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"TAE!" Jimin hollered on the top of his lungs.
"Jesus Christ, Jimin!" Tae said, peaking his head out from his study.
"Sorry," Jimin shrugged, "I'm just used to shouting for you in your old home."
"What's up?" Tae motioned with his head for Jimin to join him in the study, his hands were covered in oil paint and thinners.
He'd decided to paint a picture in a renaissance style, using, well duh, renaissance materials. But he was beginning to regret that decision. It was such a freaking bother. And the layers had to dry like forever inbetween sessions. Murder.
"What? I can't just come visit my best friend?"
"Yeees," Tae agreed, "but what's up?"
Jimin sighed and flopped down into the comfy armchair in the corner, slinging his legs over the back, looking at Tae upside down.
"I think I made a mistake getting into it with Hobi." Jimin sighed.
Again Jimin sighed, "Well, he's not like me." he whined.
"No." Tae agreed, silently chuckling, "No one is."
"What's that's supposed to mean?" Jimin was feeling a little bit offended.
"Of course he's not like you!" Tae argued, "He's a completely different person, silly!"
"You're like me." Jimin pouted.
"No I'm not." Tae shook his head.
"Are too!"
"Describe me then, and I'll tell you if you're right or not."
"Well," Jimin sat up, "you wanna have fun, and go on adventures and, experience things!"
"S'that it?"
"You wanna play, and make art and go out and have great sex!"
"Mhm." Tae motioned whith his hand to get Jimin to carry on.
"Well, yeah." Jimin nodded.
"I want all those things." Tae agreed, "But I also want, to make a home with Jungkook and take care of Jungkook 'til he's old and gray. Fight with him, make up with him, let him be my support, be his pillar to lean on. Grow and learn and evolve. Be stable. Have my brother's back. Be a good brother-in-law to Namjoon." he nodded his head, "And most importantly of all, be at Jungkook's mercy just as he is at mine."
Taehyung looked down at his hands, "Knowing that I hold the most precious parts of him in my hands, just as he holds mine. Being responsible for what happens to those parts. Being entrusted with that treasure."
Jimin sat with his mouth open.
"Love you." Jungkook said, passing by the room.
"Love you, too, baby." Taehyung answered.
"Well, you're no fun." Jimin moped and resumed his upside down position, "Why is everyone all grown up all of a sudden?"
"Jimin," Tae sighed, "Jungkook and I were just kids when we fell in love, and most of what you see from our relationship stems from that period, but."
Tae shook his head again, "we went through some serious shit, and that made us, well, let's just say we had to really decide for ourselves if what we had was worth the fight."
They sat quiet.
"And that made us have to peek into the future, probably a lot faster than if we hadn't had that happen to us." Tae said and shrugged, "And Jungkook's it for me. He's the one I want." he smiled, "But because of all that, soul searching we had to do, we've made it a point to explore and have fun and not say no, 'cause we know it's us. Forever. Even if we're still young."
Jimin opened his mouth to speak but got interrupted by Tae, "What we have is so much more than what you get to see, Jimin, and that's kind of the point I'm trying to make here. Getting into it with Hobi could be so much more for you, too, and, well, seriously getting into it with anyone is so much more than what you see on the surface." he shrugged.
"I hate you." Jimin pouted.
"No you don't."
"No I don't. I love you." Jimin admitted, and looked away, "Still..."
"It's too soon for you?"
"Might be." Jimin confessed, "I don't know." he shrugged, "And, I don't want to give him false hope or hold Hoseok back if he's ready for something I'm not." he sighed. Yet again.
"Have you told him this?"
"Kind of." Jimin looked out the window. It felt like he was questioning everything, lately. Especially who he wanted to be, what kind of life he wanted and if he lacked something everyone else seemed to have.
"He's willing to wait for me, give me some time to figure things out."
"That's good." Tae nodded.
"Yeah. It's just," sighing Jimin was back at it, "it feels like a lot of pressure. Like I have to make up my mind when all I want is to not make up my mind and just go with the flow and see where it leads us? You know?"
"I don't know what to tell you, Jimin. You're gonna have to figure this out for yourself. But I'm here for you. Whatever you need."
"A hug?"
Tae laughed and came over to hug his best friend.
"Yuff. What is that smell?" Jimin scrunched his nose.
"Turpentine." Tae laughed, and got up from the kneeling position he was in, "Come on," he smiled, "we have something to do!" he cleaned his hands on a rag and walked out of the room.
Jimin did a backflip and followed him.

"AND THE SEAL GOES OW OW OW!" Taehyung and Jimin screamed in eachother's faces as Jungkook entered the livingroom, drawn by the cacophony.
Tae was jumping like a crazy elf towards Jungkook and shouted, "WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY?"
"Lost their marbles." Jungkook firmly established, and left them to it.

"What was all that with Jimin about, today?" Jungkook asked Tae cuddling on his chest as per usual.
Tae sighed, "Growing up."
"He doesn't want to, I presume?"
"Kind of." Tae hiked himself up on his elbows that he rested on Jungkook's chest, "I never really realised, I don't know," he put his head down again.
"That you've outgrown him?" Jungkook suggested.
"Yeah, I mean, I love Jimin but it's like he's still in college, wanting everything to be about fun and party and fooling around?"
Jungkook stayed quiet.
"I mean, I like fun and party and fooling around."
"I hope you mean as in being silly..." Jungkook said, mock menacing.
Tae slapped him.
"We all do," he continued not bothering to dignify that comment with a reply, "even Jin and Joon, but."
"You want more?"
Taehyung nodded, "I want what you and I have, a life, an idea about the future. But still with plenty of room for improvisation."
"I'm guessing that's what Hobi wants too?"
Tae nodded.
"I think," Jungkook began, "but I'm not sure," he paused, "I mean, Jin and Joon doesn't count here, they were probably middleaged from birth,"
"Kind of, yeah." Tae agreed.
"What I'm trying to say is, well, take Hobi and I, we've worked our butts of since we were kids trying to get to where we are now, and that takes responsibility and dedication and focus. You don't just stumble upon it. And Yoongi and you have that too, that ambition to be good at what you do and a will to persue it."
"But Jimin has his dancing?"
"Yeah, but where's he going with it? He's really good, yes, but? Then what?"
Jungkook sighed, "I know I want that olympic gold medal that evaded me last time, I want it. Bad. But I also know what I'm going to do next, what I want to do next, since I can't perform on this level forever."
"My man with a plan." Tae giggled and kissed him on his lips.
"Yeah, I'm freaking Captain America over here. But that's kind of my point."
"Yeah, I get what you're saying." he snuggled closer to Jungkook again, "I think Jimin will get there, eventually, but right now, he and Hobi are just really out of step." he shrugged. Wasn't much he could do about it.
"Is this what you picked up on, at Jeju, when you were so cute, and drunk, and aaaall mine?" Jungkook said the last part in baby voice.
"Maybe." Tae shrugged. And sighed. And decided to change the subject, "Wanna fuck?"
"OMG!" Jungkook shouted "You're impossible!"
He flipped them over, lacing both their hands together holding them above Tae's head, "You know I always want to fuck." he shoved his tongue down Tae's throat, "But I can't." he moaned, "I'm not allowed. I have all those bloodtests and crap tomorrow."
"Oh, right! I forgot!" Tae pulled both his arms out so Kook collapsed on top of him, "Wanna watch me jerk off?" he wiggled his eyebrows, suggestively.
"A little more enthusiasm would be appropiate!"
"Sure?" Jungkook teased.
"No. I'm not gonna do it now." Taehyung pouted, "You had your chance and now its gone!" he stuck his tongue out.
"You didn't wanna do it anyway." Jungkook laughed.
"No. I didn't." Taehyung admitted but turned his head away in an epic sulk anyway.
"I always admire your work, baby." Jungkook giggled, nuzzling into Tae's neck.
"Well, you can admire it tomorrow," Tae reached for the light and turned it off, "goodnight!"
They were both laughing, "Goodnight, baby." Jungkook kissed Tae's head.
Tae licked his pecs up to his jaw.
"Asshole." Jungkook moaned. Tae knew that always turned him on.
"Love you, too, baby."

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