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"Yoongi." Hobi was leaning on his hands against the kitchen island, hanging his head. He had cleaned every last inch of the house.
"Hm?" Yoongi said, not looking up from his phone, seated at the other end of the island.
"I can't do this anymore." Hobi drew a rugged breath, "You are my best friend, and I love you, and I want you in my life, I really do, but I can't be in the middle of this any longer." he let out a long breath, "It's hurting my soul."
Last night Yoongi and Jimin had fought for hours.
Followed by some likewise loud makeup sex. If you could call it that. More of a punishment for everyone involved, really.
"That's, how," Yoongi cleared his throat, "Don't you think that's between Jimin and me?"
"Normally, I would say yes, but,"
"He has feelings for you! Actual, deep feelings!" Hobi gestured towards Jimin's room. Said person wasn't in at the moment, due to, well it was monday.
"And?" Yoongi lifted an eyebrow.
"And?! Do you have feelings for him?!"
"I love him."
"Yes, I know! But are you in love with him?"
Yoongi clenched his teeth together.
"Of course you're not," Hobi said defeated, "because you're not gay. And if it was just sex between you two, you know I wouldn't mind, but it's not anymore!"
Hobi stood up and crossed his arms over his chest, "I'm going to stay with the lads for a couple of nights and you need to fix this one way or another before you wreck your relationship so bad it's beyond repair!" he stalked out, "Because I couldn't bear it" he said silently on his way out.
Yoongi managed to snap out of his stunned condition and ran after his best friend, "OMG, Hobi, I should have realised!" he hugged him from behind, "I'm so sorry! Why didn't you say anything? I would have never!"
"Yeah, well, I wasn't home that night, remember?" Hobi said quietly. "Otherwise I would have stopped you. Of course."
They stood, backhugging akwardly, in the hallway, for quite some time, before Yoongi asked, "How long have you felt this way?"
"I don't know," Hobi sighed, "I just realised a couple of weeks before, you know, and I wasn't sure, so."
"I am so, so sorry, I never ment for you to get hurt. Or him. I was just having fun, you know?" Yoongi hugged his friend even harder.
Hobi clasped his hands around Yoongi's, "Be kind to him. Or go all in. Just, one or the other. Please? For me?" he said and made himself free. And left.

"Tae? You home?" Hobi let himself in.
Hobi entered the living room and came to a full stop. The floor was covered with a tarp and Taehyung was painting on a huge canvas. It was just blues, no other colours but Hobi could've sworn he'd used every colour of the rainbow, and then some.
"Taehyung!" Hobi reverently came closer, "It's a masterpiece!" Hobi gaped, "It's beautiful! I didn't know you could paint like this?"
"You like it, then?"
"I love it!"
"I shall have to make you one, too." Tae smiled, "This one's for Namjoon after he's, successfully, defended his dissertation next month."
"Wow." Hobi sat down on the couch. "My friend is talented."
"Thank you." Tae was blushing. "So, what's up?" he picked up his paint brush again.
Hobi sighed, "Would it be ok if I stayed here for a couple of nights?"
"Sure." Tae turned to him, took a closer look and put his brush away and joined his friend on the couch, "What happened?"
"Oh. Nothing new." Hobi stared off into the distance, "I just needed to get out of the house for a while. They're driving me nuts!"
"Mhm, and?"
"And," tears started dripping down Hobi's cheeks, "I might be, a tiny little bit, in love with Jimin."
"Oh, Hobi." Tae moved to cradle his friend who was now sobbing, "Does Yoongi know?"
"Yeah, I told him before I left." Hobi pressed out between his sobs.
"But Jimin doesn't?"
Hobi shook his head. "No. He's in love with Yoongi." he let out a long tortured cry, and started truly weeping in Tae's arms.
"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." Taehyung whispered over and over again, and stroked his hair.

Hobi cried for a good long while before he started to settle down.
"And, Yoongi?" Taehyung asked carefully, "Is he in love with Jimin too?"
Hobi shook his head, "I don't think so," he sat up straight and whiped his eyes, "Aah, I think he never ment for it to go this far, but?" he shrugged his shoulder.
"Why am I never anyone's first choice, Taehyung?" he started crying again, "What's wrong with me?"
Tae scooted closer and slung an arm around his shoulders, "There's nothing wrong with you! You are the kindest, most caring person I know, and that's saying something since, you know, I'm related to Jin." he shrugged, "And I don't think you can draw that conclusion just from being not chosen by Jimin!"
"Oh, there's been others." Hobi confessed.
"Really?" Taehyung was perplexed, Hobi had, after all, had a string of lovers and boyfriends.
A string was perhaps an overstatement, but a lot more than Taehyung anyway who'd only had one.
"Who?" Tae clasped his hand over his mouth, he couldn't believe he'd asked him that!
"You." Hobi said, embarrassed.
"Me?!" Tae could not believe his ears.
Hobi looked down on his hands. "I had a serious crush on you, for a couple of years at least, but you never saw anyone but Jungkook."
"When was this?"
"Well," Hobi leaned back, "remember when my sister went out with Jin? Right after we moved here?"
"But, that was at least two years before I even met Jungkook!" Taehyung felt gobsmacked. Startled. Not prepared for this information.
"Yeah, like I said, you never saw anyone but him." Hobi was still a little bit sad about this, even if he'd, since long, come to accept the fact.
"But, how did I not know this?" Tae wondered.
"Well, at least I flirted like crazy with you."
"I didn't think you were serious! You flirt with everyone! I thought we were just roll playing, having fun!" Tae's ears were heating up from retroactive shame.
Hobi shrugged again.
"Shit!" Tae grew quiet. "That must've hurt."
He put his hand over Hobi's, "I'm sorry I hurt you, but you know I love you, right?"
Hobi hugged him, "I love you too."
"Honey, I'm home!" Namjoon shouted from downstairs.
"Shit!" Tae flew off the couch, "Shit, shit, shit!" he looked around in a panic.
"I'm naked!" he shouted for some reason like that was how he normally greeted him, the fuck?
"Help me!" he promted Hobi with a loud whisper, "Get the tarp!" he ran to his painting and quickly tried to shove it in to his bedroom.
"Is Jin up there with you?" Namjoon shouted.
"Then who's up there, I can hear giggling! And I just left Jungkook at the library, so I know it's not him!"
Tae had successfully disposed of his painting and was stripping down. Hobi was in tears, from laughter this time, and just stood there, cuddling the tarp!
"Hobi!" Tae shouted back.
"Oh for fuck's sake Tae! You're engaged for crying out loud!"
They could hear Namjoon coming up the stairs.
"Here!" Tae hissed and threw a, smaller, canvas at Hobi, before removing his underwear and throwing himself on the couch.
Hobi was practically bent over from laughter but did his best at trying to place the canvas on the easel, picking up a pen, pretending to create.
"What the hell?" Namjoon gaped.
"It's an engagement present. For Jungkook." Tae said haughtily. Hobi nodded. He didn't dare speak.
"I did not sign up for this." Namjoon turned and left.
Tae got up with a finger 'cross his lips, and shut the door.
The boys exploded with laughter.
"Well at least now you've seen me naked!" Tae squealed.
"And I. Am. Grateful," Hobi said, looking him over, "Damned, you're beautiful!"
"Sthap!" Tae said blushing.
"Well, you are."
"Well, so are you, if I remember correctly..."
"Oh, I've seen you naked." Tae was putting his pants on again.
"You have?"
"Yes. With Minho. Remember? We freaking talked about it a few days ago!"
"Oh, yeah, that's right!" Hobi shook his head, "I've blocked that out of my mind so hard, I tend to forget. I still get embarrassed just thinking about it!"
"Don't be! And I realise we never really apologised for barging in on you, so I'm doing that now, but man did we get horny from seeing the two of you!"
"Yeah, well, that kind of killed the mood for us. I promise you, it's not sexy when your crush walks in on you with someone you shouldn't be screwing in the first place and then just stands there, hand in hand with his boyfriend, looking you over and you're, you know," Hobi's cheeks turned a full scarlet as he motioned his hands around his nether regions, "full sails."
"Naw," Tae said patting Hobi's cheeks, "they were some mighty sails, tho." he winked.
"Aish!" Hobi slapped him over his head. "I'll have to walk in on you and Kook sometime as revenge!"
Tae just smirked.
"But you'll probably only get off on it!" Hobi realised, "Perverts!"
Tae still smirked and shrugged a shoulder.
"You know, this makes me realise, you and I would've never worked out." Hobi shook his head, "I probably would've died from embarrassment a couple of times a week!" he huffed.
Tae snaked his arm around him, and leaned his head on his back, "I'm glad we're friends though, 'cause I really like hanging out with you!"
Hobi slipped his arm around Tae and kissed him on the forehead, "I like hanging out with you, too," he leaned in and whispered in Tae's ear, "even if you're still the prettiest boy, hell man, I have ever seen."
Hobi left a stunned Taehyung and went, whistling, truly satisfied with his work, down the stairs to talk to Namjoon.

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