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They had been yapping, going round in circles for hours.
Jin was fed up, annoyed and more than a little offended.
"I'm sorry, but this feels more like an intervention than a plan." he bit out, "What do you want me to do? Stand on the sidelines and watch when you fuck this up?"
"Geez, thanks for the vote of confidence." Yoongi commented, with sarcasm dripping off of every word.
"Kim Seokjin," Minho's voice whipped through the air, "I have nothing but respect for you and your abilities, but you need to respect mine, too. And I am telling you, you are not our best player right now, Taehyung is." he pointed to the brother in question with his whole hand. "We have a very slim window of opportunity to make this work and none of us are prepared to risk that because you are human and need a minute."
"And I am telling you I don't!" Jin raised his voice.
"And we're telling you, you do." Jungkook said softly, putting a hand on Jin's arm.
Jin sighed and leaned back in his chair.
"But I," he started again and thought the better of it and shut up, 'need something to do.' he continued with his inside voice.
Obviously that wasn't a good enough reason to get everyone on board, he realised that, but, he needed something to do.
"Look," Minho said, massaging his eyebrows, "we still need you to do your thing, but for now, we should put a pin in that, 'cause you know that one's gonna take years anyway, a few more months won't make or break that work. But the press conference, that needs to take place as planned, and that's not going to be pretty,"
"Like this right here is a fucking rainbow!" Jin exploded.
"No." Minho answered, "That's my point. You hate everyone in here right now and we can tell. That's not the message you want the public to take away from the conference is it? That you resent us, and the world, for making your life miserable?"
"Don't put, feelings, in my..." Jin gagged.
"I'm not." Minho stated, calmly, "I'm expressing them for you." he knew he was being harsh but he needed Jin to understand this.
"Oh." Namjoon realised.
Of course that was it.

Jin was taking the brunt of the consequences from Hobi and Jungkook coming out publicly. From Taehyung and Jungkook being caught on film, parading their sexual prowless around, all be it unknowingly. And from Hobi having multiple ex-lovers selling pictures to the papers, Sunghoon not being the only one anymore.
Yet Jin, and himself, were the one's being fired, having their lives completely stalled, not coping.
The kids all had options, and the fame that came with this, was, perhaps, unwanted and made their lives more complicated, but it also opened new doors.
For Jin and himself it worked the other way around, robbing them of opportunities, closing doors, making it difficult for any hospital or university to employ them.
And it was the people Jin loved the most, fiercly, that he would die for, that was the cause of all this.
No wonder he had trouble expressing his feelings!
Well, honestly, they were as much victims of the circumstances as Jin and he ever was, but, it was their behavior, their actions, that were being exploited.
Jin and he had never done anything even remotely blameworthy in their lives, boring as they were, responsible to a fault, but the kids were a bit careless sometimes.
Not that either of them had done anything wrong! It was just hard not to scold them for, hell if he knew? Sexing? All the time?
"Let's take a break and have some dinner." Yoongi suggested. They'd been going at it for the whole afternoon.
"Fine." Jin spat out and left the table in a hurry.

"I'm," Minho said, distraught.
"No." Taehyung apologised, "It needed to be said, and I, couldn't." he sighed, "I think it was better coming from you anyway." he comforted.
"Remind me to never try and hide something from the two of you." Jiwoo said, looking at Tae and Minho little bit scared.
"No." Yoongi said and stood up, "They're like the human equivalent of a freaking MRI or something." he shivered, and let Jiwoo walk out infront of him.
"Kekeke." Taehyung cackled and gave Minho a quick hug.
"Yeah." Hobi laughed, "You could start a home decor slash what's-going-on-in-here-then? company together."
"Ailens Inc." Jungkook giggled.
"Oh, shush!" Tae slapped him, but got drawn in for a hug and a smooch.
"Are you telling me I should throw my two law degrees out the window?" Minho asked Hobi.
"Yes." Hobi nodded.
"Christ." Minho laughed and pulled him in for a kiss.
"You should come over for dinner, sometime." Hobi invited Tae and Kook, securly held by Minho, "I think you'll like his place." he smiled at Tae.
"Yes, please." Taehyung smiled.
Minho laughed, "And you'll do the cooking, will you?" he put his head on Hobi's shoulder, amused.
"Darling," Hobi said and turned in his arms and wound his around Minho's neck, "I'm sure you'll cook something spectacular for them!"
"Just say when." Taehyung smiled, "And we'll eat you out of your house and home." he promised, and he and Jungkook left.

"I'll help you with the dishes?" Hobi smiled, knowing he might have overstepped, inviting people over to Minho's.
"Baby," Minho held him tighter, "it's your place too," he kissed his nose, "soon." he pecked his lips, "You can invite people over anytime you like." he whispered and placed a real kiss on his mouth, "Unless you want us get a new place together somewhere else?"
"I wanna be with you." Hobi gasped, "I don't care where. I just want you."
"You have me." Minho mumbled and kissed him again.
"Make love to me." Hobi asked, struck by desire.
"What, now?" Minho was surprised.
"Yes. Now. Let's sneak out for a minute."
"It's gonna take more than a minute..." Minho smiled crookedly, "Let's end this first and I'll make love to you the whole night, and then again tomorrow morning?"
"Mm," Hobi purred, "I do like morning sex..."
"I know you do." Minho put his hands on Hobi's butt and kissed him again.
"Mm-hmm." Hobi was dreaming away, drooling a little bit.
"Don't make me hard, baby." Minho pleaded, low in Hobi's ear.
"Well, come on then." Hobi said, all business, "Let's go eat and get this, whatever we're doing?" he sighed, "Deciding? Over with so we can go fuck." he dragged a laughing Minho behind him.

They were all trying their darnest to keep things civil during dinner, and as an unspoken agreement nobody ordered or drank any kind of alcohol tonight.
Not only because they'd have a taxing day tomorrow and adding a potential hangover to that didn't seem appealing to anyone, but, also, because of Jin.
He clearly had trouble keeping it together as it was and alcohol on top of that seemed to make it harder still.
And he felt it.
How everyone was tip-toeing around him and it made him furious!
But he didn't want to prove them right, so he kept it in.

"So when's the wedding?" Taehyung asked Jiwoo.
"We were thinking June, but, honestly, if it were up to me we'd just do it whenever, sign a piece of paper or whatever and start making babies." she smiled, "But our moms want the whole, you know, so." she shrugged.
"Yeah," Hobi agreed, "I really want to start a family too." he sighed, longingly, smiling at Minho.
"Heh." Jin snorted, but didn't say anything else.
"And you're up for that?" Yoongi asked Minho, ignoring Jin.
"Oh, yeah. I'm ready." Minho admitted.
"How would you actually go about that?" Yoongi wondered, "If you don't mind me asking?"
"Well," Minho said and took Hobi's hand, "I don't know how anyone else would do it, especially not in this country, but, my youngest sister has already offered up her eggs and her womb for my man to impregnate at any opportune moment." he laughed, "So, yeah. We're set." he smiled.
"No." Jin hissed, making everyone's head whip, staring at him, "I can't, no, it's, this is, no fucking way Jung Hoseok is becoming a father before me! NO!" he slammed his palm on the table and stood up, "I," he almost puked, "I'm, no! This is just."
"Jin!" Taehyung begged, completely bewildered and scared.
"No!" Jin yelled, "I can't take this!" he turned to Hobi, "You don't get to live my life and I'm left with, scraps!"
"You know what, that's it!" Hobi stood up, facing Jin, "I get that your life sucks at the moment and that you find it easier to blame me than your kids, but,"
"I do blame you!" Jin shouted, "If you hadn't been such a bad influence on my kids and dipped your wick in every available puddle, maybe we wouldn't be in this situation!"
"Fuck you. Kim Seokjin." Hobi said. Calmly. Clearly. Fed up. And left.
"What the fucking hell is going on with you?" Namjoon yelled, "How can you,"
"Excuse me." Minho said and went after Hobi.
"Maybe we should?" Yoongi motioned to Jiwoo.
"Yeah." she agreed and got up like stung from a bee.
"You can't seriously blame Hobi for Taehyung and I fucking our brains out all the time!" Jungkook rarely got upset but when he did it took weeks to get him to calm down.
"Fuck you." Jin said to Namjoon, "Fuck you." he turned to Taehyung, "And fuck you, too." Jungkook's turn. And off he went.
"Jin!" Namjoon followed him, "What the hell?!"
Tae sat down with a thump, "I," he snorted, "I, what the hell is going on right now?"
Jungkook sat down beside him, "I can't believe he blames poor Hobi!" he spat out.
"No." Tae agreed, "But."
"Yeah, I know." Jungkook deflated.
They sat in silence.
"We really do need to get him that professional help." Jungkook sighed.
"Yeah." Tae breathed, "And, yesterday."

The Kim Family TetralogyWhere stories live. Discover now