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There were speeches.
Taehyung knew they were good, but he didn't listen.
And food.
He tried to eat, but didn't want to let go of Jungkook's hand.
Or stop looking at him.
His husband.
"We're married." he sighed, happily.
"We are." Jungkook smiled back, looking, luminous, radiant, happy.
"You are so beautiful." Tae lifted his hand to touch his face,
"Taehyung, son," Namjoon said, softly, to the side of him, interrupting his motion, "it's your turn to talk." he handed him the microphone.
"Oh." Tae had to shake his head to return to reality, "Right." he tried to remember his speech, but his mind had gone blank.

But he stood up nontheless and turned to Jungkook, his beautiful Jungkook, and paused, letting his consciousness catch up to his heart, "There is a million things I want to say to you." he started, forcing his voice to cooperate and his head to stay in the room and not go back to their private cocoon of love, "A million." he nodded, "None of them fit into any existing words that I know of." he realised and had a small breakdown, tears streaming down his cheeks without warning, his emotions going everywhere, but he managed to pull himself together, "You are the most wonderful person in the entire world!" that much he remembered, "You are my miracle. My forever home. My one, true, love. My partner in crime. My husband."
Yeah, he broke down again, uncontrollable sobs shaking his body there for a second.
"And I love you." he continued, helplessly, "I love you. And I'm so happy! So incredibly happy! I love you!" he took Kook's hand, his, of happiness shining, prince's warm and reliable hand, realising he had one more thing to say, to promise, "And Jungkook," he solemnly swore, "I promise to do everything in my power, for the rest of my life, everything I can, to keep you, make you be, as happy as you are today." he smiled, fondly, "To my husband," he raised his glass, "Jungkookkeo!"
"To Jungkook." Jin stepped in, giving everyone else a chance to join the cheer.
"To Jungkook!" everyone shouted.
More or less.
He sat down and got pulled in for a smooch by said husband.
"I am happy." Jungkook whispered, owning up to it.
"I can tell." Taehyung smiled, and kissed him again, "And so am I." he nodded, "Very happy. But you shine, my love." he cupped his face, "And, I want to see this light in you, forever more. You're beautiful." his voice cracked, "So beautiful." he caressed Kook's face, "It makes my heart flutter. And begin to soar."
"Because of you." Jungkook sobbed, "You make me happy, Taehyung. You."
"You." Taehyung smiled back with so much love in his eyes, Jungkook had to bend to kiss him again.

Jungkook was so in love he almost couldn't breathe.
His whole body was humming.
Pounding heat ran through him with every heartbeat.
Making him flushed all over.
And his cheeks felt like they were on fire.
Along with his heart.
Returning him to the state he'd been in from that first kiss they shared in Yoongi's hall.
That night.
This day.
Back and forth.
All at once.

"Ok. I'll go next." Namjoon said and stood up, "Entertain the crowds while you are lost in eachother." he looked over at the happy couple with a squint and a smirk.
"Daad." Taehyung and Jungkook said in unison and rolled their eyes.
"Shush, your father is speaking." Jin hushed them, getting laughs from the crowd.
"Yes, well, I was only sixthteen when I became a dad," Namjoon ogled the happy couple, raising his eyebrows, pursing his lips, making a little face, and then looked around him and smiled, "of course I didn't know it at the time, I just thought I'd met my new friend's baby brother," the guests laughed, "and then, before I'd even turned twenty, what do you know, I suddenly got another kid! Quite impressive if you ask me, seeing as I barely even had had sex at that point, much less with a woman..."
Hobi catcalled him with a piercing wistle.
"These two," he looked at Tae and Kook again, "complete idiots," " he held his hand out in an apologetic gesture, "I'm sorry, but you are, I love you, but you are, have made me question my sanity on multiple occasions, made me worry, cry, want to run away, give up, throw up, and even consider adoption. Of me!" his exasperation was real.
"But you have also made me laugh harder and more often than I've ever have before, grow in ways I couldn't have imagined and love deeper than I thought was possible," he continued, "and my husband and I," he took Jin's hand looking adoringly at him before turning towards the grooms, "couldn't be more proud of you than we are today, as you take your first steps as a new subunit of the Kim family." his voice became a bit unsteady, "We will always be there for you, loving you, supporting you, drowning you in the toilet when you need it, having your backs. Always." he said, sincerely, "We already are family, bound together by love. Forever. But now, by some really hard work, personal sacrifices, and probably divine intervention, we've, finally, got it on paper!" he raised his glass, "To Taehyung and Jungkook, our sons, the best sons any dads could ever wish for! Long may you love!"
"Long may you love!"

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