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Jin was so fucking over this, whole, situation, thingy, they were in.
It'd been days since the party and he'd still not fully left the argument he and Namjoon had had that night.
It sat in his stomach.
Waiting to be fed.
Jin was hell-bent on starving it, though.
He still felt betrayed.
Ok. Fine.
He'd been drunk.
But still.
Bypassed somehow.

He couldn't stand being around any of them right now, to be honest, yet here he was, locked in a house in the middle of nowhere with all of them.
Hobi was beyond infatuated, constantly texting with Minho, sighing, longingly staring off into space like frecken Rapunzel waiting for her prince.
Jin did not want to be the Grinch and raise concerns about that affiliation when no one else seemed to have a problem with it.
So he stayed silent.
Praying nothing bad would come of it.
'Cause all the bad things could go fuck themselves.
The fucktards, speaking of, having regained all their strength and stamina, yay, were setting a new world record every two hours or so upstairs.
At least that's what it felt like.
He should be used to it by now.
They had moved out for a brief period of time.
And apparently that'd been enough to forget.
To get used to something else.
He missed his home.
He missed his work!
He missed his fucking life, for crying out loud!
He still hadn't heard anything from the ministry about his future.
If he had a future.
Fuck if he knew.
And there wasn't a thing, nothing, zilch, nada, he could do about it.
There were no arms to twist, no cases to plead, nothing he could do but wait.
O, joy.
And, his ass of a husband, had found a small pond at the back of the house crawling with critters of all kinds, so he was in heaven.
He should at least be miserable too.
'I fucking hate life right now.' he thought to himself and poured himself another glass of white wine, stacked with fresh slices of peaches and some frozen grapes.
Maybe he'd even make some melon and prosciutto to snack on too?
Namjoon had critters, he had food.
He went back to his contemplation spot and put his feet up on the windowsill.
To mope some more.
'Because I'm worth it.' he mocked himself.

Someone came and sat down beside him.
He didn't need to look, he knew it was Tae.
They sat in silence for a good long while, Jin taking the occasional sip of his wine, Tae pilfering pieces of melon and ham. Like always.
It was oddly soothing.
"What's going on with Namjoon and you?" Tae asked softly when he realised he couldn't get Jin to spill just by sitting beside him, which usually worked.
"Stuff." Jin sighed.
"Please don't fight because of us?" Tae begged.
"Couple stuff." Jin clarified, not willing to divulge any further.
"Did something happen?"
"Not really." Jin sighed deeper.
It was just.
"You wanna talk about it?"
"Not really." Jin chuckled, feeling like a sullen preeteen.
"Ok." Tae said and put his head on Jin's shoulder, offering him his silent support.
Hobi went past behind them, talking on the phone, "I miss you more! Ok. Kiss, kiss. Bye, baby. Bye! Hang up! No, you hang up first! Hihi, no, you!"
"Whattya think of that?" Jin sighed as Hobi disappeared upstairs still engaged in nonsensical babbling.
"I think it's a match made in heaven." Tae confessed, truthfully.
"You're not worried about the..." Jin waved his glass about.
"I think Minho knows what he's doing." Tae firmly stated.
So, just him then.
Jin sighed again.
Jungkook showed up and bent down from behind to kiss Tae on the cheek, "I'm taking Bonbon for a run." he announced.
"Ok, baby." Tae smiled reaching a hand up to pull him down for another kiss, before he left, munching on an apple.
"He seems to have recuperated alright." Jin stated.
"He's getting there." Tae agreed.
"Does he ever make you feel like the little wifey?" Jin could've bit his tongue off.
Tae looked at him, searching.
"Sometimes." Tae nodded, "When I let him." he grinned.
"Aish!" Jin whipped Tae's arm with his hand, repeatedly, "That's not what I ment, you little horndog!"
Tae laughed and ducked behind a pillow to get out of the fire, giggling.
He peaked back out when Jin stopped, "But, yeah," he continued, more serious, "it happens. But,"
"But, what?"
"I think it's mostly something I do to myself, you know? When I'm drama queening to much, or, you know, being extra as fuck?"
"Drama queening?" Jin laughed, "I mean, it makes perfect sense, but is that even a word?"
"Well, now it is." Tae nodded, proud of himself.
Jin sighed.
It was his new thing.
The fall fashion of this year.
"Just like Jungkook sometimes claims I make him feel like some uneducated neanderthal from the country, which, I might add," Tae held up a finger, "I do not view him as. At all." he shook his head, annoyed at the mere thought.
"So you're saying that brute Dr Phil is right? We teach people how to treat us?" Jin sighed.
"To an extent, yeah. I mean, I never taught someone to take a shot at me, but I do play on my helpless side sometimes with Jungkook, 'cause, you know, foreplay." he shrugged.
"It's always about the boinking with you two, isn't it?" Jin said with mock distain.
"Yeah, pretty much!" Tae agreed, laughing.
Jin pouted and leaned back hard on his chair, crossing his arms infront of him.
He did not want this to be on him.
One bit.
"But, I mean, Namjoon is obviously a pisspot for making you feel that way." Tae said, agreeingly, "Obviously."
"He is, isn't he?" Jin squinted his eyes.
Tae nodded, in loyal support, "Totally." he nodded, "You should divorce him."
"Divorce who?" Namjoon wondered, coming in to the room, all muddy from his excursion.
"You." Jin stated.
"Oh?" Namjoon was surprised, "What did I do?"
"Mud." Jin pointed to his trails.
"Oh, sorry!" Joon blushed, "I'll clean it up in a sec, I just need to use the bathroom first."
"Take your fucking shoes off, before you go upstairs!" Jin shouted after him. Sometimes his husband was completely clueless, after all.
"Nice save." Tae praised.
"If I'm going to be the wife, I'm going to be the wife." Jin shrugged and stood up, "Come on, Squirt, let's go prepare dinner."
Tae sighed, but got up and followed Jin into the kitchen anyway, "Yeah, no. That's not the kind of wife I am." he complained.

Hobi came skipping into the kitchen and bear hugged Tae, lifting him off his feet, kissing him smack on the mouth, "I have a date on Friday," he twittered, turning them both in a dance before putting Tae down and, skipping out of the kitchen again, "I'm so happy!" he sang, making Taehyung giggle from how silly he was being.
"I do get the feeling the animals of the forrest are going to start appearing soon." Jin laughed, "Helping him clean, or something!"
"Yeah." Tae agreed, "But I must say, it warms my heart to see him like this though!"
"See who, how?" Namjoon wondered coming in to the kitchen in search of a mop.
"Seing Hobi being so happy." Tae smiled.
"THE HILLS ARE ALIVE, WITH THE SOUND OF MUSIC!" Hobi howled from upstairs.
"O-O-OH!" Tae howled the fill back.
"The hills fill my heart, with the sound of music." Tae sang this time, streaching his arm out, being theathrical.
"My heart wants to sing every song it hears!" Jungkook answered and took his hand, completing the trio.
"Well, I'm calling it." Jin said, "We're one tent short of a circus." he complained, going full martyr.
But with a smile.
"My heart wants to beat like the wings of birds that rise," Bonbon's deep voice continued, making them all do a double take, "from the lake to the trees."
"My heart wants to sigh like the chime that flies," Bikram sang, to everyone's complete surprise, he just wasn't the type who could sing like that, but obviously, "from a church on a breeze."
And there it kinda stopped.
None of them could seem to remember the rest correctly so they all just bleated out, "THE HILLS ARE ALIVE WITH THE SOUND OF MUSIC, I KNOW I WILL SING FOR A THOUSAND YEEEEEAAAAAARS!"
"OMG," Jungkook laughed, "We're so gay!"
"Nope." Hobi protested, "True gays would've known the whole lyrics." he nodded.
"Are you saying we're not even qualifying as gay?" Jin retorted at lot sharper than he inteded, he was actually hurt, but realised his mistake when the mood in the kitchen took a nosedive.
"Is there no end to our suffering?" he saved it, with an dramatic hand on his forehead.
The others granted him his patch up and polite giggles were heard, even if he didn't fool anyone, which became embarrassingly clear when Tae gave him a side hug.
Jin kissed him on the head.
"I'm sorry." he whispered.
"It's ok." Tae whispered back, sqeezing him extra hard.
Namjoon didn't caress his back, though, like he usually did when Jin was upset.
And that truly hurt.
Something fierce.
Jin sighed.
And went back to rinsing the vegetables.

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