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"Welcome." Minho said, taking Hobi's hand, inviting him into his home.
"I missed you." Hobi admitted and took Minho's other hand and drew him in for a kiss.
"You look amazing!" Minho said and held Hobi out a bit from his body so he could fully appreciate the man. He was in a black, fitted suit with a white shirt open at the neck.
"Thank you." Hobi blushed, "You're so hot tonight I can't, even..." Hobi admitted.
The man was a snacc, a dish and a meal, with a sprikle of 'May I just please melt to a puddle in front of your feet?' on the side.
Man, man, man, man, man!
Not a guy.
A man.
He ment what he ment.
Black shirt.
Black trousers.
And a belt.
That he used.
And pulled the man in for another kiss.
The kiss soon turned heated and Hobi wound his arms around Minho's neck as he felt Minho hold him tight, with one arm on the small of his back and the other one softly and firmly supporting Hobi's head.
"I can't stop thinking about you," Hobi laughed, happily, panting for air, "I'm really a goner."
Minho giggled against Hobi's neck, "I know what you mean, I drift off so often at work with a silly smile on my face, Mr Kim actually suggested I'd take some time off, today!"
"But you've told him, right? That we're dating?"
"Yes." Minho assured him, "And I've formally dropped you as my clients, I did that at the party, when I realised I wasn't going to be able to stay away from you..."
"Oh." Hobi gasped, it hadn't truly sunk in before that, that might cause Minho some problems. Being involved with a client.
"Don't worry," Minho calmed him, "I'll still help you, of course, just, you know, as a private favour for my new good friends..." he winked.
"Oh, I'm your friend now, am I?" Hobi retorted, teasingly.
"Well, I was hoping," Minho gruffed, low and suggestivly in Hobi's ear making his insides flip and churn, "to be able to call you my boyfriend from now on..."
"I would be ok with that." Hobi gasped and tongued Minho, in a sloppy, feverish kiss.

"Well," Minho said with a dark husky voice after kissing for a couple of hours or so, "do you want to come in or should we just spend the evening out here in the hall? I'm ok with both."
"I wanna see your place!" Hobi was insanely curious to be honest.
Minho had such an aesthetic feel to his whole being, Hobi couldn't wait to see how that manifested itself in his dwellings.
"Wow!" Hobi almost had to sit down.
The place had a view that was something else. The whole city sparkled beneath and it had never looked more beautiful.
A combined kitchen and livingroom made up the bulk of the place with a large dinner table near the big windows. Candles were lit, wine in the glasses. And to Hobi's secret relief everything seemed very neat and well organised. Just the way he liked it.
Minho smiled and wiggled his body a bit, "I'm actually nervous!" he admitted, laughing at himself. "I want you to like it." he confessed, feeling like a teenager.
Hobi took his hands and laced their fingers together, "I do." he smiled.
"Yeah?" Minho said, relieved.
"Uhum." Hobi smiled, even wider, getting lost in Minho's eyes. Feeling happy just to be standing there.
Holding Minho's hands.
Looking at him.
He didn't ever want to let go.
The knowledge almost floored him.
He had to take a deep breath. Something new and unfamiliar was happening to Hobi, beyond anything he'd ever experienced before.
But he was so here for it.
"You're so beautiful." Minho said and let go of one of Hobi's hands so he could cup Hobi's cheek and adore him a bit.

"You've made bulgogi? For me?" Hobi said, almost teary eyed as they sat down to eat.
"You did say it was your favourite..." Minho said.
"I would have been ok with a bowl of instant ramen!" Hobi protested.
"Yeah, no." Minho shook his head, "I'm not going to put instant ramen on the table for a guy I'm trying to impress."
"You're trying to impress me?"
Minho nodded, a bit shy, but with a definite sparkle of joy in his eye.
"I don't think anyone's ever tried to impress me before." Hobi said, a bit taken by the realisation. And moved. And touched. That someone as impressive as Mr Lee Minho was trying to impress him, little snot face.
"I'm sure that's not true!" Minho couldn't believe his ears.
Hobi shook his head, "No, I don't think anyone has, actually, not in this context."
"How," Minho was lost for words, "that's," he shook his head and reached for Hobi's hand and laced their fingers together, "I," he had to clear his throat, "want to," he swallowed and began anew, "you make me want to be the best version of myself, Hoseok, so you'll want me as much as I want you." he admitted, feeling a little bit scared.
The things this guy made him do! And say! They were moving so fast!
He really didn't have any control over this!
"You're everything I want." Hobi admitted, reverently.
And he ment it!
"I want you with everything I am. Everything." Hobi felt himself mature in real-time. He knew he was an responsible adult, ready for a true and steadfast relationship but in some ways he still felt like a child.
He had, after all, only been picked up and hooked up with men before. As an adult.
And the thing with Jimin was, well, he learnt a lot.
But not anymore.
Sitting here across this wonderful man, Hobi felt his eyes tear up, he suddenly realised that not only would you have to be prepared to give yourself completely to the other person, you'd also had to be prepared to accept the full weight of that person's feelings for you, carry them, letting yourself be lifted up by them, feeling worthy of them, truly recieving that gift and honouring it.
"I love you." Hobi blurted out, "I want to be loved by you." he swallowed some air when his head caught up with his heart and started cough laughing, "And I know it's fast, and I know we don't really know eachother, but, I see you and it feels like I've always known you."
They were still holding hands, looking into eachother's eyes, slowly landing in this moment.
Hobi felt Minho draw a circle with his thumb at the back of Hobi's hand, looking puzzled, in awe and, honestly, completely smitten, "How has no one made you their own, yet?" Minho whispered, "Are they all crazy? You're amazing? And all I've ever wanted? More! How..." Minho swallowed, "I, Hobi, Hoseok, I love you. I love you." he said on a gasp and stood up, pulling Hobi into his arms for a long, very heartfelt and gentle kiss, that took Hobi to places he didn't knew existed.
"But are you really sure you want all this commotion around me in your life?" Hobi wondered, almost freaking out.
He wouldn't blame him if he didn't but he really didn't want him to say no either.
But he wanted to get this out of the way as soon as possible.
"Yes." Minho assured him, "I want you." he growled, "You're worth it." and he ment it.
"You're, amazing." Minho laughed at himself, lost for words, "I'm supposedly good at communication," he cackled, "but you make me speachless." he confessed, little bit embarrassed and went back to kissing him.

The Kim Family TetralogyWhere stories live. Discover now