouquet!" Minho and Hobi answered in unison.
"I do!" Charlie said, and, very unexpectedly, sent it hurling through the air.
Bikram caught it on reflex, making all of Team Dick double over from laughter.
He was a notorious bachelor, they'd learnt, and dead set on keeping it that way.
"Toss it again, miss C." he smilingly told Charlie and tried to give the flowers back.
"U-um." Charlie shook her head and buried her face against Hobi's neck, giggling.
"Cheeky ba,"
"Ah-ah!" Minho shook his indexfinger in Bikram's direction.
"-by girl." he managed to save it.
Charlie peeked up at him and stuck her tongue out before hiding against Hobi again, getting hugged by a laughing Hobi.

Jungkook was holding his arms around Taehyung, watching the couples dance, smiling at the sight of Hobi and Minho, drunk on love for eachother.
He felt Tae sigh and whispered in his ear, "One day, that'll be us, baby."
"I know, baby." Tae again sighed, and pecked Kook's cheek, but turned his attention back to the dancefloor.
Jungkook felt a chilling spike of unease shoot up through his body and felt the need to ask, "What's wrong, baby?"
Yoongi was suddenly standing beside them, "Taehyung." he sighed.
"Yeah." Tae breathed, exasperated, "Dance with me?" he told Yoongi and patted Jungkook on the forearm as an apology.
"Fucking hell." Yoongi groaned, but complied, "I hate dancing." he muttered, "Jangmi's gonna kill me."
He'd evaded her pleas with, 'I don't dance', the whole evening and, yeah, she was gonna flip, but one potential disaster at the time, please.

As on cue, Jin's too loud, too shrilling, laugh was heard and Yoongi quickly steered them closer.
Jin was being funny, in his own opinion, clearly, laughing at his own joke, not noticing Minho's mother's disaproval.
"Mind if I cut in?" Tae tapped Jin's shoulder and didn't wait for an answer, he just took over.
Yoongi had Jin in a bear grip and more or less wrestled him out of there.
Still in time with the music though.
"Shit!" Jungkook hissed when ge saw them, "WhattoIdo?" and decided to enlist the help of Bonbon who was already on his way over.

"Sit on him if you have to." Yoongi panted when they'd successfully gotten Jin out of there without making too big of a commotion, much thanks to the fact Yoongi had just clasped a hand over Jin's mouth on their way out.
"I'll get Gared." Jungkook sighed.
"Yeah." Bonbon nodded, he'd have to go with Minho and Hobi in a short while so.
Jin was sluring profanities at them in an ever lasting tirade nobody listened to.
Jungkook was happy Tae and Namjoon wasn't there to hear it.
"GET A FUCKING GRIP ON YOURSELF!" Yoongi barked, fed up, "You're not twelwe." he muttered.

The Kim Family TetralogyWhere stories live. Discover now