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"I'm actually nervous." Taehyung fretted in the car outside the stadium.
"Yeah." Minho agreed, "It's a bit nerve wrecking."
They were about to be paparazzied.
It was part of the plan, but, still.
"So," Tae said, turning to Minho,
"Yeah," Minho nodded, "it's a bit see-through but," he shrugged.
"And today is as good a day as any..." Tae tried to pump them up,
"Yeah," Minho nodded more enthusiastically, "and we freaking had this meeting and we're going home and it's on the way?" he slapped his own leg with his fist.
"It's only natural we'd want to see our men when we have the chance like this!" Taehyung tried to convince himself.
"No, it isn't." Minho sighed, "It's reckless. And out of character."
"But we need these pictures taken." Tae's turn to sigh.
"Yeah, and I'm betting they'll take what they can get..."
"Even if they?"
"Mm." Minho chuckled, "Know what we're doing."
"But I'm still thinking we should go out to dinner or summat." Tae sighed.
"Summat?" Minho laughed, "Have you been tapping into the brittish rom-coms again?"
"Mm." Tae blushed, "Brassed off. I don't know why I love that film so much, it's not really all that good, but I do!"
"Christ!" Minho laughed, "But that would be even more conspiscious." he shrugged, returning to the topic at hand, "We should do that after this 'story' breaks, showing them we're done hiding."
"No, you're right," Tae sighed, "This way's better" he nodded, "And," he sighed, "it's gonna give us the opportunity to ramp up our online presences 'naturally'." he did air quotation marks and turned to Minho, "I can't believe you're making me do Instagram, like a freaking soccer mom and letting Meowmeow be on twitter." he said accusingly.
"Blah, blah." Minho brushed him off, "You know why." he was typing on his phone.
"Yeah, I do, and I agree, but it's still unfair!" Tae complained.
"I'll remind you of that when Yoongi drowns in tweets and everything blows up in our faces." Minho laughed and put away his phone, "Shall we?" he motioned to the car door.
"Yeah." Taehyung sighed, "Here we go."

Taehyung went straight for Jungkook's open arms, hugging him close. Feeling, comforted, by his presence, "Hi, Stonky." he smiled.
"Hi, Sexy." Jungkook smiled back, with a little wink on the side, "Did you see anyone?" he wondered.
"Not yet." Tae sighed, "But they may be hinding in a bush somewhere." he shrugged.
"I love you." Jungkook said, softly.
"I love you." Tae kissed his nose.

"Fair warning," Minho whispered to Hobi as they were leaving the arena, "there's gonna be paparazzi, hidden or otherwise." he pulled him closer with an arm around his waist.
"Oh, today's the day, huh?" Hobi giggled.
"Mm." Minho smiled.
Hobi leaned his head on Minho's shoulder, wrapping his own arm around his man, "I'm happy." he sighed, "Scared too." he confessed, "But mostly happy. I finally get to show you off to the world, husband!"
"Mm." Minho sounded, amused, squeezing him tighter, giving him a chaste kiss.
They didn't see anyone as they entered the car and drove away, which was kinda nice, knowing that those telephoto lens pictures was what they were after in the first place.

"Who tipped them off?" Jungkook wondered as he and Tae left a couple of hours later. Bonbon'd had to call in reinforcements because of the growing group of reporters and photographers outside, and Coach wasn't pleased with Kook's spin yet either.
"Tits' connection." Tae shrugged, "You ready, baby?"
"I was born ready." Jungkook growled.
"Christ!" Tae snorted, "Let's go then." he said and took Kook's hand as they went out to the sea of media outlets.

"Still together." Jungkook shrugged, uninterrested, answering the reporters "Still in love. Still determined to make my country proud in the upcoming Olympics." he stated, and opened the door for Tae, protecting him from the crowd and got a little nudge from Tae, reminding him not to make Tae into 'the woman' of the relationship.
"Shit. I forgot." Kook hissed, through clenched jaws.
"I'll live." Tae assured him as they'd gotten into the car.
"Okelidokeli," some bodyguard they'd never seen before said, "nice to meet ya'." he grinned, "We're gonna try to lose them at the office." he told them, "Bonbon's waiting for you and, yeah, I'm only here for this so, I'll take the opportunity to say, way to go, guys! You have my utmost respect and admiration. Rooting for ya!" he nodded.
"Oh, thank you." Taehyung smiled, "That's kind of you."
"Yeah, well. "I on the team, so." the bodyguard explained and went into bodyguard-mode, getting them out of there.
Which ment he was done talking.

"So," Jungkook turned to Tae, "what've you and Minho been up to, then? Besides teasing your husbands with raunchy pictures?"
"This and that." Taehyung said, mock snarkily, "But mostly getting the fucking movements to back the fucking law. Officially." he sighed, "I honestly don't know what we'd do without Minho. I mean Jin's freaking brilliant too, getting them energised, but, shit, Minho's like my idol right now." he confessed.
"Yeas, I know..." Jungkook grinned, "But seriously, why?" he wanted to know.
"Well," Tae sat up straighter, "there's a lot of, 'yeah, but this word and that word and what about?'" he imitated, "And Minho just," Taehyung pretended to pull something out of his ass, "changes the wording and puts stuff in without actually changing anything. Really. I can't believe my eyes sometimes." he admitted.
"And he keeps track of every change and goes back to the people who've approved of the previous wording and, I fucking don't know how he does it, but, like, they're like, oh, that's excellent! Let's go with that!" he shook his head, unable to understand it.
"Well, he is the best in the business..." Jungkook stated the obvious.
"Yeah." Tae nodded, "I mean, so are you. And Hobi. But, you're supermen. Minho's like me. Or, yeah, you know what I mean!"
"Charming, weird, friendly, crazy beautiful and so adorable I'm about to burst?" Jungkook suggested, laughing.
"Mm," Taehyung made a face, "I'm don't know if I'd go so far as to call Minho adorable, but, sure." he shrugged.
"No. He's scary." Kook nodded, solemnly, "But you're adorable! Crushing on your mentor." he leaned in and gave him a big kiss, "Mwah!"
"I'm not crushing on him!" Tae protested, getting a look from Jungkook, "Yeah, ok, I kinda am." he nodded, "But it's like, an intellectual, crush." he defended himself."
"Oh, ok." Jungkook said with Goofy's voice.
"Shut up." Taehyung blushed.
"No, I get it!" Jungkook laughed and pulled Tae into his arms, "I really do." he assured him, "But I do know," he whispered, only for Tae to hear, "you would totally fuck him if things were diffrent."
"Yeah, maybe." Tae whispered back, "But I do know, you, would totally fuck Hobi, too. If things were diffrent." he stuck his tongue out.
"You are correct." Jungkook nodded, feeling surprisingly ok with their admissions, "How about Yoongles?" he suddenly got the urge to ask, "Would we do Yoongs?"
"Huh." Taehyung thought about it, "I think I would, actually?"
"I do not have that impulse, at all." Jungkook realised, searching himself.
"And Jimin?" Tae wanted to know.
"Maybe after four bottles of Soju or something?" Jungkook tried to be honest, "But yeah, Jimin before Yoongs, definitely." he nodded, "I'd let him suck my dick at least."
"Oh, how magnanimous of you." Taehyung laughed.
"Yes, rather." Jungkook put his nose in the air, "Maknae is my middle name." he joked.
"Asshole." Tae laughed louder.
"Mm," he was giving Tae a noogie with his own head, "I have one." he whispered, "Wanna use it?"
Taehyung slithered closer, "No." he whispered, unexpectedly, making Jungkook flinch, "I want you to use mine." he confessed, little out of breath, "I wanna try your bent over position," he gasped, "you up for it?"
"Am I." Jungkook couldn't believe his ears, "Hell yeah!"

The Kim Family TetralogyWhere stories live. Discover now