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"Jungkook," Tae sighed, safely wrapped in Jungkook's arms and two duvets, lying on a lounge chair on the balcony of their London hotel room.
"If I wanted to stay here forever," he began, "would you stay here with me, and," he sighed and didn't finish his sentence.
"Yes." Jungkook kissed him on the nose, "But you don't want to stay here forever,"
"I don't?"
"No." he shook his head, "You want to go home and get shit done." he nodded, "What you don't want is to have to deal with 'The Jin'."
"I feel like broken record, complaining about the same thing, over and over again." Tae sighed.
"Baby, you can complain all you want," Jungkook nuzzled his neck, "as long as I get to hold you and have you, complain away."
"I love you." Tae turned in Jungkook's arms to face him.
"I love you." Kook simply answered.
"Let's go inside and make love for hours?" Tae suggested.
"Let's." Kook mumbled, fitting his mouth to Tae's for a long, heartfelt kiss, before he  stood up and pulled Taehyung with him.

They'd stopped speaking.
Facing eachother, Tae stepped out of his shoes.
Jungkook did the same. He pulled his t-shirt over his head and Taehyung's breath hitched.
Burning holes in Jungkook's chest with his eyes, Taehyung undressed his upper body, too.
A hot current shot up through Jungkook's feet, reaching the back of his thighs almost instantaneously, gripping his balls, awakening his cock, knocking him straight in the gut, and he let out a guttural grumble.
Tae unbuttoned his pants and let them drop to the floor, baring it all.
Jungkook had to grab his junk not to come right this bloody second and had to work even harder when Taehyung's cock started to grow.
"Hhhrrrnngg." Jungkook sounded, panting, feeling everything south of the border clench, "Hng." he was having trouble functioning.
It felt like they hadn't had sex in years.
Which was, ridiculous.
And he couldn't take his eyes off Taehyung's cock. OMG.
Tae widened his stance and put his hands on his hips, slowly thrusting forward into thin air, getting off on being watched.
Jungkook almost passed. Out.
He had to sit down.
It was just sheer luck he didn't bite his tongue in half when his jaws slammed shut as the thump reverberated through him.
He unzipped his pants, to give his fully erect penis room to move, and leaned back on his hands, mesmorised by Tae's thrusts.
"Are you gonna watch me come like this?" Tae panted.
"Yes." Jungkook gasped, "No." he changed his mind, "I have to taste you." he begged, "Fuck my mouth." he ordered.
"I thought we were making love?"
"Later." Jungkook promised, "Now I want you in my mouth." he reached for him.
"Ok." Tae agreed, and stepped closer.
Kook guided his cock into his mouth and pulled Tae down ontop of him, soon laying flat on his back as Tae pumped his mouth.
"Wait." Tae suddenly said and got off him, "Take your pants off." he ordered and disappeared.
Jungkook did as he was told and had just managed to wiggle himself out of them as Taehyung returned.
"Give me access." Tae told him and Jungkook spread his bent legs wider.
Tae pushed an lubed up egg in as he, breifly, took him in his mouth before pivoting on his knee and pushing his ass out in Kook's direction and pushed the other egg into himself.
"OMG, Tae!" Jungkook whispered and caressed Tae's ass and balls, and let his tongue do the same.
"Mm." Tae purred and bent lower to lick Jungkook's inner thighs, his groin, the balls.
The shaft.
Taking him in his mouth, teasing his top, opening wide.
"Tae." Kook pleaded.
"Ok." Tae let his tongue swirl one last time around, everything, and turned back around, "You ready?"
Jungkook nodded and Tae turned the eggs on, "Hnng, still want me to?"
"Hnng." Kook nodded and layed back down as Taehyung fed him his cock again.
"Tounngch yourself." Tae ordered, and Jungkook started pulling on his member, just to obey, 'cause he had no fucking clue what he was doing right now.
He was floating on a mix of horny, dumbstuck love, voluntary submission, pleasure, a little bit kink, and sex.
So much sex.
So much fucking good sex.
"Your mouth," Tae panted, "feels so good," he continued, "around my," he kept going, "cock, baby."
"Hhurglm." Jungkook felt squirmy, super aroused and the previous current kept coming in, shooting jolts of tingle throughout his body.
Even without the egg.
He loved getting mouthfucked by Tae.
And, POW! He came, spurting his load straight in the air as he lifted his hips of the floor, "HHUUURGLM!"
"AAAAHHHhh!" Tae thrusted one last time, "HHhn." hanging his head over his clasped hands, filling Jungkook's mouth, shuddering as his orgasm emptied him in a couple of quick, shallow, quivers, his hips decided to do, all on their own.
Kook flipped him over and got on top of him, pressing his wilting cock on Tae's, and kissed him, good, "I love when you fuck my mouth, baby." he whispered, licking Tae's jaw, feeling one last jolt of electricity charge through his body before losing all muscle tone and slumping down on Tae.
"That was so good Tae." he slured, close to Tae's ear.
"Yeas." Tae slured back.
Their eggs vibrated again. They were still in some sort of start up mode, buzzing sparsely but clearly picking up speed.
"Fuck!" Tae bucked his hips up."
"Mmng." Kook agreed, trying to reach the control to turn them off.
"FUCK!" Tae whined when they buzzed again.
"Aigoo!" Jungkook mewled, "Where the fuck is it?"
"JESUS CHRIST!" Tae pushed him off and got on his hands and knees, trying to reach the, thing, strap! To pull it out, but then Jungkook had located the control and turned it off.
"Overstimulation really isn't my thing." Kook panted, and collapsed on the floor on his back again.
"You and me both, baby." Tae slured, resting his face on his hands, still sticking his ass in the air.
"Tub or cuddle and a nap?" Jungkook asked and slapped Tae's behind, getting off the floor.
"Cuddle and a nap." Tae decided and followed him up.

Jungkook woke up without his Tae on his chest, missing him.
He could hear the shower running in the bathroom and decided to order them a three course meal, with candles, obviously, and some nice champagne and strawberries for a night snack, before joining Tae in the shower.
Taehyung was just stepping out of it as Jungkook entered, and he had to grip the counter, needing something to hold on to as the view if Taehyung's naked, steaming body made him weak.
"My man, the God of Sex." he croaked out, eating him up with his eyes.
Bravely, he abstained from ravageing him right this minute and instead took a deep breath, "Put on some nice clothes, baby." he asked, maybe told, "We're dining in tonight, but I want to make it special."
"Ok, baby." Tae smiled and breifly kissed him as he passed, leaving Kook alone in there, heaving.
"Fucking hell." Jungkook muttered. Would he be forced to take care of himself in the shower?
"No." he told his penis, "Go down or I'll wack you over the head!" he threatened, and stepped into the warm water. He planned on making sweet, sweet love with his man tonight.
"No spoilers." he muttered and decided to set a new record for showering quickly.

Thankfully, Taehyung was nowhere to be found when Jungkook got out of the bathroom and he quickly put on his nice suit, with a white shirt that he left open at the neck, feeling pretty good about his look.
Had his new, maroon, silk, shirt survived him wearing it, which of course it hadn't, this time either, he would've worn that, but, alas, this one too, had died, heroically, in battle.
Soft music started playing from somewhere and Jungkook went to look for his man.

Taehyung was sit-leaning on the back of a couch in the livingroom, adjacent to their,
dining room, waiting for Jungkook when he finally found him.
Jungkook stopped dead in his tracks, struck by his unreal beauty.
Taehyung was in all black, and.
Hooh boy.
Jungkook sighed, happy, feeling his heart race, "You are so handsome, Kim Taehyung." he said, low, raspy, sincere.
Tae still had his dirty blond hair and, Lord!
Have mercy.
He took a couple of steps closer to him and pulled on a strand of hair, "I really like this colour on you." he sighed, pulling it behind his ear, "You are always the most beautiful man, anywhere, anytime, but this colour," he ran his hand through it and cupped the back of Tae's head, "does things to me, baby." he placed a soft kiss on Tae's mouth, tasting him. Feeling the softness of his lips and tongue against his own, loving the familiarity and the fact he could never get enough.
Taehyung cupped Kook's cheeks and drew circles on his temples with his thumbs, "I find you to be the most handsome man in the world, Jeon Jungkook." he said, all serious, "And so incredibly sexy. All the time. It doesn't matter what you do, you just have to stand, or, sit, or, be!" he smiled, "And I melt. I love you, Jeon Jungkook, endlessly."
"Marry me." Jungkook took Tae's hands in his own, "Marry me, live with me, love me." he asked.
"Will, am, do. Always." Taehyung whispered and kissed him again.
"Dance with me?" Jungkook took a step back, holding one of Tae's elegant hands as an invitation.
He nodded and was in Jungkook's arms by some trick with mirrors, or something.
Jungkook hadn't seen him move.
Maybe 'cause he was drowning in his eyes.
Maybe 'cause Taehyung was unreal.
But he was real.
And his.
"I'm so happy." Jungkook sighed, blissful, "I'm so in love with you and I'm so happy."
"I have absolutely loved having these days with you, Jeon Jungkook." Tae rested his head on his shoulder, "I want to," he lifted it again, looking at Kook, "I want us to promise eachother we'll make some time for us, regularly. Having a meal together, going away for a day or two, recharging our batteries."
"Yes." Jungkook nodded, "Let's prioritise us, as much as anything else." he span Tae out in a twirl and pulled him back in, "Because, we, are the reason we're doing all this. We need to remember that." he mumbled in Tae's ear, holding him close.

Taehyung had lost track of time when their food arrived, feeling perfectly content, moving to the music in perfect time with his man.
"We should dance more often." he sighed, happily as they broke apart to let the food in.
"Mm," Jungkook pulled him in for a bear hug, immobilising Tae's arms, "I love moving with you, baby." he mumbled, swaying them from side to side as he showered Tae's face with kisses, "And while I don't like perverts watching us have sex online," he whispered, "I do like being watched and envied when we flirt and dance in public." he confessed.
Tae kissed him on the mouth, "I know, baby." he kissed him again, "I do, too." he smiled, "It's one of my kinks!" he admitted, hissing, like he was revealing some brand new secret, making Jungkook laugh.

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