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"Namjoon." Jin whispered in the early hours of the morning.
"Mm, what is it dear?" Namjoon mumbled, sleepy, but worried. Jin wasn't in the habit of waking him if it wasn't important.
"I'm freaking out."
"Huh?" Namjoon was wide awake, in an instant.
"I'm freaking out!"
"Why, baby? What's wrong?" Namjoon sat up and looked at Jin beside him.
"Everything." Jin sobbed, "I can't, I can't protect them Joon! I can't, it's just, I can't..."
"Oh, baby!" Namjoon layed down beside Jin again and pulled him into his arms, holding him tight, "Schh, schh, I've got you, I've got you," he lulled as Jin cried silently against him.
"H-I'm so sc-hared, Joon, hi-it's s-ho ba-had!"
'I know, baby, I know."
"Ha-I lo-hove them s-ho much, and, I-hai ca-han't protect them!"
"You are protecting them, baby." Joon soothed, "You're holding their hands and you're there for them."
"Bu-hut pe-heople w-hant to hurt m-hour ki-hids, Joon!" Jin started really crying.
"Oh, honey." Joon sang and rocked them, "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, we'll get through this, we will. We might have to move to Canada, but we will." he promised.
"Canada?" Jin sob-laughed, momentarily distracted.
"Mm. Or Scandinavia." Joon continued, "I mean, I could settle for France, but, you know..." he joked.
"Too many french?"
"I love you."
"I love you."
Jin was suddenly turned on. He had no idea why, he just knew he needed his man.
"I need you." Jin said through chattering teeth, tears still falling, trying to rid Namjoon of his t-shirt, hard as a rock.
"Anyway you want baby." Namjoon panted, and took his shirt off and dived down to kiss his man.
"Take me from behind." Jin begged. He needed to bypass his brain for a while.
To only feel.
And stop thinking.
He needed it primal.
"Hnng." Namjoon almost came in his pants, as he flipped Jin over and rid him of his boxers, instantly hard from his man's need for him.
He squirted out a big dollop of lube on his own cock and another one just at the beginning of Jin's crack.
"Your ass is so pretty, baby." Namjoon gasped and bent down, distributing the lube with his tongue, teasing Jin's rim, spreading his legs wide, using his hands to pull Jin's hips up from the bed, thrusting his tongue into Jin's pink hole, reaching forward between his legs and tickling Jin's balls and leaking cock, with his right hand.
"I need you, I need you, I need you," Jin chanted with every thrust of Joons tongue.
"Ok." Namjoon hissed and spread him open, filling him up, making him clench and moan.
Namjoon kissed and licked along Jin's spine, as Jin adjusted to his length, stroking Jin's cock, fast, relentless, devine, as he started moving in him.
And everything was just slippery lust and pleasure and sex.
"OH MY FUCKING GOoODHH JO-ON-IM!" Jin shouted as he came, hard, shuddering, shaking, buckling on his forearms as Namjoon continued to pound him for a couple of times, before climaxing with a loud, grunted, "JIN!" as he collapsed on top of him.

"Dads are getting it on, I hear." Jungkook mumbled, woke from the noises.
"Mm." Tae breathed close to Kook's ear, "Sounds like a good fuck." he stated and they both giggled and went back to sleep. Holding eachother.

"Christ, I love you!" Jin panted with Namjoon's weight on his back.
"Urghm, dito." Joon slured.
"Let's go take a shower, baby." Jin urged.
"Mm, ok, in a minute. I think I just died a little." Joon said, still sluring, making Jin giggle.

Jin couldn't keep his hands off Namjoon in the shower. Letting his soaped up hands travel all over Joon, lathering everything up.
Feeling bold, he took a step back and let Namjoon watch how he lustfully played with himself, caressing his own body with the soapy bubbles. Palming himself. Moaning.
Reveling in Namjoon's laboured breathing and apparent arousal.
Jin panted against Namjoon's mouth as he started to lick Joon's wet chest and nipples, going lower.
"Again?" Namjoon wheezed, feeling his cock twitch from anticipation.
"Seems like it." Jin said and dropped to his knees, taking him in his mouth.
Namjoon rested against the bathroom wall, helpless against Jin's want. Leaning his head back, closing his eyes, just enjoying the waves of pleasure that was crashing through him.
"I want you in me." Namjoon realised, and looked down on Jin, still sucking his cock, "Fuck me, baby." he demanded.
And Jin shot up to his feet and hurried out to get the lube.
Three seconds later he was back and resumed his kneeling position, putting Namjoon back in his mouth as he fingered his rim. Teasing it, flicking his lubed up fingers over it as the same time his tounge was flicking the slit.
"Turn around baby, and squat down over me." Jin ordered.
Namjoon took hold of the side of the bathtub and let Jin guide him down over his waiting cock, spreadig his hole open with his thumbs.
He wasn't going to be able to keep his balance on his feet, he realised, when everything started to feel unstable.
"Wait." Namjoon said and got on his knees instead, straddling Jin backwards and continued his descent, "Yes!" he shouted when Jin was finally sheathed deep inside him, "Fuck me baby!" he pleaded again and rested his head on his hands, gripping the tub, arching his back.
"Hyeah!" Jin shouted as he whipped his hips up, supporting himself on his hands, placed by his feet. Jin used his knees to widen Namjoon's stance even more and found the perfect position, where he could just keep whipping his hips up, hitting Namjoon's prostate with every thrust.
"Touch," Jin panted, "your," he was out of breath, "self!" he ordered.
Namjoon freed his right hand and gripped himself, jerking his cock faster than Jin was thrusting.
"Tell," Jin was so close, "me," but he didn't want this to end, "when!"
"I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming," Namjoon chanted, "I'M COMINNNGH!"
"YEASS!" Jin kept his thrusts going through his release, making Namjoon grip the tub so hard the front came loose, creating the most infernal noise, as they came in spasms, shaking the building!
"You guys ok in there?" Bonbon's worried voice was heard from behind the door.
"Yeah!" Jin shouted.
"So good!" Namjoon agreed, frusting with laughter, as Jin snaked an arm around him and tipped them to their sides, where they lay cackling between breaths.
Namjoon pulled Jin's arm around him and kissed his hand, when the aftershocks had subsided and they where no longer panting, "Have you slept anything tonight, my love?" he softly asked.
He could feel Jin shaking his head, "Come on, dear." Joon patted the back of Jin's hand, "Let's take a quick shower and change the sheets, and I'll hold you in my arms while you sleep." he started to untangle himself from Jin, who just sighed.

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