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Taehyung was freaking out.
Freaking. Out.
He couldn't focus.
He couldn't eat.
He couldn't sleep.
He couldn't get Jungkook out of his head.
Didn't matter what he was doing, Jungkook's smile and big eyes were there with him. Constantly invading his thoughts.
He really tried not to full on fantasise about the guy, but he had seen him in nothing but a towel round his waist and.
Well, let's just say it was easy to get stuck in there.
Every interaction between them seemed to hold a different meaning, and this was the reason for Tae freaking out, did they actually have another, deeper meaning?
Or was he just reading into it?
Making it all up in his head because he wanted it to mean more?
He couldn't tell.

He realised Jimin was talking to him and forced himself to listen. They were having lunch at their school as per usual, but nothing seemed usual to Taehyung anymore.
"So, how's Jin handling Namjoon going off to service, then?" Jimin wanted to know.
"He's a wreck." Tae shrugged, "But, I mean, when would it ever be a good time for him to go?"
"Never?" Jimin suggested.
"Yeah, but you know that's not an option." Tae shrugged again.
"Have you figured out how you want to do?" Jimin asked.
"Well, I," Taehyung pointed at himself, "have flat feet," he held up a foot over the table, "so I, am going to do the civil service, I'm told, which apparently can wait 'til I'm done with school."
"What are we talking about?" Hobi said, joining with Jungkook at his tail.
"Service." both boys moaned.
"Isch!" Hobi shivered, "Don't remind me!" he took a sip of his drink.
"Aren't you exempt, like me?" Jungkook asked.
"I didn't make the national team at sixteen, like some of us did."
"Nah, only at nineteen, like some poor loser." Jimin snorted.
"Well, some of us are human." Hobi slurped loudly on his drink to annoy Jimin. "But actually my best friend is finally getting out! We should do something nice for him when he gets home this week!"
"Yeah, ok?" Tae didn't know how to respond, he and Jimin had never met this friend and where beginning to think of him like Santa, someone rumoured to exist without ever being actually seen.
"What does he like?" Jimin asked.
"To sleep." Hobi began to laugh, "And to be alone."
"Well, that's easy then, we'll just get him a bed and some earplugs and let him do his thing." Tae suggested with a crooked smile.
"Well, I was thinking more of a party..." Hobi bent down to pick up a pamphlet, "We're going to share a house together, when he gets here," he showed it round the table, showcasing a small house with a nice porch infront of it, "my parents just rented it for us, and I think we should throw a house-warming party? Whattya think?"
"Will there be live entertainment, contortionists and a petting zoo?" Jimin questioned, "'Cause if not, I really wouldn't bother."
"You could get a bouncy house?" Taehyung suggested.
"Haha." Hobi sat back in his chair, dismayed, "There will be drunk people and loud music and maybe some chairs."
"I could bring a floatie?" Jungkook offered. "We could jump on that."
"Moan." Hobi held his head in his hands. "You all officially suck. You know that?"
"Do you need help with anything?" Tae took pity on him, "We could get some pizzas, or something, if you'd like?"
"Thank you, Tae!" Hobi said with emphasis "That was the kind of reaction I was expecting!"
"Fine. I'll bring the snacks." Jimin pouted. "But I'm still rooting for a petting zoo!"
"Careful what you wish for." Hobi dead on turned on the sexy, making Jimin blush both from the intensity, Hobi could really crank it up, damn, and when it dawned on him Hobi was suggesting he'd pet him.
"I might be ok with that." Jimin mumbled down his lap so low even Taehyung had trouble making it out.
And he was sitting right next to him.
"Or," Tae said aloud, "we'll just put some bunny ears on the kid and pet him?" he took an innocent sip of his drink, looking wide-eyed at said kid.
"Kinky." Hobi said not sold on the idea, "But he's twelve, remember?"
"Hey!" Jungkook boxed Hobi, hard, on the arm.
"But he does look a bit like a bunny, I'll give you that!" Hobi said giving the pet bunny a noogie.
Taehyung was jealous.
But he couldn't touch him!
Not in any way, without...
He groaned on the inside.
Maybe letting Jungkook watch him, hell, watching Jungkook!
Maybe that hadn't been the best idea?
But the weird thing was, he didn't feel bad about it.
He didn't even feel embarrassed!
He'd thought about doing it again.
But he didn't trust himself.
He didn't know what would happen? Would they touch eachother? How? What if he tried to touch Jungkook and he just left? What if Jungkook tried something Taehyung wasn't ready for?
Would it be akward? Would they still be the same, have the same relationship after, in that case?
So, no.
Taehyung wouldn't do anything right now.
Except for freak out.
And feel scared shitless.
Maybe he should do some research?
"Tae?" Jimin snapped his fingers infront of his face.
"What the hell is going on with you?" Jimin whined.
"Nothing." Tae moped, and zoned out again.

Research was an bad idea.
Tae was so horny he thought he'd jump out the window.
He wanted to try all those things with Jungkook now.
Was he gay?
Taehyung didn't think so.
He'd watched porn.
He'd wanted to try those things too. Well, some of them at least. With girls.
Maybe it was because he was around Jungkook all the time?
Maybe if he'd lived with a girl he would get all these, feelings, then too?
But Taehyung was around girls all day at school, and...
Gaah! He banged his head on his desk.
Someone, please put him out of his misery!
The wheels on the bus goes round and round, round and round...

What was going on?
Jin sighed inwardly, missing Namjoon more than he thought was humanly possible.
What was up with the boys? He sighed, aloud.
Taehyung was behaving skittishly and the other one was moping around. More so than usual.
He'd asked Tae if something had happened, if they'd had a falling out or something, but to no avail.
Jin had promised to come with them to this party Hobi was having, but he was beginning to regret it.
If they weren't behaving weirdly they were sleeping on the couch infront of some vampire film.
He sighed a third time.
"Are you doing drugs?" He flat out asked them at dinner.
"Wha?" Tae dropped the food he'd put in his mouth out on the plate, he was so shocked.
Jungkook looked equally shook.
"Well something's going on!" Jin was sure.
"What are you talking about?" Tae was beginning to feel a bit antsy.
"I don't know!" Jin whined, "That's the problem!"
"I have no idea what you're on about!" Tae stood up and left the table.
"Mind filling me in on what's going on?" Jin turned to the younger one, and glared at him.
"I don't know? What's going on?" Jungkook was desperately trying to understand what was happening right now.
Jin studied him in silence for a while, clearly the kid had no clue.
"With you two?" Jin asked a little bit softer, "What's going on with you two?"
"Oh." Jungkook pouted and looked down on his plate, "Nothing." he moped and got up and left as well.
Why were they like this?
"What did I do to deserve this?" Jin yelled after them, recieving no answer of course.
Little shits.

"What was that all about?" Jungkook wondered as he sat down next to Tae on the couch.
"I have no idea." Tae lied. He had a pretty good idea actually but he didn't want Jungkook to know.
Of course, if Jin had picked up on it...
"Wanna watch True Blood?" They had finished the weird Turkish series and moved on to the next.
Apparently there'd had been a bit of a vampire craze some years back. Not that they were complaining. Some of this stuff were pretty entertaining. True Blood was even raunchy at times.
The amount of heroism Taehyung had to exhibit not to jump Jungkook then and there with those scenes playing in the background?
Well, let's just say he deserved a medal.
"Sure." Jungkook took his usual position, slumping down in the couch, putting his feet up on the armchair, supporting himself on his elbow, very close to Taehyung.
Did he do that on purpose? Or was it just, comfortable. Tae. Couldn't. Tell!
Fuck it! He mirrored Jungkook and started the show.
I'm going mad, he thought, I might actually be going mad.
He instantly regretted his choice of distraction this evening when two of the main cast full on started doing the nasty infront of them.
Oh, man!
Jungkook shifted his weight a bit and Taehyung decided he couldn't bear being this close to him without, well you know, so he turned the other way, putting his head on the armrest. Jungkook placed a couple of pillows on Tae's hip and put his head there.
This was much better.
Much better.
He had no idea what he happened on the screen after that.
All he could do was to focus on keeping his breathing even.
It took all he got.
All of it.

Jin poked his head in as he was going to bed.
They were sleeping on the couch again!
What the hell was going on?
He sighed.
And missed Namjoon.
Come home, baby, he prayed, I need you!
Something's going on with the kids!

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