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They had the house to themselves.
Jungkook had pressed Taehyung up against the car, before leaving the club, dry humping him 'til they almost came.
Tae kinda lost it when he stuck his hand down Kook's pants, as he was speeding home, realising he had on lace underwear!

Taehyung was now nibbling on Jungkook's dick through the lace while Jungkook laid splayed out under him in the stairs.
They somehow made it upstairs, discarding their clothes along the way, although, Taehyung wouldn't let Jungkook get out of his lacies, they were driving him wild! Seeing his rock hard cock trough the black lace, tip peeking over the hem, with pre-cum pearling at the slit?
Mm, mm, mmm.
It was pitch dark in their bedroom so Taehyung ordered Jungkook to light a candle, he wanted to be able to see him going down on him.
"Lie on your back." Jungkook ordered him. "Touch yourself."
Taehyung obeyed, starting to stroke himself and playing with one of his nippels.
Jungkook was practically salivating. "Get on your hands and knees for me, baby." He begged.
Taehyung flipped immediatly pushing his fantasic ass out to Jungkook's delight. He crawled on to the bed, bending over Tae and licking a long line from the nape of his neck down to his puckered entrance, circling the rim. Leaving love bites along his groin.
"I'm just gonna massage it tonight, baby." Jungkook mumbled and left Tae's hole to his gentle fingers, slowly rubbing the rim with some lube he thankfully had remembered to secure from his pocket.
"Uhhmm." Tae moaned, not giving a damn, craving for his man to go on.
Jungkook slid his head in between Taehyung's legs, pulling him down over him, licking Tae's balls, teasing his rim.
Tae collapsed on his forearms relying on Jungkook to keep him up with his strong hands.
"Fuck my mouth, baby." Jungkook moaned and took Tae in, holding him up with his hands on his hips.
"Hnnng." Tae groaned and started moving his hips, thrusting into Kook's mouth, faster and faster, as Kook played with his balls and entrance.
With a couple of uncoordinated jerks he plunged his load deep into Jungkook's throat, "Gaaaaahd!" and collapsed on top of him.
Jungkook pushed him down along his own body, sometimes Taehyung LOVED having a strong boyfriend, who was he kidding, he ALWAYS loved having a strong boyfriend, and fitted his mouth to Tae's, making him taste himself on his lips.
"My turn." Jungkook croaked, his voice hoarse from desire as he flipped them over so Tae was beneath him. He scooted up to align his leaking member with Tae's panting mouth, still confined by the lace.
Tae licked his dick through the panties and reached up with his hands, ripping the delicate lace to pieces, pushing a finger in, flicking his prostate, slobbering on Kook's top, "Hard, baby." he fitted his mouth round his cock, "Fuck me hard." he managed to slur out.
Jungkook could feel how some kind of switch flipped inside and he started pounding on Tae's mouth, whipping his hips in an insane pace, emptying himself inside, growling as he came.
It didn't take long before he realised Tae was coughing trying to catch his breath and Kook flew from him, picking him up, cradeling him in his arms. "OMG, baby, did I hurt you?" he asked worried out of his mind.
"No, I'm fine," Tae tried to assure him, sputtering, "I just choked on your cum," he laughed and coughed, trying to breathe, "It got down my windpipe!"
Jungkook closed him in his arms, dying of relieved laughter, tipping them both down on the bed with Taehyung between his legs, showering him with kisses.
"I can't wait 'til our asses are good to go again!" Tae's gasped.
"Maybe I should get a vagina?" Jungkook suggested.
"I wouldn't know how to work a vagina!" Tae complained with slight panic.
"I don't really want one either, tell you the thruth..." Jungkook admitted, "Kinda like my dick."
"I kinda like your dick too." Tae turned in Kook's arms so he could fondle said part.

"Chung Hoshock!" Jimin stumbled on his feet reaching for Hobi, "Friend!" he placed a slobbery kiss on Hobi's cheek as Hobi catched him, stopping him from falling over.
"Hve you see tha big du dude, hai wash dashin wi?" Jimin turned his head so violently he almost fell, again.
"No." Hobi put his arm around Jimn to steady him.
"Heh wash go to take mhom, nd ha shesh." Jimin smiled happily. "He wansh to ha shesh wae mae," Hobi was steering him towards the exit, letting him babble, "lo-hotsh of pee-pole wash to shesh me."
"I bet." Hobi bit down on his words.
"Heey, bi duude!" Jimin reached for a massive man in his forties, "we shesh now?"
"You his friend?" the dude asked Hobi.
"On most days." Hobi muttered.
"I called him a cab," the dude motioned outside, "I don't think it's a good idea for him to stay here, like this."
"No. It's not." Hobi clenched, he was having real trouble keeping Jimin upright, he was doing his best to slither out of Hobi's grip smacking his lips like a fish out of water, trying to kiss the big guy.
"Can I trust you to take him home?" he wondered.
"Yeah, I'll take him home." Hobi nodded.
"Jimin!" the big dude said, cupping his head between his big hands, "Who is this guy?" he nodded towards Hobi.
Jimin turned to look, "Hey! Ish mah fav rit Hobnob roomie!" he smiled and placed another wet kiss on Hobis cheek.
"I'm sorry," the big dude said to Hobi, "I just had to make sure he actually knew you, so I didn't put him in the hands of some pervert who'd take advantage of him in this state."
"Thank you." Hobi said sincerly, "You've been very kind to my friend tonight, thank you!"
"Nah, don't mention it!" the big dude actually blushed, "We've all been there!" he nodded at Jimin, "Just make sure he gets home safe, huh?"
"I promise!" Hobi said and started dragging his friend outside.

Hobi had all the trouble in the world trying to keep Jimin from passing out in the cab.
The driver kept threathening to throw them out should Jimin as much as try to throw up in his car!
"Listen!" Hobi snapped, "I've known him for almost ten years, not once has he thrown up when drunk, and I've seen him way worse than this. Just get us home as fast as possible and we'll be out of your hair!"
"Bastard." he said under his breath.
"Whe we ing?" Jimin wondered.
"Aisch dn't wan go home." he whined.
"Tough." Hobi bit off.
"We're not going to Taetae we're going home."
"B Minmin'sh ho-ome, Aisch don wan go home!"
"Fuck." Hobi spit out. He forgot. "Fine, we'll go to my parents house, they're out of town anyway." he gave the new adress to the driver.
"I don't wanna go to your parent'sch I wanna go to Taetae!" Jimin pouted fully understandable. The fuck?
"Look, Taetae is knee deep in Jungkook right now, I'm sure they don't want you to barge in on them tonight." he stage whispered.
"Oh." Jimin had a lucid moment.
"Uhu." Hobi agreed.
"Fine." Jimin sat back crossing his arms, pouting.

Jimin couldn't fucking walk when they got there so Hobi ended up hoisting him up on his back, fumbling open the door, turning the alarm off, trying to not drop him.
He was surprisingly light, Hobi noticed.
He carried Jimin to one of the guestrooms, he had begun to snore lightly against Hobi's shoulder, and put him down carefully, holding him against him.
Jimin opened his eyes and wound his arms around Hobi's neck, slowly searching his way to Hobi's mouth, placing his plump lips over Hobi's and pressing his tongue in.
Hobi gasped out a sob and gave him full access. How much self control could really be demanded of him, in this situation, in all fairness?
Jimin came closer as he broke the kiss, "Make love to me, Hoseok." he begged, mouth close to Hobi's ear.
Hobi turned to the sky, praying for strength, "Don't ask this of me, Jimin, not like this!" Hobi felt completely devastated.
"Don't you want me?" Jimin asked, disappointed with a tear glistening in the corner of his eye.
"So, so much!" Hobi admitted, looking at him, finally, "But not like this, not when you're piss-ant drunk." he caved and gave Jimin another kiss.
"When then?" Jimin wondered and rested his head on Hobi's shoulder.
"When you're sober," he said trying to get out of Jimins grip without success, "and you actually want me for me, and not as some consolation prize."
Jimin turned a bit lax in his arms and Hobi realised he was actually asleep.
Again he tried prying Jimin off him which only resulted in them both losing balance and tumbling on to the bed, Hobi getting half buried under a sleeping Jimin, who somehow now weighed a tonne.
"Fuck. My. Life." Hobi complained but surrendered to the circumstances and chipped off his shoes from where he was laying, scooting further on to the bed, and decided to go the fuck to sleep and get out of this uncomfortable day.

Jimin woke up with a massive headache and someone must have shat in his mouth, 'cause, man!
He was holding on to someone, he realised, and tried to lift his head up to take a look.
Bad idea!
Someone dropped a brick on his head and he stifled a moan giving up on the attempt. He was never drinking again!
Shit! The big dude! Wait! Did he go home with some hardcore, middleaged gay dude?
He was NEVER drinking again!
Hobi! Hobi took him home. Not home, home. To his parents'! Shit!
But they're not home, he suddenly remembered.
He kissed Hobi!
Jimin moaned internally. What the fuck was wrong with him? There should be some kind of vaccine against jumping your friends when you were drunk, or something! There's a Nobel Prize in the waiting for someone.
Wait! Omg! He begged Hobi to sleep with him! Oh, mama! He wished the earth would just open and swallow him whole so he didn't have to face his shame.
So, so much, hm?
Did he remember that right?
Jimin didn't dare move. He didn't want to wake up Hobi.
But he wanted to wake him up so he could ask him!
Jimin tried to get his brain to cooperate and function properly, stupid drunk brain with a hangover!
He was NEVER drinking again!
Wouldn't that be the freaking irony of the year!
Jimin'd had a huge crush on him, for years! But he only had eyes for Taehyung. Total waste. Tae only ever wanted Jungkook probably since before they even met!
What was that? Jealous, you say? And then some.
They had NO idea how lucky they were.
Sure, he and Hobi had done their fair share of flirting over the years, but they flirted with everyone. No one took them seriously anymore. Least of all they, themselves.
Jimin realised he couldn't actually tell when and if Hobi was really flirting anymore, he'd gotten too used to it.
Hobi let out a groan beside slash underneath him , "Jimin, are you awake?"
"Hmm?" Jimin faked.
"Could you please move, my arm's been asleep since yesterday!" Hobi complained.
"Mhm, oki, yes, thanks for taking care of me, oki, yes, bye!" Jimin jumped out of bed and was out the door before Hobi knew what happened.
"What the hell?" he asked, trying to shake his arm alive.

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