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It'd been a weird day for Hobi.
Getting up in the early hours of dawn.
Watching Jimin fly across the stage.
Feeling a twinge of longing after his ex, to his surprise, and seconds later, turning his head looking at the man of his dreams, almost having to pinch himself to believe he was actually real. That Minho was actually here and Hobi got to touch him, kiss him, love him.
Want him.
The interruption of a really cosy time, getting it on with his man.
Losing it.
And barging in on the sex monkeys.
With his dick in attention.
He shivered at the thought.
A tad embarrassed.
Just a tad.
Let's face it, he and Jungkook had been naked around eachother for years, but, still.
Almost dying from laughter when Namjoon chimed in, mouth full of dick and Minho, dryly, commented, "Club fellatio."
Having to keep a straight face around the others, which was extremly hard when at any time someone would start giggling for themselves the entire day.
Except Jin and Joon, who were in a bad mood for some reason...
Hobi started to giggle again and did a dog shake to get a grip.

It was late afternoon when he finally got around to call Jimin, like he promised.
"I've met someone." Hobi told him when they'd got past all the pleasantries and catching ups.
He didn't want Jimin to think he was hiding anything from him and, well, it just seemed as the right thing to do.
There was an audible silence before Jimin sighed and said, "That hot ass lawyer, right?"
"Yeah? How did you..."
"Jangmi let it slip when she called me the other day." Jimin confessed.
"Jangmi? Called you?" Hobi was stunned.
"Yeah, she wanted advice on how to get Yoongi to change his mind about something and, I told her to talk to you and get you on board."
"And she snorted and said she didn't think you'd have the time since you were busy hooking up with your lawyer."
They turned quiet, each thinking their own thoughts.
"Is that why you ended things with me?" Jimin said in a tiny, tiny, voice.
"Jimin! No!" Hobi was dismayed, "You know why I broke up with you, because we want different things and, well, honestly, weren't we actually in a relationship with some fantasy version of eachother?"
"Yeah, but..."
"I'm sorry if it feels that way, but, no, that's really not what happened." Hobi shook his head, "But I do understand it could read like that, I do, but you have to know I'm not purposly conniving and mean, like that, right?"
"No. No. You're right, I just, you know, it hurts that you've been able to move on so fast, you know?"
"Yeah. I get it." he'd be hurt too, if it'd been him on the other side, "This whole thing took me by surprise, and, I wanted you to hear it from me," he smiled a crooked smile, "so it wouldn't splash you in the face and hurt you, but... I guess I'm too late, I'm really sorry about that."
"I'm sorry too."
"You looked good, dancing, though." Hobi changed the subject.
"Yeah? You watched?"
"Come on, we all watched! Obviously!"
"I feel like I was born to dance this part." Jimin revealed, "I'm, it's awesome, Hobbs, I'm, I'm really sorry for everything that happened between us but I'm so happy I took this chance and did this!" he blurted out before he could change his mind.
"Jimin, that's wonderful!" he ment it, "I'm happy for you! Truly!"
"Thank you, Hobi. I'm, is it serious? With you and the lawyer? Or?"
"Yeah." Hobi admitted, he didn't want to lie about that. Even if it could potentially hurt like hell to know it.
"I've got it bad." he confessed, "I don't want to rub it in or anything, I just... I think you deserve to know, that's all." Hobi sighed.
"He better treat you right!" Jimin threatened, "Or I'll stand on his face!"
"Yeah, ok!" Hobi chuckled, "I'll let him know, Jimin, the bantamweight, is gonna rough him up."
"Hey! Lightweight, if you don't mind!"
"Oh? You've gained some weight? Too much fish and chips, huh?"
"Muscles!" Jimin countered, "I have to lift my flipping partner, you know?"
"And how much does she weigh? Twenty kilos?"
"Thirty eight." Jimin confessed.
"Well, Go-holly!" Hobi teased.
"Yes, yes, you're a muscle monster, rub it in, will ya'."
"Rub, rub." Hobi giggled.
"You sound happy." Jimin admitted, "You sound like yourself. You haven't sounded like yourself, since," he tried to think back, "I can't remember when." he realised.
"I am happy." Hobi sighed.
"Good. You being happy makes me happy."
"Thank you, Jimin." Hobi smiled.
"I mean it!"
"I know. I know you, you know?" Hobi snickered.
"You do know me," Jimin agreed, "probably better than I know myself."
"Well, you're an amazing guy, I just wish you could believe that."
"I wish that too." Jimin confessed, very quietly. "Thank you for calling me, Hobbs. I really appreciate it. I do, but I'm running late so, be safe and I'll talk to you soon, yeah?"
"You too, Jimin, take care!"
"Mwah, you too! Bye."
"Bye, bye."
Should he have mwahed him back? Nah, it wouldn't have felt sincere for him and too late now anyway.
He sighed.
Breaking up sucked.
He should call Yoongi, though. Tell him about Jangmi blabbing to Jimin about Minho.
"Ay me." he sighed, "I doth thus kill the envious moon. What the hell did I just say?" he shrugged and called his little meowmeow. He giggled.

"Whazzup?" Yoongi answered, telling Hobi he didn't really have time to talk right now, so Hobi went straight to the point,
"I think your lady friend is more than a little unreliable when it comes to classified information, Yoongi."
"Why? What did she do?"
"She spilled the tea to Jimin before I could talk to him and tell him myself that I've met someone."
"Jesus. Fuck. Hobi, I'm sorry. I, fuck." Yoongi sighed, deeply, "I don't have time for this shit!"
"With her! Not you. You're my best friend. I've always got time for you. And besides, you don't fuck up like this on a regular basis!"
"No. I just fuck." Hobi grinned.
"Christ." Yoongi rolled his eyes, "Imma deal with this Jangmi situation when I'm done with this very taxing and not money making initiative I'm working on right now." he said accusingly.
"No one's twisting your arm, Yoongi." Hobi objected.
"My conscience is twisting my arm!" Yoongi complained, "You have no idea how hard!"
"You should use Jungkook as help." Hobi suggested, "He's does study the same shit you did."
"You're right." Yoongi admitted, amazed he hadn't thought about that, "I should use Jungkook. Thanks Hobble! Gotta go!"
He hung up in Hobi's ear.
"Yay." he sighed, but brightened up considerably when he remembered he could go find his man again.

Minho was seated in the dining area, on a gym ball, with forty-two thousand books open infront of him. His bar exam was comming up, again, so he was cramming it.
Hobi went up to him and hugged him from behind, leaning his head against Minho's neck.
Minho placed a hand over Hobi's arms and leaned back a little bit.
"That fun, huh?" he stated.
"I love you." Hobi answered.
"I love you too." Minho reciprocated and tilted his head back for a kiss that Hobi gave him.
"I'm just about done for the day," Minho explained, "but, I need like twenty minutes or so?"
"Make it an hour," Hobi kissed him on the back of the head, "I'll be downstairs, running, or lifting or something."
"Ok, baby." Minho patted his hand, preoccupied with his train of thought.

He heard Tae moan as he went down the stairs, a muffled, contained, "Wa-ah-h."
A definitive cum-sound if ever he'd heard one, he snickered and thought about sneaking up on them, but decided he was an adult nowadays and instead warned them, "Guys, pull your pants up, I'm coming down!"
He heard giggles and shuffling and figured it was safe but still asked, "You decent?" before taking the last steps.
"Sorry Hobbs," Tae panted, spilled out over one of the lounge chairs, "I just came down here to admire the view and he jumped me!" he pointed an accusatory finger at a barebreasted Jungkook, grinning on the floor.
"Mm." Hobi put his hand on his hip, "You ate him up with his eyes, didn't you?" he looked at Tae.
"With ketchup." Jungkook said with a smile, and crawled up on Tae and kissed him.
"This place is beginning to feel like a brothel," Hobi snorted, "people getting it on in every corner." and sat down in the other lounge chair.
Jungkook sqeezed down beside Tae and managed to squiggle himself so Tae landed halfway on top of him.
"Is everything ok with your dads?" Hobi asked, "They seem..."
"I don't know." Tae sighed, "Something's up with them, but?" he shrugged, "I mean, we planned for this period of inactivity, you know?" he gestured between the three of them, "So, for us it's just the place and the circumstances that's a bit weird, but." he shrugged again, "Their lives kind of got cancelled out of nowhere."
"Huh. Hadn't thought about it like that before." Jungkook said.
"No," Tae nodded, "And that's why I do the thinking and you do the lifting."
"Blah, blah, blah." Jungkook said and kissed his adorable man again.
"You two look so good together." Hobi said, looking at them with a fond smile, "Like two, fluffy, little kittens."
"Hey!" Jungkook protested, "We're like, sex on a stick, I'll have you know!"
"Uhmm, you're twelve," Hobi pointed, "and he's cute. Kittens."
"You and Minho look really good together too." Tae said, "Steady, strong." he nodded.
Hobi seemed to have solidified these last few weeks, or maybe found his footing?
He was still a powerhouse of energy and brightness, but calmer, more at ease.
"Is it weird for you?" Hobi asked, "Minho and I? I mean, Jimin is your best friend?"
"Actually, not at all?" Taehyung admitted, a bit consterned, "You two belong together,"
"Yeah." Jungkook agreed, nodding.
"and Jimin and you were, cute, but, kinda off?" Tae continued, tentatively, "In comparison."
"I feel like the luckiest man alive." Hobi swooned, and clasped his hands infront of his chest, "He's," he couldn't put it into words, "everything!" he sighed.
"I know that feeling." Jungkook agreed, looking at Tae, eyes smoldering, promting Taehyung to give him a heartfelt kiss.
"I'm so in love it's ridiculous!" Hobi laughed.
"I think that's how it's supposed to be, when you meet your certain someone." Tae smiled, looking at Jungkook, love shining out of his eyes, getting a peck on the lips.

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