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They didn't want to leave Jin alone in the hospital, so all of them camped out in his room.
It was against hospital protocol to have them in there, of course, but, given the fact they only had the two bodyguards available at the moment and Jin needed extra security as well, the hospital just let it slide.
Namjoon was sleeping, seated beside Jin with his head on the bed, holding Jin's hand.
Tae and Kook had promptly claimed a spot on the floor and were sleeping intertwined with Jungkook's jacket under their heads and Taehyung's as a cover.
Hobi slept leaning his head on Minho's shoulder on the visitor's chairs.
Minho was still working.
He realised he was having trouble focusing his eyes and that he hadn't eaten anything since, God knows.
He propped up his bag as a pillow and gently placed Hobi's head on there, without waking him, and took off his coat and placed it over the love of his fucking life.
God, how he loved him!
He drew a shaky breath, "I'll be right back." he whispered and kissed Hobi on the forehead.

"Bonbon," Minho said quietly, "I need some coffee and to stretch my frecken legs, will you?"
"Sure." Bonbon smiled and stood up to join him. They'd made the decision everyone on the team should have a bodyguard present when they were out and about.
"How you holding up?" Bonbon asked, looking worried.
Minho sighed, "This is not my first rodeo, but."
"You love them." Bonbon nodded, "It's always harder on you when you're emotionally invested. It just is." he shrugged.
"Yeah." Minho agreed, "And it's, a bit close to home, you know?"
They both sighed.
"What can I get you?" the cafeteria guy asked them.
"A bucket of coffee, a banana, some sort of sandwich and an ice cream." Minho ordered.
"O, ice cream!" Bonbon said and ordered the same and a large coffee.

"I talked to the Ministry earlier this evening," Bonbon said, as they sat down with their coffees, "and they've agreed to foot some of the bill for your security."
"Oh, really?"
"Mm. I think they're scared you'll sue them for leaving Jin in the wind while he was technically still under their command, which I think you at least should hold over them..." he took a bite of his ice cream, "But anyway, I'm not above flogging them for a good amount, so we can get all of you a bodyguard, when, you know, things, take off?"
"Bonbon!" Minho giggled, "Rawr!"
"I'm so angry right now." Bonbon confessed, "I mean, that man has only done good in his entire life and some, fucking, low life, just," he shook his head, "it's not right."
"It never is." Minho agreed.
"Are we set for tomorrow? Security wise?" Minho wondered.
"Don't worry about it. I've called in my best guys. They'll be here in a couple of hours."
"Good." Minho nodded, "'Cause it could get messy."
"Yeah." Bonbon sighed, "But let's do it anyway?"
"You betcha." Minho laughed.

"Alright, people!" Minho yawned and stretched his arms over his head, "Sorry. I still have a couple more hours in me, but then I'm going to have to get some sleep."
They'd borrowed some sort of conference room for a last run through of what to say and not at the press conference.
"I wish I actually drank coffee." Taehyung muttered, struggling to fully wake up, "Why does it smell so good when it tastes like crap?" he moped.
"Hdnu." Jungkook mumbled. He was still sleeping. Wasn't any way else to describe it. And no amount of coffee could change that.
"Listen, my bet is that they're gonna pummel you with questions about why he was at that bar, alone, yesterday. Yesterday?" time had become blurry for Minho, not getting any sleep, "Yesterday." he determined.
"Obviously, none of us know why he was there, but, should push come to shove, lie. Say, 'he had a bag of prescription drugs on him? Maybe he just had them filled?' Which isn't a lie per say, he really did have a bag of medicin on him, but." he shrugged, "If nothing else works, you go to the nuclear option, 'You'll just have to ask Hyung if, when, he wakes up."
Minho stretched his neck out, "When it comes to Jins health, 'We're not out of the woods yet. They're monitoring the swelling of the brain, but so far so good.' and so on." he paused, "I've been thinking a lot about what would be the most impactful set up, when it comes to which of us should be up there on the podium."
Everyone sat up straight, "I would've wanted Namjoon up there, but," he motioned infront of his face, "that's just gonna be a distraction. I'm sorry." he apologised, hinting at Namjoon's bruised up faceplant-face and continued "I'm a bit too close to all of you know to be able to be completely objective," he sighed, "but my experience tells me that Hobi and Jungkook will draw the most interest from the media, but, Tae may also be a big magnet for them, the brother who almost got shot. Yoongi, you're kinda beside this, so." he shrugged apologetically, "And I feel a bit hesitant to put Taehyung and Jungkook up there together," he turned to Tae, "because it will tempt them to try to get you agitated and out of balance. So you'll touch, or seek comfort from eachother. They would love to have those pictures."
"OMG," Taehyung clawed his face, "This is just, fucking hell, should we just pull the plug and move to Sweden?"
"That is an option." Minho nodded.
"No it's not." Namjoon said, quietly, looking down at the table, "I don't know why all of us met, how, why the universe thought it was a good idea for all of us to cross paths and form bonds like we have," he raised his head, "but being a theoretical physicist, I do recognise a critical mass when I see one." he looked around the table, "What we have here, and I include Jin in this equation, and Jimin, away as he may be, is nine exceptional induviduals, with gifts and talents far beyond average. Like Minho said, a dream team, and, we owe it to ourselves, to the world, to try and change things for the better when we have this chance, using those gifts, our talents, our different skill sets, the army of supporters we have, and the power that we now wield. I'm not a religious man, but I would like to quote Rabbi Hillel; 'If I am not for my self, who will be for me? If I am not for others, who am I? And, if not now, when?'"
There was a stunned silence.
"Hobi and I should do it." Taehyung then said, "He should answer the questions about Jin, 'cause I'll break down if I'll have to talk about that. So, that, and you know, and we gotta stop saying you know, but, you know," he chuckled, "questions about team dick, and gay rights and stuff. I will only talk about Jin's initiative, pointing out that I'm not trying to take my brother's place, but that this is so important to him, I feel we can't wait to launch it, because there are children in need as we speak. And I'll pretend I'm the one with the most insight into that project, besides Jin. Which I'm not. It's Tits. But." he had to forcefully stop himself from ending that sentance with, you know?
"Glorious." Minho said, "Then you two should take a shower, shave, and get some suits on you."
"We'll still look like shit." Hobi muttered.
"Yes." Minho nodded, with a fond smile, "But good looking shit." he winked, "And it's armour. Everyone will still be able to see how tired and worn you are, but, you'll send the message, you're not fooling around."
"You'll be there, though? Right?" Taehyung asked.
"Yes." Minho promised, "And we'll have an direct line of communication through messanger, I'll feed you lines if you need it. Just look down, and pretend to think."
"Yeah." Yoongi nodded, "I've never seen anyone type faster on a phone than this guy right here."
"I have big hands." Minho held one up and did the jazz hand thing.
"Hmmng." Hobi said.
Jiwoo picked up a a paper towel and dabbed the corner of his mouth, "There," she said, "you had a little bit of drool coming out."
"Shut up." Hobi said, embarrassed, and shoved her, lightly, to everyone's amusement.

The Kim Family TetralogyWhere stories live. Discover now