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"I'm sorry you have to go through all this, on top of..." the doctor said, making a dismissive gesture above his head.
Hobi was in for the third set of blood and urine tests after coming home from the olympics, on account of the "inconclusiveness" of the two first.
It didn't make any sense.
He knew he hadn't used any illegal substances and that it was routine but it was such a nuisance now that he was hounded by the press all the time.
"It's just that," the doctor continued, exchanging the first vial for another, "when you have chlamydia the urine samples become wonky."
"I HAVE CHLAMYDIA?" Hobi was appalled.
"You didn't know?" the doctor asked, dismayed, had his office not contacted him? He'd need to look into that.
"NO!" Hobi shook his head, violently, "I didn't! How the hell can I have chlamydia? I've only had sex with my boyfriend and we're both clean?"
"Well, then," he said, done drawing blood, "today's urine sample will be inconclusive as well," and stood up handing over the secured box with samples to the WADA-representatives standing by, observing, as they did, even when you peed, "obviously we're gonna need to redo these tests a fourth time." he said to the observers, "but you know, it'll have been more than four weeks since the games..."
"Yeah." one of the observers said, "The blood tests are clean so... but you know, golds..." he shrugged.
The doctor sighed, "Yeah, I know, important!
"Ye-ah!" Hobi said, "I don't want any confusion or suspicion surrounding my gold what so ever! Damned right it's important!"
"See you in two weeks then!" the observer smiled and left.
"Come with me." the doctor said and walked out of the room with Hobi following him into a smaller, more private space.
"We need to properly test you for other STD's and HIV," the doc smiled, a bit akwardly, "and treat you for that chlamydia infection, and any other that we may have missed."
"Ok?" Hobi agreed. He was so not prepared for this.
The doc blushed a bit, "I'm sorry, but I have to ask you, how have you had sex with whomever you've had sex with since you last got tested, I'm assuming it was when we did it before the olympic prep started? What six moths ago, or so?"
"Yes." Hobi said.
"Ok." The doc, said calmingly, "So, how have you been having unprotected sex since then?"
Hobi was redder than he'd ever been, in his entire life, "All the ways." he whispered, looking down at his feet.
"Ok." the doc said, putting on a new pair of gloves, "Three test sets and a blood sample then, let's begin with the easy one, say aah?"
Hobi opened his mouth and let the doc swab his cheeks and pharynx.
"But I don't understand," Hobi whined as the doc put the cotton swabs in tubes and put stickers on them and writing something on the vials, "I thought you couldn't get STD's in a monogamous relationship?"
"In a monogamous relationship, no, you can't, if you're both clean to begin with." the doctor agreed, taking out another set of swabs, "Front or back?"
"This is so undignified." Hobi moaned and bent over, having pulled his shorts down.
"Last one." Doc said after repeating the procedure, "And, this one isn't, pleasureble."
"No kidding." Hobi shut his eyes, hard, when the first swab went up his, well, there.
"So," Hobi said, when the torture was over, "you're saying I'm not in a monogamous relationship?"
The doc shrugged, "Well, if you haven't stepped outside..." he busied himself with some papers, "In any case, your partner needs to be tested and treated too, of course, since we know you have it,"
"Oh." Hobi blushed, once more.
"And, I have to ask you again, I'm sorry, but you have to name all your sex partners since you were last tested."
"Park Jimin." Hobi said through clenched teeth, "That's it. No one else."
"Ok. Have him come in to get tested, somewhere."
"He's in England." Hobi moped.
"Crap." Doc said, "If he doesn't willingly get tested there, and report his partners, and forward that information to us, we're gonna have a problem. He could get charged with a criminal offence."
"Don't worry. I'll get him to heel." Hobi muttered.
"Good." the doc smiled,
"What if I have HIV?!" Hobi suddenly freaked out. His mind hadn't really caught up until now.
"How long was it since you last had sex with your boyfriend?" The doctor asked.
Hobi had to count. There'd been so much going on lately, the olympics felt like two years ago by now, "We had sex like the day after I won or the day after that, it's kinda blurry, so what has that been, like two weeks ago?"
"Ok, but not since you've come back home?"
"No." Hobi shook his head, "I was dehydrated and pretty spent" understatement of the year, "and then he left for England." Hobi felt fucking tears pool in his eyes, "We didn't exactly part on good terms." God! How embarrasing! Crying at the doctor's office!
"Ok," the doctor said and patted his arm, "I'll order a NAT, they're the most reliable after this short amount of time, but it'll take a day or two to get the results and you need to get another test in about two weeks again, just to be sure. You know the drill. "
"Yeah." Hobi gasped, shook.
"We'll let you know about the other tests as soon as they come in. I'll write you a prescription for the antibiotics. That should take care of any other infections you might have as well."
"Thank you." Hobi went back to the other room to get dressed.
He was going to fucking kill Park Jimin.

"YOU GAVE ME CHLAMYDIA, YOU FUCKING TROLL!" Hobi yelled in his phone.
He'd called Jimin as soon as he came home since he forgot his phone when he left and didn't want to use Bikram's.
He did not for one second care what time it was over there.
Tae, Kook, Jin and Joon all slithered out of the living room, going God knows where, to give Hobi some privacy.
He didn't care.
Jimin had fucking given him a STD! He could have HIV! He was fucking fuming!
Hobi took a deep breath "AND YOU COULD'VE GIVEN ME HIV! HIV, JIMIN!" Hobi could hear shuffling and crackles as Jimin, presumably, went somewhere private.
"Hobi, I'm,"
"Don't. Just get fucking tested, and treated and get the people there to tell whomever they need to tell over here about the results and give them YOUR FUCKING CHEETING PARTNERS!
"I'm sorry, I was just so"
"I don't want to hear it, Jimin. We're through. Over. For good. HOW FUCKING COULD YOU, YOU IDIOT!"
He hung up.
And began to cry.
Bitter tears.
They had been friends for years! And he cheated on him.
"I hate him." he sobbed to himself.
"Hobi." Tae's soft voice made him cry even harder, "I'm so sorry." Tae hugged him.
"How could he do this to me?" Hobi cried, "I love him!"
"I know you do, Hobi," Tae tried to comfort him, "and I don't understand it either! I never thought Jimin could do something like this! I'm so, so sorry."
Tae's phone started to buzz, but Tae just turned it off.
"Jimin?" Hobi wondered.
"Mm." Tae acknowledged.
Hobi pulled himself together, "I want to kill him right now," a sob broke lose again, "but I still care about him, and," Hobi started crying again.
"I'm not going cut him off," Tae promised, "I will cuss him out, though." he nodded to himself, "In a while. Right now I'm so angry with him, I could strangle him! HOW COULD HE PUT YOU AT RISK LIKE THIS?! I need to calm down!"
Hobi laughed through his tears. It took a lot to get either of them angry and Jimin had managed to enrage them both! He hugged Taehyung closer.
Tae rested his head on Hobi's forehead, "I'm really sorry things didn't work out for you two." he kissed Hobi's forehead, "You're my two favourite people, you know!"
Hobi laughed and choked a bit on his tears, "Well, that's a big fat lie, Jungkook is." he nodded, agreeing with himself.
"No," Tae disagreed, "Jungkook is the love of my life. You're my favorites."
They stayed like that for while.
No words could make this right.

"You can come in now!" Hobi shouted to the other ones he knew would be behind the door, but it was just Jin and Namjoon that appeared.
"Where's bunny boy?" Hobi asked. He was done crying over that cheating bastard. Still furious though.
"Ah," Namjoon scratched his head, "down in the basement, punching the life out of the sandbag." he explained.
"I think I'll join him," Hobi said and stood up, "I need to burn off some anger."
Jin slung an arm around his shoulder, giving him a comforting squeeze.
"Sounds like a great idea." Namjoon nodded.
"Thanks, guys." Hobi said, letting his eyes sweep around the kitchen and the people gathered there.
"Don't mention it." Namjoon shrugged.

Jungkook was all sweaty, punching and kicking the sandbag with all he got when Hobi joined him.
"Hobi," Jungkook said, distraught, not finding the words, "I'm gonna kill him."
"Get in line." Hobi growled.
Jungkook stepped behind the bag and held it out for Hobi, who picked up a pair of gloves and started pummeling the bag.

"WITHOUT A CONDOM?! YOU FUCKING GOAT TURD! YOU COULD HAVE GOTTEN ALL KINDS OF SHIT! AND GIVEN IT TO HOBI!! YOU FUCKING ASSHAT!" Hobi and Jungkook heard Taehyung shouting from upstairs as they were cooling down on the treadmills, making them both huff out a laugh with their panting.
"Guess he's getting what's coming." Jungkook grinned, looking evil.
"He deserves it." Hobi bit out.
"And then some." Jungkook agreed. Of all the irresponsible, and dangerous! He shook his head, "Idiot." he muttered, making Hobi smile a crooked smile.

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