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Yoongi was in pain.
His shoulder hurt something tremendous but it was the realisation he himself was the source of all the shit published in the papers that was the most painful.
"And you've just yapped about everything I've told you to all of your friends?!" he accused Jangmi, standing beside his bed.
"Yoongi, come on!" Jangmi defended herself, "I was just raving about how adorable and brave your friends were, taking care of eachother like they've been, and how lucky I am to have gotten to know them! How was I supposed to know Taeeul was going to sell that to the papers?"
"Bragging." Yoongi muttered under his breath, correcting her 'raving' statement. He was so fucking disappointed! "But you've told them everything! Have you any idea how much damage this could cause?!"
"OF COURSE I DO! I'm not stupid! I'M SO SORRY, YOONGI!"
"WHY," Yoongi sighed and tried to calm down, "How could you spill this much information about them? Didn't you realise how fucking sought after tidbits from their lives would be?"
"Yoongi! I haven't done anything anyone wouldn't do! I've just talked about my boyfriend's great friends that I deeply admire with my friends!"
"Yeah, but." Yoongi scowled, how freaking naive could you be?
There was a tense silence.
"Whatever." Yoongi moped. Wasn't anything could be done about it now anyway.
"I am sorry." Jangmi said, "Truly."
Yoongi sighed, "So am I."
"So," Jangmi said, changing the subject, "how are you faring?"
Yoongi grimaged, "I've been better, but, hell, the drugs are good?"
"When can you leave?"
"Tomorrow probably, if I don't have any fever."
"Well, that's good?"
"Are you going home, or are you staying with me or?" she wondered.
"I think I'll go to Hobi's parents for a couple of days, 'til I can get dressed on my own at least." he confessed, "Or, I'll go stay with the others." he shrugged, forgetting.
"Tchll!" he sounded on an inhale when the pain hit.
"Ok." Jangmi said, "Let me know?"
"Sure." Yoongi nodded.
She bent down and kissed him, placing her hand on his cheek, "Get well soon, Oppa!" she teased.
Yoongi moaned at the disliked honorific, "O-khey." he slured. Like he had a freaking choice in the matter.
She tried to get up, "Imma need a real kiss." Yoongi complained, holding her in place by her shirt.
"O-khey." she mimicked, smiling and frenched him.
"Oh!" Jiwoo exclaimed, having just entered the room and turned on her heel and went out again.
"Better?" Jangmi giggled.
"Mm." Yoongi said, noncommittally. But with a faint smile.
"See you soon, baby." Jangmi got up and opened the door to leave.
"Yeah." Yoongi answered, and lifted his right hand in a little goodbye wave.
The two women exchanged some pleasantries in the hall before Jiwoo entered, again.
"Sorry about that." she said, pulling up a chair and sat down beside Yoongi, "So, how is my little diaper rash doing today?"
"Fine." Yoongi growled, "Except, I have to pee. Could you?" he motioned toward the bell button.
"Oh, come on." Jiwoo said and stood up, "I'll help you."
"Wut? It's not like I haven't seen your little peepee before!"
"NOONA!" Yoongi was mortified.
"Come. On. You showed your schlang to me so many times, it's a wonder I can even go near one those anymore!"
"You weren't five when you did the helicopter infront of me and all my friends on my graduation..." she arched an eyebrow.
"Oh." he'd totally forgot about that. "But that was a dare!" he defended himself.
"Yes." Jiwoo agreed, "But I still saw it!" she put her hands on her hips, "Now. Come on!" she nodded towards the bathroom.
"Fine." Yoongi pouted. He knew better than to argue with Noona. But this was.
"Unbelievable." he muttered.
Thankfully, she just helped him to undo his pants and left him to it.
"Wash your hands." she urged when he was finished.
"I was about to!" he defended himself, yet again, "Could you zip my pants up first? Please?" he hissed. Would you believe how she ordered him around?!

Back in bed, he moped. He was in a mopy mood after all that had transpired.
"I hate people." he moped.
"Yeah." Jiwoo agreed, understanding exactly what he ment, "Should we postpone?" she asked, unsure.
"Absolutely not!" Yoongi resisted, "We all need something nice, fun, good, whatever!"
"Yeah, but." she motioned to his shoulder.
"I'll shoot up on morphine and deal with the consequences later." Yoongi said, "I'll be damned if I'll let idiots spoil this for us! I won't allow it!"
"It's just a party, Yoongi." she tried.
"No. It's not." Yoongi shook his head, "It's a declaration of pride. It's a signal. This is what people should be raving about. Not that your brother likes dick."
"No. You're right." she agreed, "They deserve to be celebrated!"
"They deserve to be fucking knighted. This is just..."
"More like ramen."
They started to giggle.
"Did you hear he broke up with Jimin?" she remembered.
"Yeah. I heard." Yoongi's face clouded over.
"I, just" Jiwoo ran her hands over his face, "has he lost his mind?"
"Yeah." Yoongi shook his head, "I don't know, it's like, you know, when some clown snags a hot Hollywood actress or something and then fucks up so bad she has to dump him because he hasn't got the balls to get out the decent human being way."
"Hm. Yeah. Well. You know him better than I do." she shrugged, "But, chlamydia?" she hissed.
"Yeah. It's insane!" he agreed.
"But you're right, it's kinda like knocking up the nanny or something."
"So, how's it going with you and Jangmi then?" she decided to change the subject.
Yoongi looked at the wall for a while, "She's the leak." he confessed.
"WTH?" Jiwoo stood up.
"Well, not her directly. One of her friends, but..." he looked at Jiwoo.
"But she signed the nondisclosure agreement!"
"Yeah. But apparently she spilled the tea months before signing..."
"And she didn't think to tell anyone that!"
"I know." Yoongi made a face, "I just..."
"Shit." Jiwoo sat down again.
"How are you gonna handle it?"
Yoongi sighed, "I'll talk to the 'crazy hot lawyer' as your brother calls him and, I don't know?"
They sat in silence for a while.
"I'm getting married." Jiwoo announced.
"Yeah?" Yoongi shined up, "Sejun finally popped the question, huh?"
"Noo, I did. And he said yes!" she smiled, "But we haven't told anyone yet, you're the first to know."
"Oh! Well, congratulations!"
"Thank you."
"You should tell everyone at the party." Yoongi suggested.
"U-uhm." Jiwoo shook her head, "I'm not getting in the way of Hobi and Jungkook. That should be their night. I'll hold an engagement dinner later."
"But this is good news!" Yoongi protested, "It'll make everyone happy! You should at least consider telling people!"
"Yeah. Maybe."
"You should. It doesn't take anything away from Hobi and Jungkook and you deserve the attention too. You deserve to announce your happiness to the world." he nodded.
"Naw. Thank you, diaper rash!" she said, with a hand to her heart.
"I mean it!"
"I know." she grew serious, "I do consider you one of my best friends, Yoongi."
"Me too. You." he gripped one of her hands with his right, "I love you, you know."
"You should get shot more often!" she laughed, "That's the first time you said it out loud!"
"Come on! It's not like you didn't know!"
"No, no, I knew," she nodded, "but you have to say it for it to count!"
"That's a stupid rule." Yoongi moped.
"No. It really isn't. You should tell people you love that you love them. It makes you stronger."
"Huh." He'd never thought about it like that before.
"So," she said all business, "you're staying with us, right? When you get out of here?"
"Yeah, I think I will, if it's ok with your parents?"
"Of course it is." she made a dismissive gesture with her hand, "Your parents are still there, you know, decided to stay 'til the party." she shrugged.
"Oh, yey," Yoongi said sarcastically, "three moms to smother me."
"Oh, shush!" she slapped his good arm, "You love me."
He groaned, "I knew I shouldn't have told you!"
"Is Sejun coming, by the way?" he asked, wanting to change the subject.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world." she scrunched her face up, "What about Jangmi, how do you wanna do with her?"
Deep sigh.
"Fuck if I know." Yoongi admitted.

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