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Hobi was coming home from a long day of pulling his hair out.
The kid he was coaching right now?
It was days like this he really missed Jungkook.
Sulking as he might have been, back in the day, Jungkook listened, took what you said to heart, even if he didn't say anything, did some Jungkook magic on it and made it work for him.
This kid.
Hobi sighed.
Tried everything but what you had suggested, stubborn as an old tree stump, and seemed personally offended by every word you uttered.
He was talented though.
He missed Jungkook.

Minho was off today, having finalised whatever it was they'd worked on day and night for a decade or so over at the firm and was talking on the phone.
Hobi dropped all his belongings and strode right up to him, plastering himself on his back, hugging him tight.
He rested his head on his back and let out a deep sigh, feeling instantly better.
"Yeah, but, remember what I said, it's not gonna pass this first time," Minho said and Hobi understood it was Taehyung, "they don't want to make it look like they've caved." he placed his arm over Hobi's, and squeezed tight, "I know, we should comment, but, it should be, I don't know, done in passing? If you know what I mean? I mean you're home right? Couldn't you, I don't know, go to an exhibition or something? And leak it to the press?" he loosened Hobi's grip so he could turn around and give him a quick kiss, placing his hand on Hobi's cheek and then pulling his head into his chest, holding him close, "Yeah, that's perfect!" Minho said, "And this way, we can time the next attempt with the Olympics." he continued, "Wait, let me put you on speaker, Hobi's home." he held out the phone and Hobi heard Taehyung's tired voice, "Hi Hobbs!"
"Hi, Tae! Everything alright?"
"Yeah, just, scheming." he sighed, "It wears you out."
"How's Jungkook doing?"
"He misses you." Tae sighed.
"I miss him, too." Hobi sighed back, "And you!"
"I'm buying a house?" Taehyung said.
"Yeah? You found it?" Hobi's mood lightened up considerably.
"Yeah, it's perfect." Tae giggled, "And apparently, I have some sort of real estate stipend, special trust fund, thingy, I know, it's insane! And I'm going with Mr Kim to the City archives tomorrow to fish out the apparently ancient statutes of it to sort out if I can amend them so Jungkook could still live there, should I die or something." he snorted.
"Look at you being all lawyery!" Hobi laughed.
"Yeah, and get this, Mr Kim said he would sponsor me if I applied for a transfer! You know, to the actual lawschool?"
"Well, then." Minho mused, "Congratulations on getting accepted into Lawschool!"
"Woah!" Tae sounded.
"It's a done deal if he sponsors you." Minho nodded, proudly.
"Shit!" Taehyung gasped.
"I'm so proud of you, Mini-me!" Minho laughed.
"Heh." Taehyung swallowed.
"Omg, you're so cute!" Hobi swooned, "We should get together soon, I really do miss you!"
"We should." Taehyung agreed, "I miss you like crazy, too!"

Minho ended the call after exchanging plesantries and a couple of more laughs, and cupped Hobi's face, "Tough day at the office?" he wondered, a bit worried by Hobi's worn out expression.
"Yeah." Hobi sighed, nodding.
"Come here, baby." Minho crooned and pulled him close and gave him a real kiss.
"Mmm." Hobi purred and wound his arms around his neck, resting his head on them, content to be where he wanted to be.
In Minho's arms.
"You hungry?" Minho placed a hand on his cheek.
"Starving." Hobi sighed, "But I want to stay in your arms for now." he added.
"Well, I don't mind that one bit!" Minho smiled and gently swayed them into the kitchen, holding him tight as he gently started to make dinner.
"I will love you forever." Hobi sighed, happily, pressed against him, feeling Minho's fond chuckle at his words. He looked up at him, "You're gonna be a great dad, you know that?"
"So will you." Minho smiled and caressed his face with both his hands, "I think we will build a lovely family together." he kissed him.
"I'm really happy we've had this time together, just you and I." Hobi confessed, "We've done everything so quickly, us two." he smiled, "And I want kids, I really do," he kissed him, "but this, being just us, for a while? I'm loving it."
"God, I love you!" Minho groaned and pressed him against the kitchen counter.

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