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"Mm." Taehyung said, leaning back on one foot, crossing his arms infront of him, "This, is why we flew for two years?"
"Yeah, I," Jungkook trailed off, looking out over the foggy, wet, ice cold, blackness of an snowless Arvidsjaur in midvinter.
In the early afternoon...
"I was promised a Narnian winter wonderland, not," Tae waved his hand infront of him, "this." he waved more agitated, "For this we could have just stayed home!" he moped.
"Yeah." Jungkook agreed, hesitantly, "I don't," he gently ushered Tae infront of him, "let's go inside." he suggested.
"Yeah." Tae nodded, "'Cause I'm still freezing my balls off."
"Ok, guys." Bonbon nodded, "I'll be right over there." he nodded towards another part of the hotel. He'd made some sort of deal with the hotel management to be able to watch over them and get out of their hair at the same time.
"No cameras in our room, right?" Jungkook wanted to make sure.
"No cameras in your room." Bonbon assured them, "But I'll sweep it to make sure, promise." he grinned.
Tae gave Bonbon's massive under arm a quick squeeze as a thank you, before making it inside.

"Welcome back!" the woman at the reception smiled.
Jungkook was pretty sure it was the same woman as it'd been last time.
"Thank you." he smiled politely.
"And congratulations!" she smiled wider.
"Thank you." Taehyung smiled this time.
"I've gone ahead and cancelled your dog sleigh ride," she winked," but it's supposed to start crazy-snowing any day now, so, if the weather allows later on?" she lifted one shoulder in a question, "If you're still up for it?"
"Oh, yes please!" Taehyung begged, hands clasped infront of him, sounding so much like Minho when Hobi, offered, Jungkook had to smile and kiss him on the side of his head.
"Ok." the receptionist giggled, "I'll let you know?"
Jungkook nodded.
"And, we have around the clock room service now!" she bragged, and winked at Jungkook.
"Because of us?" Jungkook gulped, feeling his cheeks tint.
"Partly." she giggled on, "But a lot of our other international guests have had to raid the conference rooms too, so, we figured." she shrugged.
"You raided the conference rooms?" Taehyung said sternly, looking at Kook, mock disapprovingly.
"We were starving!" Jungkook defended himself. And Hobi.
"Yeah, but still!"
"We paid for it." Jungkook mumbled down his front, looking at his shoes.
"Oh, it was quite ok!" the receptionist assured them, "We can't bloody well have our guests starve!" she laughed, and handed them their key cards, "The restaurant's open," she nodded her head inward the premesis, "if you're hungry, but the dinner menu isn't available 'til seven, I'm afraid."
"Oh, glorious." Jungkook sighed, happily, "Could we leave our bags with you while we eat?" he wondered.
"I'll have them brought up to your room? If you want?" she offered.
"Thank you." Taehyung smiled.
"You're welcome." she smiled back.

"You have to try the arctic char with almond potatoes, beurre blanc and apple and fennel salad." Jungkook rather told Taehyung at their late afternoon lunch table.
"Ok." Tae agreed.
"Yeah." Jungkook nodded adamantly, "And that white crispy wine you recommended last time?" he looked up at their server.
"When was this?" the server asked.
"Oh, I don't know?" Jungkook tried to remember, "Six? Years ago?" he looked at Tae.
"More like seven, I think?" Tae went back in his head.
"Hm." the server seemed to think, "I believe I might have recommended a Pouilly Fumé last time,"
"Yes! That was it!" Jungkook nodded enthusiastically, interrupting him.
"yes," the server continued, "and we do have a Pouilly Fumé that works excellent with this dish, not the same one, unfortunately, but, I feel I should warn you, it's expensive as," he made a face.
"Bring it." Jungkook ordered, "This is our honeymoon, so." he bragged, proudly.
"Oh, congratulations!" the server smiled, "Oh." he seemed to realise but quickly schooled his features, "Would you like something for dessert? You can always order that later, if you want?"
"I think we'll wait with that." Taehyung smiled.
"Alright." the server said and made a curt bow and left to see to their order.

The Kim Family TetralogyWhere stories live. Discover now