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They woke up in the early hours of dawn, heads close together, holding hands.
Taehyung turned to look at Jungkook with so much love in his eyes it made Jungkook's breath hitch. He shook his other hand free of the covers and gently caressed Tae's cheek.
Taehyung clasped his own, bigger hand around it and pulled it to his mouth, kissing Kook's knuckles. "Let's go watch the sunrise, baby." he whispered and Jungkook nodded.
As silently as two burglars they snuck out of the house, walking up the tiny hill behind it and sat down under a lonely tree, cuddling up together.
"You know we're gonna have to sell the house?" Jungkook sighed.
"I know." Tae answered also sighing, he really liked their place, as he lifted their interlocked hands to his mouth and kissed them.
"Do you want to stay here, or should we move to another country?"
"And go where? The States?" Tae shuddered at the thought. He liked going there, but living there? With all the gun crazies and religious nuts and no social secureties to talk of?
"Scandinavia?" Jungkook suggested. "Pretty similar to this, apart from," he shrugged a shoulder,
"The language, the culture, the climate, the food, and the people?" Taehyung filled in.
"Yeah. Appart from that." Jungkook chuckled and nuzzled his way into Taehyung's neck.
"Tell you what," Taehyung wiggled his way into Kook's arms and looked up at him, "if everything goes to hell, I'll move to Arvidsjaur with you..."
"Noo." Jungkook said in a deep voice, shaking his head, "we'd go mad in six months there. Going on our honeymoon, doing romantic stuff, eating good food and fucking our brains out, yes! Living there? Permanently? Absolutely not!"
"Ok." Tae laughed, "So we stay here?" he raised his eyebrows.
"Ok." Jungkook nodded. "But we need to be somewhere safe. Somewhere private."
"Maybe we should talk to the lawyers? How do popstars stay out of public eye?"
"I'm not so sure that they do, but," he shrugged, "I'm sure they're doing something?"
"Maybe we could get Coach's wife's friend of a friend to by us a piece of land out in the middle of nowhere?" Tae suggested.
"Yeah, an old Hanok?" Jungkook was ridiculously fond of those.
"They have no windows!" Tae complained.
"Oh, shush, we'll make ours with glass."
"But then it wouldn't be an old Hanok. It would be a new..." he said, nodding along with his wisdom.
"I want to make love to you right now, out here," Jungkook confessed, since Taehyung had just become irresistable to him, "do you think it's safe?"
"Oh, baby, I would love that! You and me and the sunrise? Hnng." Taehyung was getting turned on.
"No." Jungkook said and pulled Taehyung up with him, "I won't give anyone the chance to steal another moment from us. Come on baby, let's go inside."
Tae sighed, he really wanted to make love out here, but he rather not give anyone the opportunity to invade their privacy again.
They walked back to the house, slowly, embracing eachother, kissing, giggling.
Being very much in love.

"Don't ever sneak out on me again." Bonbon said standing in the hallway, arms crossed infront of him as they entered the house.
"Oh! Sorry!" Tae apologised, "We just wanted to watch the sunrise..."
"Yes, well, you should have let me do a check first, guys," he sighed, "I know it's weird and intrusive and all sorts of bother to have a bodyguard but, you need to let me do my job!"
"Yes." They both nodded. They weren't fools. They just hadn't remembered. "We won't let it happen again." Jungkook promised.
"Ok." Bonbon nodded, somewhat more at ease, "And I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ruin the mood." he blushed, knowing full well his guardees were about to get it on when he chastised them. He was secretly very fond of them already. They were the sweetest kids. He swooned a bit on the inside.
Obviously, he would protect anyone that needed his protection, it was just always a little bit nicer when you actually liked the people you were protecting.
"Oh, don't worry," Tae smiled, "I just have to do this," he flashed his naked chest at Jungkook, "and we're good to go again."
"Unbelievable." Jungkook groaned and pushed Taehyung up the stairs infront of him.
"See?" Tae turned his head, smiling, looking down on Bonbon who were shaking from silent laughter.

Tae still had laughter in his eyes when he turned to face Jungkook, "One day, my love," he said running his thumb over Jungkook's cheekbone, "when all this is over, and we're married and have our own Hanok out in the middle of nowhere, I'll lay you down on the grass and worship you with my naked body under the skies for as long as you'll have me."
He took a step closer and whispered, "I'll start by kissing you," he let his fingers brush over the sensitive skin between Jungkook's ear and sharp jawline, "here." he kissed the spot, "Here," he moved his mouth to the shallow indentation between Kook's collarbones, "here," he fell to his knees and kissed his covered length through the pyjama bottoms, wetting the fabric before pulling them down.
"Birds will sing and there will be a soft rustling of wind through the leaves, but," he licked Jungkook's rising hard-on, "all I'll hear is the pretty sounds you're making when i kiss you," he pressed his lips to the plump top, "here."
Taehyung moved his lips to Jungkook's groin, "here," he licked a hot, wet line from Kook's balls, up along his cock, his taunt stomach, pushing the pyjama top up, flicking his tongue over one of his nipples.
"Here." Jungkook growled and fitted his mouth to Taehyung's, pulling him up with a finger under his jaw. He withdrew for a second and rid himself of his clothing, and reconnected ther lips again.
"You'll forget everything when I pull you down," Jungkook whispered and turned Taehyung around, back hugging him, so he could place him inbetween his legs on the couch as he sat down, "and kiss you," he bent Tae's head to the side and rested his lips millimeters from the soft skin on Tae's neck, "here," he sucked on the skin, leaving a mark, "here," he nibbled Tae's earlobe, "lift your hip, baby," he ordered and Tae complied as Jungkook pushed his pants down, making them fall off Taehyung's slender legs.
"Here," he continued and kissed Tae's fingertops and put them in his mouth, running his hand along Tae's inner thigh as he gripped the leg and put it over his own. Making Taehyung spread his legs wide.
Tae rested his head on Jungkook's shoulder, slinging one arm over Kook's head so he could play with his hair as Jungkook left dozens of kisses along his jawline.
He snaked an arm around Tae's torso and let his hand wander down, unbottoning his pyjama top as he went along, caressing Tae's leg with his other hand, letting it brush over Tae's rim occasionally as he started stroking him with his right hand.
He searched for Tae's lips with his mouth and found them when Taehyung tilted his head to the side, giving him access.
Jungkook kept stroking him, teasing his rim, caressing his thigh and brushing his fingers over his balls. Making Taehyung a moaning mess in his arms.
It was the most beautiful thing Jungkook had ever witnessed.
"Come, my love." he whispered in Tae's ear and Taehyung started shaking when he let go of his release, surrendering to Jungkook.
"You stole my game." Tae muttered through his breathing, legs wide apart, completely at Jungkook's mercy.
"Sorry." Jungkook snickered, not sorry at all. "You're so beautiful, all splayed out in my arms like this, making you come is such a treat for the eye, baby." he ment every word and bucked his hips to let Taehyung feel how hard he got from watching his man climax like this.
"You're gonna have to give me a second." Taehyung told him and twisted his upper body around so he could place a sloppy kiss on Jungkook's lips.
"Take all the time you need." Jungkook gasped and started rolling his hips, making his cock come in contact with Tae's lower back, teasing himself.
"Yes." Taehyung said, feeling a shiver run down his spine, from the image he just got in his head, "Finish yourself behind my back, Kook!" he ordered, "I'm getting off on it." he admitted.
"Damn Tae," Jungkook moaned, and obeyed, pressing his cock onto Tae's back, holding it in place with his right hand, feeling extra aroused by it being just a little bit kinky.
"Faster, baby." Tae begged, taking Kook's left hand and fitting it around his own semi hard dick, stroking himself with Jungkook's hand. And Jungkook lost it! Thrusting into his own strokes he came in three spurts, almost ripping himself at the seam, "Dae! Dae! Daeehh!"
"Next time we'll do this infront of a mirror, baby." Tae growled, low down in his chest.
"I'm not sure I'll survive that." Jungkook confessed as he panted.

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