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"So, have you made a move on my brother yet?" Tae whispered to Namjoon in the kitchen about a month or so after Jin and Jiwoo's break-up.
Namjoon's eyes almost bulged out of his head "Shhhh!" he quickly pushed the younger boy in to his own bedroom, "Are you crazy?" he whisper-screamed, "What if he heard you?"
"What if he heard me? You said you had a thing for him, no?"
"Yeah, but..."
Namjoon glanced towards the door like he was the lookout for a bank heist or something, "I don't want him to know that!"
"And why not?" Taehyung crossed his arms.
The older one pushed the door ajar so he could peek outside and turned to Tae "I don't want anyone to know about that right now!" he closed the door again.
Taehyung stood gaping before errupting into an hysterical laughter, "I'm dying!" he wheezed, holding himself, collapsing on the floor, "Aaah! You're killing me!" tears were flowing down his cheeks, "I can't breathe! Aahhh!"
"What's going on in there?" Jin asked behind the closed door, as he opened it and entered.
Namjoon didn't know if to die or to kill Taehyung who was rolling around on the floor screaming of laugher.
"What's so funny?" Jin looked at Namjoon.
"Nothing!" "He is!" Namjoon and Taehyung said at the same time.
"Explain." Jin crossed his arms and glared at Taehyung.
"No." Tae said suddenly serious and got up from the floor and left the room, closing the door after him.
"What the hell?" Jin was completely lost, "What's going on?" he pleaded for an answer.
"Your brother is weird."
"I feel I should argue that standpoint, but, yeah, he kinda is, but he usually has a reason for it so, what is going on?"
Namjoon ground his teeth, one day he was gonna, that little... Lord, have mercy on his soul!
Crap bastard.
"I told him something about me a while ago and, yeah." he sighed.
"What did you tell him?"
Namjoon held a debate masterclass in his head, should he? Should he not?
He looked up, praying for strength from a deity he didn't believe in, "This is so not the way I wanted this to go," he said through clenched teeth.
He paused. And took a good look at the boy standing infront of him, and, here goes nothing!
"I told him I was in love with you."
He decided to leave out the part of not, perhaps, being entirely sure, because, let's face it he was pretty sure, lie, he was one hundred percent sure that was the case, either way, it felt more manly to just spit it out without excuse. Oh, great he was rambling. Please God! Don't let him have said that that last part out loud! Please?
Jin's legs gave out and he folded in the middle, luckily, the bed decided to be there, resulting in a bouncy sit down.
"You're in love with me?" he looked up with big doe eyes on his best friend.
"Mm." Namjoon nodded shyly, scratching his head an stealing a glance of the other.
It was the cutest thing Jin had ever seen. He gulped, "How long, since, huh." he gulped again, he had too much saliva, how could he have to much saliva?
"How am I in love with you?" Namjoon couldn't believe his ears, "You're seriously asking me how? Well, gee, doc! From what I gather it has to do with chemicals in the brain being released making you feel all mushy inside when the person of interest is near. I don't know! Something like that!" He half-sat down on his desk. What was wrong with this guy? He shook it off.
"D'you know, Jiwoo hurled a suggestion at me when we were breaking up?"
Namjoon didn't know how to answer that, of course he didn't know since Jin hadn't told him any details from the break-up, just that they'd decided to call it quits because of being more like friends than girlfriend and boyfriend, and Taehyung, the little shit, had refused to spill, so he just shrugged.
But Jin remained silent so Joon had to ask, "What kind of suggestion?"
You could cut the air with a knife as the question hung there for an hour, or a second or eternity or time didn't make sense anymore!
Jin could feel a jolt of electricity rushing through his body, making him come alive as Frankenstein's monster, realising he actually wanted to kiss his best friend!
He wanted to feel his lips against his own, taste him, have him close to his body, press up against him, and all of a sudden, Jin felt hot, heavy, like he would have trouble moving. And his hands started to tingle.
There was tingling somewhere else too, but he felt too shy to further examine that sensation right now.
"She said," what was wrong with his voice? It had dropped, like an octave? Wtf? He cleared it, but that didn't help. If anything, it just got thicker, "she said that I should kiss you."
Namjoon felt his cheeks redden and something was growing in his pants which just made him blush even more. He squeezed the edge of his desk so hard his knuckles turned white. And why was it so warm in here?
"And," he finally found his voice, "will you?"
Jin managed to stand up, "I think I will, yeah."
He didn't know where he got his courage from but he took a step closer to the other boy, and then another. Searching for signs Namjoon would say no or maybe didn't want him to, after all, but Namjoon just swallowed and kept his eyes locked on Jin's mouth.
Jin hunched down, asking permission with his eyes and getting it when Namjoon gasped, opening his mouth the tiniest bit and looking straight into Jin's eyes.
And then their lips met.
Jin felt himself dissolve, cease to be, becoming something else entirely, 'Oh, wow, ok, this is something else!' he thought, 'This is,' he couldn't properly form his thoughts right now.
And then it wasn't enough to just feel Namjoon's soft lips against his, he closed the distance between them, pulling Namjoon up, running his hands up his back, letting his fingers play with his friend's hair, cradling him, pressing himself into the other boy, needing to be closer, pulling at his tucked in shirt, craving contact with his bare skin.
He could feel Namjoon's hands on the small of his back, steadying him as they stumbled, trying to get closer, and he fumbled himself back on the bed drawing the other one with him.
They somehow crawled on to the bed, intertwined with limbs everywhere.
Still kissing.
Panting for air.
Jin was pushing Namjoon's t-shirt up trying to rid him of it as the same time Namjoon was trying to open Jin's belt buckle.
"I'M GOING OVER TO HOBI!" Tae shouted from somewhere.
"K, BYE!" Jin answered and sat up momentarily and rid himself of his t-shirt and slippers.
Namjoon took the opportunity to do the same, and then they dived back into it. Jin pressed his bare chest flat against Namjoon's and moaned at the feel. He ran his shaking hands up the other boys sides, marveling at the softness of his skin.
Namjoon involuntary bucked his hips, making them come in contact in a way that almost made them come apart.
Namjoon broke away from their kissing and gasped, "We're doing this?"
"Hell, yeah." 
They giggled and turned on their backs trying to get their pants off as fast as possible.
When they were both naked they turned on their sides, facing eachother.
Jin traced the outlines of Namjoon's face with his finger, "How did I not know this about myself?" he wondered, dazed at the feeling.
Namjoon closed the distance between them and kissed him again, making Jin shake with anticipation, his hands were shivering as he slowly searched his way down between them, he had never touched another boy like this. He had never touched anyone like this!
He inched closer to the part he really wanted to touch, Namjoon was caressing his back, and dared, finally to clasp his hands around Jin's totally toned ass.
And Jin's hand reached its goal.
"No," Namjoon panicked, "don't touch itnng" and whipped his head back in overwhelming pleasure as he came in pulses.
Jin felt the other's member twitching, throbbing, spilling it's wet heat over his own exposed length, making him thrust forward to meet it and that's all it took for him to come undone as well, hiding his head against Namjoon's throat, growling as he emptied himself between them, shuddering, rubbing himself against him.
"Oh, man!" Namjoon said, resting his head against Jin's.

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