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"Min, I, wow!" Hobi looked out over their private beach, white sand, turquoise water, not a mensch in sight, sunshine glittering on the waves, inviting them to play in the ocean.
Neither of them had been able to sleep on the flight, being too happy, too loved up to come to rest, and Hobi was beginning to feel a bit unsteady on his feet after almost twenty-four hours without sleep.
But, what felt like the occasional gravitational pull, making his knees buckle, could just be love also.
He couldn't tell.
"Remind me to properly thank my sister." Hobi turned to Minho.
"Yeah." Minho gaped, stunned by the location, but turned when he felt Hobi's eyes on him, "Remind me to properly thank your parents for creating you." he growled, and pulled Hobi in for a kiss, "Husband."
"Mm," Hobi purred, "tell you what, husband," he smiled, "why don't you and I go make out in the shower, for the first time as husbands," he pecked Minho's lips, "get some sleep for a couple of hours, for the first time as husbands," he giggled, "and when we wake up,"
"For the first time as husbands." Minho filled in, with a big smile.
"We make love?" Hobi moaned, getting turned on just by talking about it.
"Yeah." Minho gasped and kissed him again, holding him close, "Because I want to be wide awake the first time we make love as husbands." he whispered, "Not half asleep, like now."
"Me too, my love. Me too." Hobi assured him and wound his arms around his neck, "I want you. Badly." he panted, "But I want to be able to savour every second of it, too."
"H-mm." Minho grumbled, "Imma kiss you 'til we fall asleep, though."
"Please do." Hobi moaned and steered them towards the bathroom.

"We're definitely getting one of these rain showers when we get home." Minho gasped, letting up from kissing for a second.
"Mm, yeah, ok." Hobi agreed, pulling him down for another kiss, "As long as you're there with me." he demanded, "I want to have already slept!" he complained, wanting him badly but needing to sleep.
"Ok, baby." Minho giggled and turned the showers off, "Let's go sleep."

They didn't bother to dry themselves. A warm breeze was blowing through the open windows taking care of that for them.
"I am, beyond, happy." Hobi sighed, turned on his side looking at Minho laying beside him, the same way.
"My wonderful Hoseok." Minho smiled, "I love you more than I can put into words and," he sighed, "happiness doesn't begin to discribe how happy I am."
Hobi started to giggle, "Baby, let's get some sleep, you're not making any sense right now."
"I guess you're right." Minho laughed, rewinding that last sentence in his head. He let his fingers softly trace the outline of Hobi's face, "Snuggle closer, please baby, I have to hold you to believe this is actually true. That we're actually married. That I am this lucky. That this is real. That you are real." he begged.
"I am real." Hobi assured him and got in close, "We are real. This is real. I love you so much."
"Oh, Hoseok." Minho sighed and held him tighter, "Why am I always dead tired when you make me want to make love to you for hours?" he giggled.
"Hehe." Hobi chuckled.
"You know we haven't been able to make love for more than a minute? Right? Like ever? Twelve as we are?"
"That is simply not true." Minho protested, "I'm sure we went for a couple of hours, at least, when I proposed to you." he nodded.
"But then we weren't, you know, doing it like we normally do, that was something else."
"Mm, you're right." Minho agreed, "But we're doing that again someday."
"Oh, hell yeah." Hobi nodded, "But it might be trickier next time." he shrugged.
"Might not." Minho disagreed, "Now that we know what we're doing."
"Mm." Hobi giggled, "May be able to squeeze it down to a couple of minutes. Tops."
"Yeah." Minho laughed, "'Cause that's what we're aiming for, a new record in speed Tantra."
"Told you I was goal oriented." Hobi shrugged.
"Yeah, and I told you, you needed another goal!"

Hobi shuffled himself up on his elbows, so he could look at him, "My new goal is to take care of you 'til you're old and gray, laugh with you," he put a couple of strands behind Minho's ear, "cry with you, hold you, love you, live a full life with you, make you happy and sad, know you, be with you, for the rest of my life. Like I promised."
Minho couldn't speak.
Hobi always managed to make him speachless, for some reason, so he just closed the gap between them and kissed him again, "I love you." he successfully croaked out after a good long while.
"I love you." Hobi couldn't contain his yawn.
"Sleep, my love." Minho kissed the crown of his head and turned on his back, holding Hobi securly on his chest.
"Mm." Hobi grumbled and dozed off, shortly followed by Minho.

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