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"Well, peeps," Namjoon put his sunglasses on, "let's get this party started!"
"Uuurghm." Hobi sounded, green in the face. They had run into some bad turbulence on their flight to Jeju Island.
"Nope." Taehyung said, slightly less green but still on the same palette, holding Hobi up, "I need to go lay down."
Jungkook was practically carrying a half dead Jimin and just glared at Namjoon.
Yoongi stalked past in a bucket hat drawn down as far as he could get it, biggest sunglasses he could find on his nose and a mask over his mouth, "Imma go puke, thank you very much."
Jin was the only other person left standing and he and Namjoon looked happily at eachother, "Romantic outing, just the two of us?" he suggested.
Namjoon nodded enthusiastically, "Let's just check-in first and make sure no one's dying and then we go!"

"Bad weather, I see?" a sarcastic voice said behind them as they were checking in.
"Jiwoo!" Jin shouted and gave her a hug before he kissed her cheeks, "It's so good to see you! How have you been?"
"Hi, Jin!" she smiled holding Jin's hands, "It's good to see you too!" she turned to the others, "Namjoon! OMG, it's been ages!" she hugged him, "Welcome to my hotel!"
"Wait? Your hotel?" Jin gaped at her.
"Mhm." she nodded, with a proud flush on her cheeks.
"Damn," Namjoon said, "I should have gone for business instead!"
"Aish!" she slapped him on his arm, "Says Dr and Dr Kim..." she stuck her tongue out at them. "Come on! I'll show you to your rooms!"
"Hey, sis." Hobi said and gave her a half hug.
"Christ!" she snickered, ushering the sorry lot to the elevator, "Do I need to call a doctor or? No wait, you travel with one now!" she realised. "Two!" she giggled.
"I'm pretty sure they'll all survive." Jin smiled.
"Yeah, well, just pick up the phone if there's anything you need!" she held out key cards for all of them, "So, if snot face has informed me correctly, there are three couples and one single?"
"Geez, rub it in will ya'" Yoongi snarled.
"What was that, diaper rash?" Jiwoo held her hand behind her ear.
"Nothing." Yoongi mumbled to his shoes.
"Shall we start with the most pitiful?" she smiled wickedly at her brother and Jimin, "this is yoou." she said and opened the door to a nice, big room with a king sized bed, "Thanks, sis." Hobi said and snatched the key when Jimin had stumbled onto the bed.
"This is yoou." she handed Yoongi his card.
"Thank you." he mumbled and slipped inside, locking the door after him.
"And this room is for the cuties," she squished Tae and Jungkook's cheeks, "you're so handsome!"
"Jiwoo-Noona!" Tae exclaimed, "This is a suite!"
"Mhm." she nodded, "A bridal suite." she gave them a telling look.
"Thank you!" Taehyung and Jungkook did what they always did when someone showed the two of them affection, unexpectedly, they hugged her between them.
"When did you become so tall?" she asked, amazed how big the little ones had gotten all of a sudden.
"Squeezed out a couple of inches, just last week." Tae teased.
"Aish." she hit him on his arm, "Go take a nap, you look like death!"
"Yes, Noona." Tae and Kook said in unison, like they used to, way back when.
She reached for them and caressed their cheeks, very gently. "I've missed you." she admitted.
"We've missed you too." Tae said, "Thank you for doing this for us, it's very kind of you!"
"Aish!" she blushed, "You're too handsome, I don't know where to look!" she giggled, "Now, off to bed! Night, night!" she said, closing the door behind them.
"And this room," she opened the last door in the corridor, "is for my dear friends Dr and Dr Kim!" she smiled, showing them an extravagant suite. "It's my graduation present, dissertation present and engagement present to you! I'm so proud of you!"
Jin and Namjoon stood, struck, looking at the good damned villa before them.
"Jiwoo," Jin finally managed to croak out, "you really didn't have to!"
"But I wanted to." she reached up to kiss his cheek.
"It's just you and the guys on this floor, so you can pretty much do whatever you want to do and be confident no one is going to bother you."
She'd been fuming, all those years ago when Jungkook and Taehyung had been, well, exposed, and vowed to never let anything like that happen at any hotel she was associated with, be it as an employee or a manager.
"Thank you." Namjoon said and kissed her cheek, "This is too much, but thank you! We all needed to get away and recharge. Thank you!"

The Kim Family TetralogyWhere stories live. Discover now