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"What do you want to do today?" Jungkook wondered while shuffling pancakes in his mouth.
"Actually," Taehyung answered and took a sip of his smoothie, "I think we should go see Jimin, he's not been himself lately, and I'm beginning to worry."
"That's not what you were going to say, is it?"
"No. I want to go ring shopping with you, to be honest. It's just, I'm starting to feel like a bad friend." Tae shrugged.
"Tell you what," Kook moved on to some bacon, "let's drop in on Jimin and the guys and then go ring shopping?"
"Sounds like a plan." Taehyung smiled.

Hobi was cleaning every square inch of the kitchen.
He'd pulled out everything from the pantry and was scrubbing down every corner with a dish brush and a micro fiber cloth.
He planned on doing all of the kitchen cabinets.
Two familliar faces appeared behind the kitchen window, scaring the living shit out of him at first, but he nodded at them to let themselves in.
"What's going on?" Taehyung asked.
"Cleaning." Hobi muttered.
"Yes, I can see that. But why are you cleaning?" Tae insisted.
Hobi got down from the stepping stool and rested his arms on the kitchen island and hung his head down, before motioning a hand towards the back of the small house.
They could hear an agressive murmur seeping out from one of the rooms and then, "YOU NEVER TELL ME ANYTHING! YOU TELL HIM! NOT ME! It's like you're in a relationship with him! A REAL relationship and I'm just someone you put your dick in, occationally!"
"Ah," Taehyung said and made a quick eye contact with Kook, "why don't you come shopping with us for a while?" he suggested, "I'm sure the cleaning will be here when you get back."
"Excellent idea." Hobi threw the rag in the sink and stalked out of the kitchen, with Tae and Kook trailing after him.

"How long have they been going at it like this?" Taehyung wanted to know as he fastened his seatbelt.
"Couple of weeks." Hobi confessed on a exhale, and fastened his own.
Tae sighed, "I didn't think it was a good idea when they got together like they did."
"No. It wasn't." Hobi agreed. "So, where are we going?"
"Ring shopping." Tae said suggestively, and giggled.
"What?!" Hobi shrieked.
"We got engaged last night!" Jungkook stuck his head out between the seats and nodded at Hobi.
"You got engaged!? OMG, OMG, O MI GOOOD! You're engaged?!" he was jumping up and down in his seat, "Who asked who?" he wanted to know.
"I asked Tae." Jungkook confessed.
"Omigod, omigod, omigod! Tell me everything!" he turned around and took Jungkook's hands, "Did he take you out to dinner?" Hobi glanced at Tae for confirmation.
"Well, no." Kook shook his head, "It was more of an spur of the moment thing."
"What? Tell me! Did you look deep into his eyes and,"
"No. That would have been dangerous. He was driving." Jungkook said, all important.
"Omigod, tell me!" Hobi begged.
"Well, we were in the car, driving around," Jungkook began,
"Why?" Hobi wanted all the deets. All of 'em.
"Well, we kinda, sorta, got kicked out," Jungkook continued,
"What!?" Hobi, again, shrieked.
"Yeah, but just for the night really, they just wanted to get it on, I suppose, and we kinda walked in on them and Joon kicked us out..."
"Yeah, but, you must have walked in on them before?" Hobi looked bewildered and then scrunched his eyebrows, "What did you do?"
"Ah," Jungkook looked up, "we may have done the nasty in Jin's bed earlier."
"Oh, you filthy bastards," he hit both of them, repeatedly on their upper arms, "you have no shame!" Hobi was laughing so hard he had to wipe the tears from his eyes, "I bet you did it on his brand new sheets as well."
"Apparently, yes." Tae admitted.
"Well, that'll do it." Hobi agreed, nodding, "So, you were out driving, having done the deed earlier, I'm just trying to get the picture here, and you just, BAM, asked him?" he turned to Jungkook again.
"Yeah." Kook answered, evasively.
"What are you not telling me?" Hobi squinted his eyes at him.
"I hate you!" Jungkook threw himself back on the seat.
"Lie. You love me. Now spill." Hobi demanded.
"Fine." Jungkook pouted, "Tae said something unexpected and endearing to me and I just realised I didn't want to spend a single day without him, without everyone knowing that he is my man, my love."
"Naw," Hobi held a hand to his heart, "What did he say?"
"I'm not telling you that." Jungkook slid himself back, further into the backseat, crossing his arms over his chest.
Hobi turned to Tae, "What did you say?"
"You can pound me anytime you want, baby." Tae said with a big grin on his face.
"Tae!" Jungkook leaned forward and slapped him on his shoulder, "I can't believe you told him!"
Hobi sat, staring at them with his mouth open, before bursting out in a loud, ear piercing laughter, "OMG, you're so romantic!" he nighed like a bloody horse, "I can just see you telling your grandkids," he coughed out, "'Well children, let me tell you, then your grandpa told me I could pound him anytime, and it was then I knew he was the one!' OMG! I'm DYING!" Hobi was wheezing from laughter.
"Hardi har." Tae said.
"Hobbs, I swear to God, if you EVER!" Kook threatened.
"Oh, relax! I won't tell anyone." Hobi promised.
"So, let me ask you something," Jungkook looked inquisitivly at Hobi, turning it around, "why did you and Minho break up?"
"Jungkook!" Tae scolded.
"What? It's only fair!" Kook exclaimed.
"They weren't even official!" Tae continued.
"They were pretty official to us." Kook muttered and sat back down.
"Oh, yeah! You walked in on us!" Hobi remembered, "That was,"
"HOT!" Tae and Kook agreed.
"Akward, I was gonna say. I had to practically drag you out of there! Perverts!" Hobi snickered.
"Still hot." Jungkook argued.
"Yeah. Totally." Tae nodded.
"Yeah. You're still perverts." Hobi pointed his finger between them, "I get why Namjoon kicked you out now!"
"That is soo not the same thing!" Tae objected, with Kook nodding along, "That was just, ew." they shivered.
"I guess it's like walking in on your parents for the two of you."
"Eeeww, you just made it weirder!"
"Yeah, I practically had to bleach my eyes out after I walked in on mine." Hobi remembered.
"So why did it end?" Kook insisted.
"Well, as Tae said, we weren't really a thing, more of a hook up kind of deal and,"
"And what?" Jungkook wanted to know.
"We did make a go of it, actually, when Minho wasn't my TA anymore. You know, it's kind of frowned upon, not to mention the whole being gay thing, and, well..."
"Well what? Omg, the suspense is killing me!" Kook grabbed a hold of Tae's arm.
"It was boring." Hobi finally admitted. "When it wasn't forbidden anymore, we got bored out of our minds. We didn't really have anything to talk about and he got jealous of Yoongi, of course, and, yeah, it just sort of fizzled out." he shrugged, "We're still friends though."

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