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"Good morning, my love." Taehyung whispered as Jungkook stirred from his sleep.
"Kiss." Jungkook begged.
Tae nuzzled his way up Kook's shoulder, over his neck and surprised him with a slow, sultry and lingering kiss.
"You." Jungkook breathed.
"I." Tae responded.
"In me."
"Yeah." Jungkook moaned, as he felt Tae's cock shoot up against his hip.
"No prep." Jungkook ordered, "Just lube." he had his eyes closed and wasn't one hundred percent awake yet, but he wanted to stay like this and feel Taehyung fill him up, like he was still dreaming.
"Ok." Tae complied and lubed up his cock before rolling ontop of Jungkook who bent his knees and gave him access.
"Kiss me." Kook begged again.
Taehyung lined his cock up against Jungkook's entrance and slowly pushed himself in as he mirrored his actions with his tongue.
Jungkook groaned at the completeness of having both his openings filled with Taehyung and took a lazy hold of Tae's ass, and pushed him in further.
"So good." he slured.
Taehyung was in no rush. He layed ontop of Jungkook, eyes closed, feeling Kook's soft walls clenching around him and Kook's awakening dick getting hard between them.
Tae let his tounge explore.
Noticing, again, how soft Jungkook's lips were, eventhough, he'd been biting them lately.
He bucked his hips once, and felt Jungkook shiver beneath him.
"Good?" Tae's deep voice wanted confirmation.
"So good." Kook gasped.
"I love making love to you." Tae moaned between kisses, as he let his hips make the occasional thrust.
"I love when you make love to me too." Jungkook breathed, "I love you." he let his hands softly wander over every part of Taehyung's body he could reach.
"And I love you."
"Can we make love every morning, please?"
"Yes." Tae had found a rythm that was, damn. Nice! "We'll make love in the mornings and fuck in the evenings, how does that sound?"
"Like a plan." Jungkook tensed and lifted his hips from the bed when the pleasure was almost too much, "Hhng, promise me forever, Taehyung." he asked.
"You have me forever." Tae promised, "It's you and me baby, always."
Jungkook started shivering, "Come for me, baby." Tae whispered and Jungkook shuddered apart, followed shortly by Taehyung who couldn't hold it anymore when his baby came like that.
"I love you, Jungkook."
"I love you, Taehyung, so, so much."
There was a quick knock on the door that opened at the same time and Hobi entered, "Guys, can I borrow," Hobi realised he'd just walked in on them, "Oh. My, my, my," he purred, "what have we here?" he took a step closer to the bed, "Two sex monkeys caught in the act, mm, mm, mmm! You look hot!" he licked his lips.
"You needed something?" Tae laughed, they kind of deserved the intrusion.
"Never mind! Can I join?" Hobi asked, hopefully.
"Sorry, already done." Jungkook laughed.
"Ah, shoot!" Hobi stomped his foot, "But since I'm here, can I borrow some shorts? It's like a thousand degrees out and Yoongles took mine." he pouted.
"Bottom drawer." Tae pointed.
"Thanks." Hobi fished out the garment, and leaned against the dresser, "So, tell me, you switch, right?"
"Yeah." Jungkook admitted, "But you knew that. So, get out. Please."
"Why can't I make you uncomfortable!?" Hobi complained, wanting to get even.
"Hobi! What the hell?" Yoongi stood in the door, completely dismayed, "Get out of there!"
"Now it's uncomfortable." Jungkook nodded.
"Ha!" Hobi pumped his fist, "All it took was a Yoongles!" he started to leave, "Victory is mine!" he declared as he closed the door on the two giggling kids.

Lee Minho showed up soaking wet, completely drenched.
"What the hell?" Jin asked as he let him in.
"The AC gave out about halfway here." he panted, "Would it be ok with everyone if I took a quick shower before we get started?" he asked the others.
"Yeah, man!"
"Of course!"
"Sure." Came the answers.
"Let me get you something cold to drink and a towel." Jin said and disappeared into the kitchen.
"Oh, and could I maybe borrow some clothes?" Minho wondered. The only change he had with him was a suit he needed for work tomorrow.
"Sure." Namjoon said and got up to find him some.

The Kim Family TetralogyWhere stories live. Discover now