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"Man, I thought we'd never get out of there!" Minho sighed and streched his arms over his head, bending from side to side.
"I'm starving." Jungkook complained.
"Well, I need to got to bed." Jin yawned, pulling on his neck, "I'm taking Jaesung fishing, early tomorrow morning." he let them know, "And Bonbon." he added.
"Well, I'm sleeping in." Namjoon groaned, "This week has been, taxing."
"How's the experiment going?" Yoongi asked him.
"Great, actually." Namjoon smiled, "But," he shrugged, "that leads to, overtime." he sighed.
"What time is it?" Taehyung wanted to know.
"One thirty." Hobi moaned.
"Crap." Tae swore, "I'm freaking starving too, and we had fast food for dinner." he moped.
"Yeah, I need food too." Minho confessed.
"Leave it to Beaver." Hobi giggled, "Who's in?" he looked around.
"We're going home." Namjoon said, motioning to himself and Jin, "Rain check?"
"Sure." Hobi nodded.
"Sorry." Yoongi excused himself, "I need sleep more than food right now." his sleeping schedule had been, compromised. By, stuff.
"So, the usual suspects then?" Hobi sought confirmation from Minho, Tae and Kook who all nodded.
"Prepare for a treat!" Hobi bubbled.
"Adieu." Yoongi bowed and got into his car.
"Yeah, see you later!" Namjoon waved at them opening the door for Jin.
"Shall we?" Hobi bid the gang to enter their van.

"Toots!" the old waitress lady smiled at Hobi, greeting him.
"Lia!" Hobi smiled, and took her hands, "I can't believe you're still here!" he kissed her cheeks.
"Where else would I be?" she cackled and lead them to a booth.
"What is this place?" Taehyung said, looking around wide-eyed, delighted with the old-timey feel of the place.
"The diner." Hobi giggled.
"The diner?" Taehyung repeated, incredulously.
"Mm, my special place of debauchery." Hobi kept giggling.
"I've been here once." Jungkook confessed, nodding.
"You have?" Taehyung turned to him.
"Mm." Jungkook nodded again.
"And you didn't think to tell me about this amazing place?" Tae asked, hurted.
"I forgot. I was practically asleep." Jungkook shrugged.
"Yeah, I remember!" Hobi laughed, "We were coming home from an event in the middle of the night and my young padawan over here," Hobi slung an arm around Kook's shoulders, "was a bit, beat."
"Mm." Jungkook grimaged, I'd lost too, if I remember correctly."
"Oh," Tae snorted, "well, no wonder you forgot this place, you weren't here, were you?" he pulled Kook towards himself by his neck and kissed his temple.
"Was too!" Jungkook protested, "But in the, physical, sense." he acknowledged with a crooked smile.
Minho entered, breath in his troat, he'd gotten a call from the States, his dad could never get the time difference right, and stayed outside to sort it out, and searched for them with his eyes 'til he found them and hurried over to them, with Bikram on his tail, "Sorry about that, my love." he smiled and placed a soft kiss on Hobi's cheek, taking his hand.
"This one suits you." Lia's raspy voice said, matter-of-fact, as she handed them the menus.
"I'm happy to hear it!" Hobi bubbled, "'Cause I married him!" he laughed.
"Good for you." Lia patted his back, "Congratulations." she smiled towards Minho, "He's a sweetheart, this one." she said, looking at Minho but placing a strand of hair behind Hobi's ear.
"He is, isn't he?" Minho swooned, smitten. As per usual.
"Lia, this is my husband, Lee Minho and these are my dear friends Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook." Hobi presented them.
"I know who you are." Lia smiled, "Welcome." she turned to their bodyguards and bowed her head, "Bikram, Daewoo."
"Blimey." Hobi said, not expecting that.
"Miss Lia." Bikram and Daewoo bowed back.
"Nightcrawlers," Hobi laughed, looking at their bodyguards, "are we?"
"Oh, long before you were even born." Bikram nodded, wisely, grinning like a cheshire cat.
"Kimchijeon, for you my dear?" Lia wondered.
"Oh, yeah." Bikram nodded, enthusiastically "And some galbijim."
"I'll take my japche to go, Miss Lia." Daewoo said, "and I want some gimbap too."
"You have to try the bulgogi." Hobi told the rest of the gang, "It's, divine." he sighed.
"I could eat some bulgogi." Jungkook nodded.
"Yes!" Minho smiled.
"Oo, I want that too!" Taehyung realised, "But, I could really splurge on some jajangmyeon too." he nodded.
"Sure thing." Lia laughed.
She took their drink orders and when the food came, Taehyung thought he would pass out, it was so good!

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