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"I wanna go to a club tonight." Jungkook said as he was getting dressed in the morning.
"Ok." Tae said, "What's the occasion?"
Jungkook turned from the mirror and flexed his body, something he knew Tay couldn't resist.
"I want to put on some sexy clothes, walk in with my gorgeous man, have everyone look at us, want us, flirt with us, dream of us and then I want to dance with you, grind against you, lick your neck and your jaw, make everyone jealous, and then I want to take you to the bathroom and jerk you off, make you moan so loud everyone knows what we're doing, and then, I want to take you home and suck your cock."
Taehyung had become a creature of nerve endings and no brain.
He stood there, unable to speak as Jungkook walked up to him, took him by the neck and kissed him. Hard.
And left!
He couldn't tell how long he stood there, blank, without a thought to his head. "How am I supposed to get anything done today?" he finally asked the air.
"Hm? Did you want anything?" Namjoon stuck his head in, asking.
Taehyung still hadn't moved, but managed to turn his head towards Namjoon, "Jungkook messed with my head." he said distraught.
Namjoon caught glimpse of the tent downstairs. "I do not want to know!" he said sternly and went to find Jin.
"Jin!" he shouted, "Tae needs you!"
"What?" Jin stepped out of the bathroom with his toothbrush still in hand and toothpaste all over his face, "Why, what's wrong?" he ran to his brother's room where he found his little brother standing in the middle of it, ten foot tent pole in his pants and a completely bewildered look on his face.
Jin laughed and went to hug his cutie from behind, "I see you two have found a way to make do, after all?"
"He's the devil." Tae shivered.
Jin kissed his temple, "I'm sure you can make him regret it."

It was hell.
Taehyung obviously tried to take care of the problem in the shower before going to work but that somehow only made things worse.
And he couldn't stop thinking about it!
He was totally off keel the whole day, laughing at weird places, freaking everyone, including himself, out. Being totally inappropriate.
He was a nervous mess at the end of the work day and couldn't wait to get home. He was gonna spank him for this. Hard!
Oh, God! He clutched his crotch like a little boy, needing to pee. This was freaking tiresome!

"JUNGKOOK!" he yelled as soon as he walked through the door. The devil showed up on top of the stairs, smirking. "You need to take care of this, right now!" Tae pointed at his boner.
"No." Junkook turned around and walked away.
What the hell! Tae ran up the stairs preparing to give someone's ass a good whoopin'.

As soon as he entered the living room he came to a screeching halt. "Oh, Mrs Jeon!" he tried to fix his facial expression and went to kiss his mother-in-law on the cheeks, "So good to see you! Have you been well?"
"Hello Taehyung, I've missed you! And yes, thank you. I hear you got engaged?"
"Yes." Tae tried to will his boner to go down to no avail, "I ment to ask your permission first, but Kook beat me to it!" he smiled at Kook behind her back, the bastard was shaking with laughter! Tae clenched his teeth.
"Oh, you didn't tell me that!" Mrs Jeon turned to her son and Tae mouthed 'I'm gonna kill you.' to Jungkook and forced his penis down with his hand.
It didn't work.

So he sat down in an armchair and crossed his legs, pretending to look for something in his bag. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. This wasn't working! He needed a release! It was starting to hurt!
"I'm sorry," he said and stood up, turning his lower body away from them, "will you excuse me for a minute?" he motioned towards the bathroom, "I really need to..."
"Of course!" Mrs Jeon said.
Tae staggered his way to the bathroom, hearing Jungkook ask if she wanted anything to drink?
"I'll just be a sec!" Tae heard his voice behind him and suddenly felt Jungkook pressing him to his body and guiding him to the bathroom. As soon as the door closed, Jungkook reached around Tae and opened his pants and started stroaking Tae's overeager cock with his right hand still walking them towards the toilet.
Kook wrapped his left arm around Tae's upper body and clasped his hand over Tae's mouth, resting his head on Tae's shoulder, "Come for me, baby." He said with a low, husky voice in Tae's ear before biting his ear lobe.
Tae felt his orgasm start to stir on the palm of his feet, spiraling up through his legs, continuing out through his member and up through his spine, he bit Jungkooks hand, hard, to stop from screaming as he came, spurting all over the toilet, in an orgasm that may have lasted forever.
"I'm gonna make some tea for my mom." Jungkook whispered and kissed his shoulder, "Come out when you're ready." he said and let go of Taehyung who collapsed on the floor.

"Don't do this to me again, Kook." Tae said as soon as they'd closed the door after Jungkook's mom left, she was just passing by, "I might not survive."
Jungkook turned to Taehyung and lifted him up, "But I had so much fun!" he complained as he wrapped Tae's legs around himself and kissed him as he walked up the stairs.
"And you made me so horny," he confessed making his way to their bedroom. Tae could feel Kook's hard-on starting to grow.

"I'm wrecked." Tae admitted as Jungkook was laying him down on their bed, "You wrecked me. I'm a wreckage."
"Schhh," Jungkook caressed Tae's forehead, his cheek, and ran a thumb over his lower lip before kissing him, "just let me love you." Jungkook ground his hips against Tae's.
"Always." Tae invited him, on a whisper.
Jungkook sat up quickly and rid himself of his shirt before slowly lifting Taehyung's shirt over his head, licking every part of his body as it revealed before him. Sucking, biting, teasing Tae's nipples until they became hyper sensitive to the slightest touch.
Jungkook slid his arms under Taehyung's and placed his hands on either side of his head, softly rubbing Tae's temples with his thumbs, "I love you so much." he whispered,  "I didn't think it was possible," he planted kisses all over Tae's face, "but my love for you somehow just seems to multiply every single day, making me love you even more."
Tae used all he had left to reach up and run his fingers through Kook's hair. "It is the strangest magic," he agreed, "but I don't question it any more, I just accept it as the blessing it is," he smiled, "I love you more than words and I love, LOVE, that we get to make this journey through life together. I'm always excited to se what happens next, who we will become tomorrow, how our love will evolve."
"DINNER'S READY!" Jin yelled from downstairs.
"EAT WITHOUT US!" Jungkook yelled back, making them giggle.
"Christ," Tae snorted, "I think we need a place of our own soon!"
"I," Jungkook kissed him, "would," kiss, "love," kiss, "that" kiss. He deepend the last kiss, twirling their tounges together, savouring the taste of Taehyung in his mouth. "That is if you were being serious?" Kook broke loose to ask. Tae pulled him in again, fitting their mouths together.
Jungkook drew a line with his right hand from Taehyung's jaw, down his neck, let his mouth trail after, nipped his nipple and continued down his belly, where he paused to undo Tae's pants and pull them down before fitting his mouth to Tae's exposed length. Jungkook let go of Tae's plump top and pulled the pants off Tae completely before removing his own.
Kissing his way up trough Taehyung's legs, thighs, member, Jungkook slowly resumed his position on top of Tae. He connected their lips together again and wedged a hand in between their bodys, starting to stroke them both with his callused hand.
Taehyung was feeling delirious, drunk on Jungkook. He could hear himself, gasping, moaning, making sounds he didn't know he could make. He didn't care if anyone heard them! He was thrusting his hips at the same rythm as Jungkook, amplifying the strokes, he locked fingers with Kook's left hand and pulled it out to the side so Jungkook had no choice but to put his full weight on Tae's body.
This time Taehyung felt all his tortured nerve endings form a knot at the bottom of his spine, pulling him out from inside. He opened his eyes to let Jungkook know he was close, only to meet the dark, black, piercing gaze from his lover's eyes, telling him all he needed to know. Jungkook made the most soul crushing sound as they let go at the same time, pulsating their release out between them. Jungkook slowed his hand only after milking every last drop from them, finally collapsing on top of Tae, resting his head beside his, pecking his cheek with his last effort.
"I don't think I'll be able to move, for a while." Jungkook pressed out between his heavy breaths with a raspy voice, it was the sexiest thing Taehyung had ever heard.
"Taehyung.exe has stopped working." he managed to say, unable to move a finger.
Jungkook did his ardorable nose laugh and pecked Tae's cheek again.

They must have fallen asleep without noticing, 'cause Taehyung woke up with Jungkook snoring in his ear and a blanket thrown over them. 'Jimin', he thought. Shit! He had completely forgotten about his friend!
Taehyung turned his head to look at the alarm clock and realised it was 1.30 in the morning.
Jungkook stirred, and Taehyung turned to him, smiling at the young man looking like a kid, trying to wake up.
He kissed him on the nose, "Well, I don't think we'll make it to the club tonight!" He whispered.
"Schhh," Jungkook said and drew Tae closer, burrowing his nose at the nook of Tae's neck, going back to sleep.

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