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"Can we talk?" Jimin asked Hobi.
"Sure." Hobi put down the bottles he was holding and looked up at Jimin.
"Not, here." Jimin wriggled, feeling a bit uncomfortable, but he needed to do this now or he would never get it done.
"Wanna go for a walk?" Hobi suggested.
Jimin nodded and let out the breath he didn't know he was holding.
They slipped out the back door without anyone noticing.

"I'm sorry I've been so weird, and avoiding you." Jimin said after they'd walked for a while.
They came up on a bench overlooking the park and Hobi motioned questionly to it.
Jimin nodded and took a seat, with Hobi sitting down, turned his way, and one arm on the back rest.
"I've had a lot of soul searching to do, and..." Jimin paused, and snickered, "Fucking Taehyung, he's always right!"
"Yeah, it's annoying." Hobi smiled.
"Mm." Jimin took a deep breath, "Are you in love with me?" he asked.
Like, why not just throw yourself off the deep end?
Hobi swallowed some air which made him hiccup, he was so startled.
He cleared his throat, "I, yes." he admitted.
He didn't want to be a coward any more.
"Would you believe me if I told you I'm in love with you too?" Jimin looked at Hobi, anxiously, from the side.
Hobi dropped his jaw, he was not expecting that at all.
"Eeh," he croaked, "What about Yoongi?"
Jimin sighed and looked out over the park, "I think I told myself I was in love with him, well, because it was safe." he shrugged, "I knew he couldn't really love me back the way I wanted, so it would never, you know." he turned to Hobi, "Whereas you," he sighed and made eye contact, "I've been in love with you for years." he shrugged a shoulder, "But you were always, well," he smiled, "in love with my best friend or otherwise spoken for."
"Oh." Hobi blushed, turning a pale shade of pink.
"And that made it safe for me to love you." Jimin explained, "Because it would never, could never, manifest as something real."
Hobi really didn't know what to say.
So he just shut up.
He'd read somewhere that was the sign of true intelligence, shutting up and looking wise instead of blabbering and proving that wasn't the case.
Or if someone told him that.
He couldn't remember.
"So when you told me you wanted me to want you, I freaked out." Jimin shrugged, "The impossible just became, real, and," he paused, trying to gather his thoughts, "I'm not good with real," he admitted, "so, it scared me."
He shrugged, again, "But I'm twenty-five Hoesok, I want something real. I want what Tae and Kook have, what Jin and Namjoon have." Jimin looked at him.
Hobi's head was spinning. And he blinked a couple of times, trying to clear his mind.
He couldn't process what he was hearing!
"I need to move." he realised. He always thought better when he was in motion, and stood up and started walking.
Jimin hadn't moved. He didn't know what to make of Hobi shooting up like stung from a bee.
Hobi soon realised Jimin wasn't coming with him, so he turned and strode back, yanking Jimin of the bench by his hand, lacing their fingers together, practically dragging him behind him.
"Hey," Jimin stopped by the next bench, "just run to the bridge over there," he pointed, "and back. My muscles are sore and Tae just got me these shoes." he explained and sat down on the new bench.
"Ho-oki." Hobi said and set off like a freakin' wind.
Jimin shook his head and smiled.

Hobi ran as fast as he could, feeling his head clear with every step he took and when he got back to Jimin he thought he had at least some grip of the situation.
"Ok, so what you're saying," Hobi was bent down with his hands on his knees, panting, he took a deep breath to calm his breathing, "you wanna," nope, he still needed to breathe.
He held up his hand to show he needed a few more seconds, and took a couple of more deep breaths and stood up tall, "So, what you're saying is, you wanna make a go of it? With me?"
Jimin nodded, kinda impressed with how fast the other one could get his breathing under control.
"Wow." Hobi sat down with a thump, stunned.
Hobi didn't know how to handle this, like come on, he knew how to handle it, he wanted that too, he just didn't know how to get from here to there, in this particular situation.
He turned, pulling one leg up on the bench, bent infront of him, as he faced Jimin.
Jimin followed his move and mirrored him, and put his arm up on the backrest so he could touch Hobi's hand and play with his fingers.
Hobi held up his hand and Jimin placed his palm against Hobi's.
"Do you wanna try? With me?" Jimin asked shyly.
Hobi nodded and laced their fingers together, "Can we just, maybe, take it slow?" he swallowed, visibly, "And not, you know," he shrugged with a shy smile, "retreat into full on fuckboy flirting?"
"I mean believe me," he assured Jimin, "I want to totally flirt you dizzy!"
Jimin giggled.
"But maybe we should hold off on that a bit," Hobi suggested, "so we can actually have a chance to get to Real?" he shook his head and laughed inwardly, "I've never been to Real either, you know?"
Jimin nodded and squeezed his hand, "But you need to kiss me now, Hobi." he urged him, "Because I need to feel what this Real place tastes like."
Hobi lifted his right hand and cupped Jimin's cheek, drawing circles with his thumb, looking him in the eye, making time stand still and become irrelevant for the both of them, and he could feel his chest expanding, for the first time in months and a sob got loose from there.
"No! Don't cry, baby!" Jimin instinctively moved into Hobi's lap, needing to be closer to comfort him and lifted his hands to wipe the tears from Hobi's cheeks.
"I'm happy!" Hobi assured him trough the tears, smiling, as Jimin pulled him closer by his neck 'til their lips finally met.

"Mm," Jimin was purring, it felt so good!
"I want to fuck you." he heard himself confess in a sultry voice, "OMG! Did I just say that?" he freaked, "I mean, I do, want that, but I don't think we should. Yet."
Hobi was shaking with helt in laughter, "This is not going to be easy, is it?" he giggled.
"No." Jimin smiled and shook his head, "I guess not."
"Will you let me take you out? On a date?" Hobi asked.
"Yes. Of course!"
"How about tomorrow?" Hobi suggested.
"How about now?" Jimin countered.
"It's two in the morning!"
Hobi just smiled and took his phone out to get an Uber, and then pulled Jimin in for a deep kiss, making it hard for both of them to remain seated.

"What is this place?" Jimin wondered as he sat down in a booth with oxblood coloured vinyl, coating the benches.
"This is an all night diner I have visited many, many, times coming home from some event or night on the town." Hobi admitted.
"Hi, Toots!" an old, wrinkly lady in some sort of uniform greeted Hobi.
"Hi, Lia!"
"Who's this then?" she nodded toward Jimin.
"Ah, this is my boyfriend, Jimin," Hobi introduced.
"Boyfriend?!" Jimin almost fainted, being claimed like that for the first time, ever.
"What, you changed your mind?"
"No! It's just, unfamilliar." Jimin shrugged and calmed down.
"So, what can I get you two sweethearts tonight?" Lia asked.
"Well, this is our first date," Hobi admitted,
"And he took you here?" Lia asked Jimin, "Honey, you should get him to take you somewhere nice!"
"Well, I was gonna," Hobi sulked, "but he insisted we'd go right now so, here we are!"
"Ha. Ha. Ha." she had the weirdest laugh.
Jimin wasn't sure if she were only letting every third Ha be heard, or if she'd suffered some sort of injury?
She turned and left while still doing what ever it was she was doing.
"She didn't take our orders?" Jimin was utterly perplexed.
"She doesn't have to. She knows what my indulgence is, she'll bring that." Hobi shrugged.
"How often have you eaten here?"
"Many, many, times. Like I told you." Hobi smiled.

"Bulgogi?" Jimin asked.
"Mm. My favourite." Hobi smiled to Lia, "Thank you, doll!" she just patted him on his back and shuffled back to the kitchen.
"Mm! This is the best thing I've ever eaten!" Jimin was stuffing his face.
"It's good, isn't it?"
"Mm." Jimin tried the kimchi on the side, "MM!"
"I know!"

They sat and talked for hours.
About everything.
And nothing.
Really getting to know one another.
As they were leaving, long since light out, Jimin turned to Hobi and confessed, "I don't want this night to be over."
Hobi took his hand, "Me neither." he admitted.
"I don't wanna go home," Jimin looked at his new shoes, "or to my mom's."
"Where do you wanna go, then?"
Jimin looked up, "Can we get an hotel room?" he begged, "I just wanna be alone with you and sleep with you. Sleep-sleep."
"Ok." Hobi agreed, "Let's go sleep-sleep somewhere."

Neither of them was actually able to sleep once they'd taken their showers and got into bed.
They were laying on their sides, looking at eachother.
Hobi ran a finger along Jimin's arm, igniting his whole body.
"I feel silly," Jimin whispered, "'cause I really want to make love to you right now. But we said we shouldn't."
"Then I'm silly, too." Hobi confessed, slowly closing the gap between them before fitting his lips to Jimin's.
Jimin gasped and let the kiss deepen as he turned on his back, pulling Hobi on top of him."
"Make love to me." he whispered, repeating his wish.
"Yes." Hobi whispered in agreement, and resumed the kiss, "But I don't have any condoms on me. Do you?"
Jimin shook his head, "Have you been recently tested?" he asked.
"Yeah, I'm clear. You?"
Jimin nodded, "And you haven't, since?"
"No." Hobi kissed him again, "You?" he asked.
"No." Jimin was caressing Hobi's back and finally dared to run his hands over his well toned ass, "But we could just, you know?"
"Yeah," Hobi breathed against his neck, "let's just see what we feel like doing, I'm ok with everything, I think."
"Mm, me too." Jimin purred as Hobi began to lick his was down Jimin's throat, "As long as we're actually making love. And, you know, not just switching to callous fucking."
"No," Hobi giggled, "let's try and stay away from that!"
"Do you think we need a safe word, if we loose the emotion?"
Hobi thought for a while and then suggested, "How about Bulgogi?" making them both laugh.
"Bulgogi it is." Jimin said and flipped them both over so he could straddle Hobi, and started kissing his way down his body.

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