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"Do you have the rings?" Taehyung fretted, asking for the eleventh time.
"I have the rings." Jimin assured him.
"Wha? Tae!" Jimin chuckled, and grabbed his lapels and shook him lightly, "Take a deep breath." he ordered him.
"Mmf-phu, mmf-phu." Taehyung tried calming down.
"Jesus Christ, Tae! You're not giving birth, for heaven's sake! Get a hold of yourself, woman!" he shook him a tad more violently, "Why are you so nervous? It's Jungkook, Pabo. You've loved his totally toned ass for more than a decade, by now." Jimin peered at him, "Is it?"
"As toned as it looks?"
"Hu-heh." Taehyung sounded, starting to giggle, "And then some." he confided in Jimin, bumping his shoulder.
"Lucky you."
"Mm." Tae smiled, he was.
Very lucky.
"And one day, you" Taehyung turned to Jimin, trying to distract himself, "are gonna tell me what its like, making love to a woman." he whispered.
Sickly curious, to be honest, but that was a conversation for another day.
"Erhmng." Jimin coughed, taken by surprise, "Ehum, ehum, ehum, yeah ok." he nodded, "I can tell you in general terms, some time." he agreed, "But,  I'm just not telling you what it's like with the love of my life." he shook his head, "I'm just not doing that." he stated.
"Oh, my fucking God!" Taehyung gasped.
"What?" Jimin didn't think it was that sensational, not wanting to share that information, tell you the truth.
"Baby." Taehyung mewled, forgetting all about re-con info or confidences or anything but Jungkook who'd just turned the corner, walking towards them, and reached for his man.
Looking like a dish.
A dish, dish, dish.
That undercut?
'Lord, grant me the discipline to not fuck him in public right this very minute!' Tae prayed.

"Tae." Jungkook said, croaked, sobbed, holding his hands out for Taehyung.
"Wow." Tae gulped, and took hold of Kook's hands, and got caught in his gaze, filled with so much love and admiration, "You're beautiful." Taehyung softly told his man, feeling his whole body start to hum,  "I love you."
"Oh, Tae." Jungkook swooned, and kissed Taes hands, lost for words.
Smiling all the way from his toes.
Taehyung fell so hard for him, anew, right now, he almost peed his pants.
"Marry me." Tae whined, winding himself around Jungkook.
"Yes." Jungkook giggled, and kissed him on the nose.
"Marry me now." Taehyung placed a million, light kisses, all over Kook's face.
"Yes." Jungkook laughed, "Right now, Taehyung."
"Oh, Lord." Taehyung came too, from his momentary, intoxication, having almost incanted his secret prayer again. Aloud this time.
He took a small step, backward, "Ready, baby?"
"I was born ready." Jungkook assured him.
"Christ." Taehyung snorted, never getting used to that reply from his sweet little bunny.

Jimin and Hobi were standing off to the side, smiling, feeling very happy for their friends today, leaning their shoulders together in a silent exchange of friendship, love, and contentment.
Having been able to give their friends this day, this opportunity, being a part of it.
The privilege of that.
Also, a bit of nostalgia.
From their shared past.
Their seperate futures.
And the fixed point of Taekook's love, still present in their lives.
Jimin felt Hobi take a deep, wobbly, breath, and let out a blissfull sigh, moved by the occasion, and the totality of everyone's intertwined history.
Making Jimin feel a lump at the back of his throat.
They weren't kids anymore.
Jungkook was the only one of them still under thirty.
It had all went by so quickly!
"I have a nine-year-old son." Jimin said, amazed, almost not believing himself. 'Cause, come on, he knew he had a son, but he was flipping nine!
"Yes." Hobi chuckled, and bumped his shoulder, having followed Jimin's associational thought-train without trouble, "It's beautiful. All of it." he swooned, smiling, and turned to Jimin, "All of it."
Jimin felt like ugly-crying.
Realising, they were grown up.
Like for real.
In a blink.
"Am I having a thirty-year-old-crisis right now?" he hiccuped.
"Probably." Hobi laughed and gave him a hug.

"Well, I'm off." Jimin said, and pecked the grooms' cheeks, having gotten himself under some sort of control, and started to leave to go take his stand on the dais with the other best men.
"We should have you as our flower girl." Jungkook suggested.
"Why? Because I'm as pretty as a flower?" Jimin batted his eyes, and slapped his arm.
"No. 'Cause you're short." Taehyung grinned.
"You went there." Jimin said, dismayed, "On your wedding day." he whined, "You deserve eachother." he tsked, "And I deserve new friends! Adieu." he turned dramatically, flipping his short hair, and went out ahead of them.
Hobi giggled and placed his hands on their arms and gave a cheek kiss to them each, "You both look amazing." he told them, "I'm so happy for you." he smiled and went after Jimin, but paused in the doorway, "And I, have the rings." he winked, making them both chuckle and shake their heads.

The Kim Family TetralogyWhere stories live. Discover now