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"Baby!" Jungkook shouted as soon as he saw Taehyung enter the conference room at Mr Kim's office building, and ran to him, hugging him hard, nuzzling his nose to Tae's neck.
"I'm so proud of you, baby!" Tae said in a low but adamant way against Kook's ear, putting his hands around Jungkook's head and pulling him up so they could kiss, "I love you." Tae said, looking into Jungkook's eyes before kissing him again.
"I love you, too." Jungkook sighed, resting his head on Tae's shoulder. He really needed to get some sleep!
"Just hold on a little bit longer, baby," Tae encouraged him, "I'll take you home and let you sleep for a month as I take care of you. Real soon, baby."
"Thank you." Kook whispered.
They sat down around the table. Tae attemted to take the chair next to Jungkook but he wouldn't have any of that and made Tae sit between his legs, as was his habit when he or Taehyung needed support.
Or comfort.
Taehyung wrapped his arms over Jungkook's and his own waist, hugging them both tight, as Jungkook kissed Tae's temple.

Even Hobi's parents had showed up. Fuming.
"This is outrageous!" Mr Jung growled, and then turned soft, hugging his exhausted son close, "I'm so proud of you, Hoseok!" making Hobi tear up, he had no defense left anymore.  His mother pulled him in to her bosom, making him completely lose it for a while.
Nothing in the world could comfort you like your mom.
But then again, nothing in the world could make you break down as much as your mom either.
Jungkook was rather relieved his mother hadn't arrived yet. She was on her way, though.
With his grandparents.
He shivered.
They weren't exactly thrilled with his homosexuality to begin with...
"I'll protect you, baby." Tae whispered, understanding Jungkook's unspoken hesitation.
"I know you will."
"Should we wait?" Mr Kim asked motioning to Jungkook who just shook his head, "No, let's begin, I'll fill them in later." Kook urged Mr Kim.
"First," Mr Kim began, "I just want to say Congratulations on your amazing...!" he found himself speachless, "I, we here at the firm, have never been more proud of our countrymen!" he started clapping his hands, making everyone at the table do the same.
"Thank you!" Hobi and Jungkook laughed, "You already told us!" Jungkook smiled, "Yeah! And the whole office applauded when we arrived!" Hobi continued.
"Yes, well," Mr Kim blushed, he actually blushed! "you were so great!" he cooed. Making everyone laugh.
"I'm sorry, I'm totally fanboying right now!" Mr Kim shrugged to get himself together. He took a sip of water in hope of collecting himself, "But you were so great!" he cooed again, to everyone's utter amusement.
There was a distinct knock on the door before it opened.
"Hot damned!" Jimin said out loud, before clasping his hand over his mouth.
"Sheah!" Hobi agreed under his breath, beside him. 'And then some!' he thought.
A tall, extremely handsome man, probably in his thirties, entered the room, "Sorry, I'm late." he said by way of Mr Kim but to the others as well.
"No problem." Mr Kim said, "I was just making a fool out of myself anyway!" he smiled, "Everyone, this is Mr Lee Minho, an associate of mine, Lee Minho, this is everyone!" Mr Kim gestured around the table, "We'll get through the personal introductions later on, I think."
"Nice to meet you." Mr Lee nodded around the table, before turning his attention to Mr Kim again.
"I've asked him to help us with, things," Mr Kim made an uneasy wave around his head to illustrate what he meant, "since he's rather an expert on communication." he explained.
"You exaggerate." Mr Lee said, humbly.
"No. I don't." Mr Kim smiled, "I may be good at expressing myself in a court of law, but you, Mr Lee, are something else!"
Mr Lee smiled and turned to Hobi and Jungkook "I'm sorry you didn't get to decide if and when to come out to the public." he said sincerely but right to the point, "You actually did great, considering." he continued, "I'll go over a couple of things with you in a few days, when you're rested, and perhaps not fighting to stay upright. And awake!" he grinned.
A blind man could see how tired Hobi and Jungkook were.
"But, for now, we need to sit down and prepare a statement for the two of you to placate the press for a few hours, minimum, but hopefully longer. Is it ok if we start with that?" he asked the others, "So these two can take a nap, at least?" getting all nods and agreements.

The Kim Family TetralogyWhere stories live. Discover now