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"Look who finally made it!" Taehyung exclaimed as Jin and Namjoon were making their way over to their table.
"Shall I get a menu for you?" the Maître D asked.
"Thank you, no." Jin smiled, "I see we're already at dessert so, if I may, just a coffee and a piece of chocolate cake for me?"
"Yes, coffee and, do you have anything with strawberries?" Namjoon wondered.
"Strawberry tarte?" the Maître D suggested.
"Excellent." Namjoon smiled.

"And?" Taehyung looked expectantly at them as soon as the waiter'd left.
"We're having a girl!" Jin swooned.
"Mazel tov!" Jungkook shouted.
"OMG!" Taehyung cooed, tears in his eyes, "I'm getting a baby sister?"
"Congratulations!" Minho slapped Jin and Namjoon's backs, hard.
"Omg, omg, omg!" Hobi sang, "I'm so happy for you!" he was hugging himself swaying back and forth.
"Guys!" Yoongi also had tears in his eyes, "We're having a baby!"
"I'm so happy!" Jin laugh-sobbed.
"Me too!" Namjoon grinned wider than he'd ever done before.
"Me three!" Taehyung cried and hugged his brother.
"Me four!" Jungkook chimed in and hugged Namjoon.
"Us five!" Yoongi declared, laughing.
"This is the best wedding present, ever!" Tae cheered and changed dad.
"Omg, I'm so happy!" Jungkook sob-laughed to himself, shedding a wee tear.
"Wow," Yoongi raked his hand over his face, "this is. Wow."

Hobi and Minho were smiling, heads together, Minho's arm around Hobi's shoulder, Hobi with his hand on Minho's thigh, "I am so happy for the two of you!" Minho said, "Congratulations! Again!"
"Thank you!" Namjoon laugh-sobbed, "We owe so much to you Minho, thank you!"
"Nonsense!" Minho laughed, "All I did was introduce you to some people!"
"No, my friend," Jin said and put a hand on Minho's arm, "Thank you. For everything."
"You are most welcome!" Minho laughed, "Omg, I'm so happy!" he laughed.
"So," Taehyung squinted his eyes and peered at Minho and Hobi, "when are you two gonna give us the happy news, then?"
Hobi turned to Minho, putting their noses and foreheads together before looking at Tae, "We don't know for sure yet. You wanna wait to that first ultrasound to confirm it, you know? But, soon. Hopefully." he giggled.
"OMGOMGOMG!" Yoongi stood up and stomped his foot, "I'm gonna be an uncle?!"
"Yah!" Jin slapped him, "You're already gonna be an uncle, asshole!"
"Yeah!" Yoongi laughed, full on crying, "But you know what I mean!" he sat down, "Omg!" he mewled and broke down, crying down into the table, clasping his hands over his head, "I'm gonna be an uncle!"
"Hey," Hobi said, very softly, putting a hand on Yoongi's back, between his shoulder blades, "remember, we don't know for sure, yet, so don't take anything out beforehand."
"No, no, you're right!" Yoongi lifted his head up, wiping his nose, "I shouldn't jinx it. But OMG, you guys!" he started laughing again, "This is HUGE!" he stood up and waved the waiter over, "We need champagne! And something non-alchoholic!" he remembered, "I'm gonna be an uncle!" he told the waiter, smiling like a buffoon.
"Congratulations!" the waiter smiled and left to fetch their bubbly.
"I'm gonna be an uncle." Yoongi again stated, sitting down in his chair with a thump.
"Cute, how he's making everything about him." Tae giggled and kissed Yoongi on his temple.
"Shut up." Yoongi shoved him, very softly.
"I love you too, Meowmeow." Tae laughed.
"Look who's talking." Yoongi snorted, and yanked his tail.
The champagne arrived and Yoongi stood up when they'd all gotten their glasses, "Dearly beloved,"
"Jesus Christ." Namjoon snorted.
"Shush." Yoongi hissed at him, "Today, I am happier than I've ever been in my entire life! Kids getting married, children being born, it's, gosh darnit, absolutely wonderful!"
"Gosh darnit?" Tae looked at Jungkook trying to keep his laughter in.
"Le Chaim! People!" Yoongi made his toast, "To life!"
"To life!" everyone joined in and clinked their glasses.

Yoongi's good mood tanked considerably when Jangmi joined them again at the nightclub he'd picked for the evening, but nobody cared!
This was about Taehyung and Jungkook getting married and they would celebrate that, if it was the last thing they did!
Needless to say, the baby news was being kept under wraps so, all of them being giddy was all about bachelors tonight.

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