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The full moon shining through the window was the only light in the room.
Jungkook and Taehyung stood opposite another, still warm and toasty from the long, relaxing bath they'd taken together after today's events.
They'd felt a need to cleanse themselves of all the negativity from the past year.
And Taehyung needed to soften up his stiff muscles. He was sore from crying for two days and clenching for a year.
He'd had to almost pinch himself, repeatedly. It didn't feel real, sitting in the tub, knee to knee, holding Jungkook's hands, searching his features for some slight difference that hadn't been there before.
He still saw the little boy in there, but Jungkook was truly a man now.
A very handsome man.
Like Taehyung always knew he would be.
When he'd grown into himself.

'He's the most beautiful person in the entire world.' Jungkook thought to himself feeling a lump in his throat as the moonlight painted an exquisite painting of Taehyung's naked body before him.
Every sharp angle of his well toned, but too skinny, body was softly lit and shone like silk.
Jungkook moved his hand forward, closer to Taehyung's and Taehyung took it and laced their fingers together before doing the same with their other hands.
With the faintest of pulls, Tae made Jungkook take a step forward, 'til their bodies met.
Holding eachother's hands, not saying a word, just leaning on eachother.
And then they kissed.
Maybe for hours.

"You are the love of my life, Jeon Jungkook, and I don't ever want to be separated from you again." Taehyung whispered and wound his arms around Jungkook's neck.
"Don't leave me." Jungkook pleaded, "Don't. Ever."
He pulled Taehyung even closer, hugging him so hard he was almost afraid to break him in half.
Tae shuddered and Jungkook realised he was cold from standing naked however long they'd been kissing.
"Come on", he said softly, "let's get you under the covers, you're shivering."
He lifted him an inch or two off the floor and waddled them over to their bed.
Where neither of them had slept for this entire time. Jungkook had taken to sleeping in Jin's old room, not being able to stomach their bed alone.
He flipped them over so that Taehyung was laying on top of him as he made sure everything was being tucked in.
Taehyung felt their members rub up against one another and desire charged through his veins for the first time in ages, making him hard, a feeling he'd almost forgotten.
He thrust his hips against Jungkook's.
On pure instinct.
Jungkook moaned in Tae's mouth, deepening their kiss and thrusted back. He was almost shocked how fast his lust was reawakened by Tae.
He'd harboured a secret fear that he'd be living as a monk for the rest of his life, because of the complete disaster that unfolded the last time they'd slept together. That he wouldn't be able to get it up, even if he wanted to.
Which he hadn't.
'Til now.
Taehyung put his weight on his elbows and started grinding into Kook's bucking hips.
They were like two little kids again.
Finding an unexpected pleasure with the other.
Innocently letting their bodys take over and just keep the titillating motion going.
They'd stopped kissing and were both panting heavily, gazes dead locked in eachother.
Jungkook could see Taehyung's release building deep down in his eyes and hoped Tae would see the same in his.
When they both came, looking into eachother's eyes, completely vunerable, giving the other one their most sacred parts, leaving nothing behind, they fitted their lips together and kissed through the aftershocks, feeling connected at a level they hadn't known existed before.
A place where words were only in the way of everything they felt.

Taehyung woke up in Jungkook's arms the next morning and his tears started to flow again.
"Why are," Jungkook had to clear his throat, "why are you crying, baby?"
"I don't know!"
"It's ok. Just let it out." Jungkook held him tighter. "I've got you." he whispered, "I've got you."
There was a soft knock on the door and as soon as Jungkook said, "Come in." Jin and Namjoon entered.
"Squirt!" Jin rushed over to the bed and sat down beside them, softly stroking his brother's hair, making Taehyung cry harder.
"Let the kid cry," Namjoon said putting a hand on Jin's shoulder, "he needs it."
"I know." Jin croaked out, "It just hurts me." he bent down and kissed Tae on his cheek, "Maybe that's why it's so hard for you, sometimes." he whispered, apologetically, "I'm sorry."
Namjoon squeezed Jin's shoulder, "We just wanted to make sure you're ok and to see if you needed anything?"
"Thank you." Jungkook said, "But I don't plan on leaving this bed today. I'm going to hold my man 'til we're done crying, and then I'll hold him some more." he looked down at Taehyung that had tilted his head to look up at him through his tears, "And then we'll make love, 'til we've both gotten our fill," he kissed Tae on the nose, "and then I'll hold you again."
"Ok." Jin said and kissed Tae on the side of his head and then Jungkook on his forehead, "I'll bring you some easily consumed sustenance in a minute, just holler if you need anything else." he stood up, but bent down to give Tae another kiss, "It's good to have you home, Taehyung. I've missed you."
"I've missed you, too." Tae sobbed against Jungkook's chest.
"Come on, baby." Namjoon said, "Let's leave them alone and get them something to eat." he embraced Jin who caressed his brother's back, "I love you, Taehyung," Jin said, "and you too, Jungkook."
"We love you, too," Jungkook answered for both of them, "dads." he looked at both Jin and Namjoon to include each of them, as he knew Tae would want.

Jin came back with a whole basket of goodies. Fruits, sandwiches, sodas, snacks, you name it and Namjoon sneaked in after him and smuggled a brand new bottle of lube down their nightstand.
"Do you need," he whispered, "condoms?"
"Do we?" Jungkook asked Taehyung in a soft forgiving voice, but Tae just shook his head.
"No. Thank you." Kook said sincerely to Namjoon.
"Ok." Namjoon patted each of them, a bit akwardly, on their heads before he left with, "We're going to dinner and a movie tonight, just so you know." Namjoon smiled, "We'll be home late, I think, but just call if you need anything." he started to close the door, "But don't," he opened it again, scratching his head, slightly embarrassed, "eh, disturb, us when we get back." he winked, "Date night."
"TMI, dad, TMI." Tae whimpered, covering his ears with his hands.
"I've missed you, asshole." Namjoon said lovingly.
"I've missed you too, freak." Tae smiled. He actually smiled. Jungkook hugged him, feeling relieved.
Namjoon just shook his head, "Goodnight, kids." he chuckled and closed the door.
And opened it again, "Wait, it's morning! Nyeah, whatever, bye!" and closed it again.
"Our dads are so weird." Jungkook confessed, laughing silently.
"Yeah." Taehyung agreed, "But I love them!"
"So do I," Jungkook confessed, "but not like I love you." he kissed Tae's soft lips.
"I know you know," he continued, "but I need to say it out loud. I never stopped loving you Taehyung! Not for one second!"
"I had to lock you away!" Tae cried, "I had to lock you away to survive!" the ugly crying started again. Feeling like he'd betrayed Jungkook.
"Schh, schh, schh." Jungkook comforted Tae, rocking him in his arms, "That's how much you trusted your love for me! You knew it would keep in there and not go anywhere, 'til it was safe for you to feel it again." he kept rocking him, "So, you see, you never stopped loving me either!"
"God I love you!" Tae exhaled and sat up, straddling Kook as he bent down to kiss him.
He needed his man!
It didn't matter if he was crying or not!
The urgency surprised him on some level, but it made so much sense!
"Take me!" Tae demanded through chatteing teeth. "I need to feel you."
All Jungkook could do, all he wanted to do, was flip Taehyung over on his back, while still kissing and run his hands all over Tae's body, igniting every nerve ending.
Jungkook could swear he felt it in his own body. Like he couldn't determine where Taehyung began and he ended.
Or if it was the other way around? Where he began and Tae ended?
And he just had to keep eye contact!
Using his hands to arouse his man, and himself, praising Namjoon's foresight, he prepped them both.
When he slid in to place, the feeling was too much and he started crying.
"I love you, I love you, I love you," he chanted like a mantra, through the tears, holding up his weight on his left elbow and gripping Taehyung with his right hand, having the sensation he'd grow wings from the tingling in his shoulder blades.
Taehyung couldn't speak.
He was too caught up in the wonderous emotion of finally, finally, making love to his man again!
He wrapped his legs around Jungkook's hips and breathed in Jungkook's desire and love for him for the first time in months.
"I'm coming." Tae panted, sooner than he wanted.
"Come." Jungkook growled, releasing with his man in an orgasm that shifted the stars.

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