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"We're gonna need Jin and Namjoon for this." Minho began after they'd slept on it and all come to grips with the fact that they were, actually, doing this, "But, and I hate to say this, but, they don't have enough star-power on their own. The three of you, do." he shrugged a shoulder.
It was just the state of the matter.
"I'm sure Jin could grow his stardom, given the chance, but we don't have time, or rather, I don't have the time to coach him on that." he took a sip of his tea, "The three of you have it naturally." he concluded.
"I do?" Jungkook pointed to himself, flabbergasted, "I have star-power? I'm the most akward human being on the planet!"
"Still, you have it." Minho smiled, "Anyway, Taehyung, you need to patch things up with your brother slash dad and you need to do it quick, 'cause we need his activist connections pretty much transfered to you, which is gonna sting like hell, I'm sure." he paused, "And honestly, I don't know how to break it to him that he needs to be a bit benched but still trudge on with what he's doing anyway, 'cause we'll need that as the foundation to accelerate from." he sighed, "What he, Namjoon and Yoongi does, the work they put in, even now, is absolutely crucial for this endevour to succeed, but it won't get off the ground without the three of you. They will painstainkingly gather the materials, build the plane, perhaps even pilot it, and you will exit it throwing kisses to the crowd, getting all the light and praise and strenghten your personal brands, if you can call it that." he sighed again, "Still, this is very much a team effort, we need everyone to work together and feel confident in what they do." he looked off to the side, thinking, "If the good things we managed to achieve this far was sheer kinetics from the out of control, crashing meteor that shoot through our lives, this needs to be precise, contained, energy preserving, strategic warfare in comparison."
"That sounds like so much fun." Hobi said, sourly, pursing his lips.
"Yeah, no." Minho laughed, "It's hell, but." he shrugged.
"I'll see your fun strategic warfare," Taehyung said looking at Hobi, "and raise you 'Patch Things Up With The Jin'."
"Christ." Hobi snortled, "You win."
"Ehrm," Jungkook raised his hand, "win the fucking Olympics? Again?"
"Ok." Hobi frowned, "Here's my demands going into this," he held up a finger, "Jungkook gets to enjoy his fucking gold this time, big celebration, the whole shebang." he counted on, "We go away, the whole Team Dick, at least once a year, and do not talk about this, work, or do anything remotely responsible for a week or so, somewhere secluded, and just breathe," he continued, "and we talk." he looked at the others, "About how we feel, if we are struggling, freaking out, all of it. So we can lean on eachother, like we always have, but you know what I mean. 'Cause at the end of the day, sure, if we can do this, we should, but we need to live, too. It can't just be about this. We agreed to refuse our lives be only about this. We need to honour that agreement, and freaking live it." he took a deep breath, "And when this is all over, and you can get married in our own country, I demand a hell of a bachelor party for the two of you, a freaking week-long wedding with an open bar, ice sculptures and fucking swans in a pond with a string quartette playing in the background or something, and all the babies we won't have time for right now." he turned to look at Minho, "Babies, Minho. I need them."
"Are you," Taehyung started but Hobi held up a hand, stopping him, "But I need to do this too." Hobi nodded, "I want to do this first, I need it done. I want my future children to live in a world where they're free to live as they want. Ok?"
"Excuse me." Minho said to Tae and Kook, and pulled Hobi onto his lap and kissed the life out of him, "As many babies as you'll ever want, my love, I promise." he said quietly, but very adamant, leaning their foreheads together, "I love you." he kissed him again, "And I want babies too." he whispered, "I want that so much, but you're right, I also want this done first."
Taehyung had taken Jungkook's hand, where it layed on the table, and whispered, "Let's give them a minute." and snuck out of there.

Hobi wound his arms around Minho's neck as soon as they were alone in the room and pressed himself close to Minho's body as he kissed him.
"Know this, husband," he said and stroked Minho's temples with his thumbs, "we owe this miracle that is you and I to everything that's happened, which is why I will never want it undone. You and I are so much bigger than this." he nodded, "And I," his chin started to tremble, "am so grateful for everything I've been given in this life. I want to give back to the universe, I want to,"
Minho kissed him and stood up, carrying him off to their bedroom and locked the door behind him.

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