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"TAEHYUNG!" Namjoon shouted from downstairs.
"What?" Tae stuck his head out looking down.
Namjoon pointed to the crying mess he was holding in his arms.
"Jimin!" Tae ran down the stairs, taking his friend from Namjoon's embrace into his own arms, "What's wrong?"
"Y-hoon-hgi br-hoke hup with me-he!" he cried, "H-he says h-he's n-hot h-in l-hove with m-he." Jimin broke down completely.
"Come on." Taehyung guided him in to the kitchen and sat them down in the windowsill, where he held his best friend, letting him cry while slowly rocking him from side to side, just as he did with Hobi the day before.
His life was turning in to a teen drama. Had they all regressed? Weren't they supposed to be all grown up by now?
Apparently not.
He sighed on the inside.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" he asked his friend who'd slowed his crying a bit, but Jimin shook his head.
"Ok." Tae kept rocking him.
"I love him, you know?" Jimin sobbed.
"I know."
"Why won't he love me?" Jimin started bawling again.
"Oh, Jimin!" Tae held him closer, "It's not his fault his not gay."
"Did you know this would happen? Is that why you warned me? Or did he say something to you?" Jimin pushed Tae away a bit to look at him, "Or did HOESUCK, say something?" he squinted his eyes in a suspicious glare.
"No one said anything, I was just worried this might happen." Tae assured him.
"Oh, Jimin." Tae pulled his friend closer again, "I know you. You're this ball of soft affection, ready to fall in love with anyone who,"
"I, " Jimin started to object, but Tae held a finger over his mouth, "But you don't." Tae said, "Not with those who could or would actually love you back."
"I don't?"
"No." Tae smiled. "You have been in love with more people that were taken or otherwise unavailable than anyone I know!"
"I have?"
Jimin sat quiet for a while.
"Huh. Maybe you're right."
Tae laughed and disheveled Jimins hair, "Oh, I know I'm right."
"Come on! There haven't been that many!"
"No?" Tae let go of him and started counting on his fingers, "Let's see, Jin," Jimin's cheeks turned bright red, Tae continued, "that exchange student, what was her name, Marielle?" he kept counting, "Jungkook,"
"You knew?"
"Of course I did," Tae proceeded, "Jiwoo, Hobi," Tae lifted his eyebrow and shot him a telling look, "the other Jiwoo,"
"Come on! We went out for almost a year!"
"Yes, and then she broke up with you because she was gay! Which, do I really need to remind you, you suspected from the start!"
"Shut up!" Jimin slapped his arm. "But it still hurts."
Tears started falling again and Tae put his arm back around him, "I know it does." he drew him in so Jimin could rest his head on Taehyung's chest.
"J-HOPE in da house!" someone shouted from the hall before bursting in to the kitchen.
"The FUCK is HE doing here!" Jimin screamed and stod up pointing to Hobi who had become a pillar of salt infront of them.
"Hi." Hobi shook his head "I didn't mean, I should've known you'd come here if he,"
The others in the house showed up, drawn by the commotion.
He sat down and Taehyung pulled him into his arms again, 'I'm sorry!' he mouthed to Hobi who now had tears in his eyes.
"I feel so stupid." Jimin cried.
Namjoon put his arm around Hoseok and led him out of there, "Come on." he said softly and drew down Hobi's head to his own shoulder.
Taehyung sat, rocking Jimin, humming to soothe him, until he had cried all his tears for the time being.

"I know you're hurt, and you have every right to be."
Jimin sniffled.
"But," Tae continued.
"But what?"
"I think I should tell you, that Hobi really cares for you."
"HAH!" Jimin stood up and crossed his arms.
"He does!" Taehyung nodded his head, "He was so upset when came, asking to stay a couple of nights!"
"He and Yoongi have been friends since, you know, before they were born or something, and," Tae paused for a second trying to find a way to word Hobi's defense without betraying his confidence, "I think he found himself in a bit of a conflict of loyalties, because I know, because he told me, that he didn't like where the two of you were heading."
"And where was that?"
"Being hurt. Badly."
"And how would he 'know' that if Yoongi hadn't confided in him? Hm?"
"Because he knows Yoongi, and I'm sorry to say this, but he knows him a lot better than you do!"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means, Jimin come on, even if Yoongi hadn't broken up with you today, do you really believe he was the one for you, the one you could've built a life with? He's not gay!"
"But we had sex!"
"Yeah, but that doesn't mean he's gay!"
"Neither are you, but it worked for you and Jungkook so how do you know it wouldn't have worked for us? I could have worked for us too!" Jimin argued.
Taehyung sighed, this was getting nowhere, "I'm not entirely straight either, more like, bent? And I've never really been, truly, attracted to anyone but Jungkook, you know this! Yoongi has only ever dated girls before you!"
"Jimin." Yoongi said behind them. "Taehyung's right, and I'll be forever sorry that I hurt you this bad, I shouldn't have let things go this far."
"What are you doing here?" All the air had gone out of Jimin and he sunk down on a chair.
"Namjoon called me."
"Oh, great."
"Yeah, he told me it seemed as, well he told me he thought that you were extra hurt because you thought Hobi and I were somehow in cahoots and out to hurt you, and I need you to know, that is simply not true. Hobi has only ever been on your side in this, he left because it was hurting him, me hurting you."
Taehyung had snuck up on Jimin, standing behind him, massaging his shoulders.
"Why are you telling me this?" Jimin asked.
Yoongi looked down and paused before answering, "I wanted to apologise and I do hope you'll be able to forgive me, someday. Because I don't want to lose you as a friend." he paused again, "And I hurt Hobi too, and he doesn't deserve your wrath," he looked up, pleading with his eyes, "I wouldn't want the two of you to lose eachother as well, because of my mess. It would kill me."
Yoongi took a couple of steps forward and kissed Jimin on the forehead and then rested his own there for a while, with a hand 'round Jimin's neck. "I am so sorry, please forgive me." he said and left the room.
Taehyung squeezed Jimin's shoulders, "I'll be right back." he promised and followed Yoongi.
Yoongi had stopped in the hallway and was wiping his eyes. "Thank you." Taehyung said, simply.
Yoongi just shrugged a shoulder. Then he took a couple of steps towards Taehyung and kissed him on the cheek, "Take care of him?" his eyes trailed back to the room he just left.
"I will." Tae promised.
"I know you will." Yoongi said with a flicker of a smile. "I'm taking Hobi with me, I think we need eachother." his voice broke and he turned to go get his friend.
"I think you do, too." Taehyung agreed.

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