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Taehyung woke up clinging to Jungkook as was his habit during the nights.
His husband was already awake, don't ask him how he knew, he just always did.
"I feel like a deep, devastated, Christ-on-via-dolorosa sigh." he confessed, and sighed.
Jungkook hugged him and kissed him on top of his head.
"I feel like a lost mitten." Jungkook admitted.
"A lost mitten made of sigh." Tae suggested.
"Yeah." Jungkook sighed, "I just wanna go to my room and read comic books all day. And have mom bring me a grilled cheese."
"Your mom used to bring you grilled cheeses?" Tae wondered.
"Only if I was sick, otherwise I had to make them myself."
"Now that sounds more like your mom."
"Yah!" Jungkook protested, "Just because you're a spoilt little brat!"
"Am not!"
"Am too!"
"Am, yeah, I kinda am." Taehyung giggled, "Especially by you." he kissed Jungkook's chest.
"Yeah, well, that's just 'cause you're so cute!" he kissed Tae's head again.
Taehyung sighed, "I want to have sex, but I don't feel like it."
Jungkook chuckled, "Strange as that sounds, I understand exactly what you're saying. I want to have sex too, but I don't feel like it either."
"I should want to go to the hospital," Tae quieted and couldn't continue.
"Yeah, no." Jungkook said on an exhale, very much like a sigh, "I don't wanna go there either. I just want everything to be like it was. Before, everything." he trailed off.
"D'you know, we've been working 'round the clock for almost a year, 'nd, now? We're working harder than ever before. And,"
"Maybe we should try and squeeze in some fun?" Jungkook suggested.
"Yeah," Tae agreed, "but I'm laying here trying to think of something fun for us to do and I can't think of one thing that would actually be fun. I mean, I used to love to go to museums and art exibitions, for instance, but now? Naeh, why bother?"
"Do you know what we should do?" Jungkook asked
Tae shook his head.
"We should go see Jimin perform."
"Huh." Tae was surprised, "You're right, we should go see Jimin perform. All of us. Like we would've if everything were normal."
"Shit! I've totally forgotten to tell him about this, whole," he waved his hand about.
"Well, I," Jungkook motioned to himself, "being the excellent husband I am, called him yesterday,"
"You did?" Tae looked up and pecked Jungkook's lips.
"Yes. But he already knew. Both Yoongi and Hobi had already called him to let him know."
"You're the best." Tae kissed him again.
"Yes." Jungkook nodded, "I have a gold and everything." he bragged.
"I thought you were still mad at him?"
"I am still mad at him." Jungkook confessed, "I couldn't hide it very well, either, but I thought you'd want him to know." he shrugged.
"Thank you, baby." Tae said, and kissed him for real.
Jungkook pressed his body into Taehyung's and turned them over, "Nah," he giggled, "still doesn't feel right." he kissed Tae on the nose, "Even if you are the most gorgeous man I've ever seen and totally hot. And I love you."
"Well now you've kinda made me horny." Taehyung laughed and bucked his hips, "Oh?" he gasped when he actually started to get hard.
"God!" Jungkook growled and kissed him again, "I take that back. Now I want you."
"Yes." Taehyung said a bit hesitant.
"But?" Jungkook wanted to know.
"If we make it tender, and, soft, yeah? Tae cupped Jungkook's face in his hands, "I feel a bit, fragile, and, vulnerable." he admitted.
"Are you sure you want to?" Jungkook caressed his face and played with a strand of hair, seeking confirmation.
"I want you." Tae nodded, "I want to make love to you." tears started to pool in his eyes, "I want to feel us, our love. I need our love. Our amazing love." he took a deep, a little bit unsteady, breath.
"Oh, baby." Jungkook softly comforted him, "I love you so, so much." he kissed him, very gently and then pulled Tae's hand up so he could kiss his knuckles, "The love I feel for you," he whispered as he placed Tae's hand over his own heart, "all the love songs, all the poems, all the art in the history of mankind, is not enough to tell you how I feel. It's bigger, wears more faces and means more to me than all of that. The world isn't nearly big enough of a word to begin to describe it."
"I love you." Tae said, placing his other hand on Jungkook's cheek.
Kook sighed, happily, and bent down to kiss him, "The first time I saw you," he whispered,
"When you wanted to suck my cock?" Taehyung nodded.
Jungkook let his head fall down beside Tae's, "Yes, when I wanted to suck your cock." he agreed, exasperated, "Dammit Tae," he giggled, "I'm trying to be romantic here!"
"Sorry baby." Tae giggled. "I couldn't help myself." he kissed him on the cheek, "The first time you saw me?" he helped him along.
"You were so beautiful." Jungkook stroked his hair and down his neck, "And I felt a jolt of, something, rush through my body, and it wasn't desire, I mean yeah, I wanted you, God yes, but, I had no idea what that feeling was. What that jolt was." he paused, "But I do now." he confessed, "I still feel it, every day, when I look at you." he nodded, "It's your soul, calling out to mine, telling us," he looked straight into Taehyung's eyes, "We hold a greater love than you will ever understand in our hands, and if you are worthy, you can hold it too."
Jungkook took a deep breath, "And I've been holding it ever since." he whispered, "Just as you hold mine and, I. Am. So. In love with you, Taehyung, you have no idea!" he sobbed and covered Tae's mouth with his.
When he came up for air, Taehyung put a finger over his mouth and whispered, "No more words, baby. Just make love to me."
Jungkook kissed him again, letting his hand take hold of Taehyung's, pulling it against him, kissing the fingertips, the palm of his hand, his delicate wrists, placing a soft kiss right over his pulse, working his way up the arm, letting his hand caress Taehyung's upper body as he kissed every centimeter of skin on his chest before letting his tongue play with Tae's nipple.
He slowly kissed every part of his stomach, out to the sides, down his hip, hiking Tae's leg up and started licking his inner thigh and groin, wetting the balls, blowing on them, getting more and more turned on by Taehyung's moans and the way he couldn't keep still as Jungkook's mouth loved every inch of him.
Then, he turned his attention to the other side of Taehyung's body and did everything in reverse order, as he moved upwards, not passing on the opportunity to let his tongue flick over Tae's twitching cock, ever so lightly.
Taehyung was floating on love. Feeling, appreciated, elevated, worshipped!
He heard Jungkook rummage about for the bottle of lube and felt more than ready, "Kiss me." he pleaded, and Jungkook did, as he played with Tae's cock and lubed everything up. Everything.
"Oh?!" Taehyung exclaimed and opened his eyes as Jungkook lowered himself onto Tae's rock hard cock.
"Hrrnng." Jungkook gasped and fell forward ontop of Taehyung, slowly rolling his hips, kissing his man breathless, steadying himself on his elbows, "I haven't ridden you for ages." he slobbered against Tae's mouth, "And I love riding you, baby."
"Oh!" Tae arched his back, pressing his head down into the bed, it felt so good.
"Kiss me, baby." Jungkook ordered, "I want you to kiss me when you come, when I come." he panted, inching closer with each roll of his hips, rubbing his member against Taehyung's taunt belly.
"Seconds." Tae managed to warn.
"Come, my love." Jungkook begged and Tae did.
"AAAAaaaahhhrrrnnngg-gg!" he sounded, mouth open drooling on Jungkook's chin.
Jungkook started shivering, shuddering, shaking as the orgasm filtered through his body, awakening every nerve ending all the way down from his toes up to the top of his head and out through his fingers.
"Taehyung!" he collapsed but his thighs and buttocks kept clenching around Tae by themselves.
Tae pulled the covers over them, making a nest, "I love you, Jungkook."
"Hngutu." Jungkook snored.
"I know you do, baby." Taehyung chuckled and patted him on the back.
"Ok, baby." Tae kissed him on the cheek and closed his eyes for a quick nap too.

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