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"So," Taehyung said after about an hour of driving, thinking of something to talk to Minho-hyung about. Neither of them had a need for mindless chit chat but Tae was feeling a smidge of a smudge nervous and wanted something else to think about.
"So," he lightened up, "Minho-hyung,"
"Oh, oh." the other one said.
"Shut up!" Tae shushed him, "We have this bet, and I've been chosen to ask you."
"Are you gay?"
"Excuse me?"
"Well, Jin and I think you are, Namjoon is unsure, Hobi can't tell, Jungkook doesn't care and Yoongi's refusing to play."
"Kim Taehyung, that whole bet thing was a blatant lie, and you know it!"
"Yes." Tae confessed.
"Little shit." Minho mumbled.
"Hey!" Tae slapped him on the arm, "Only my dads are allowed to call me that!"
"Well, I'm older than your dads so I'm taking the liberty!" Minho stuck his tongue out.
"Fine. Don't tell me." Tae sighed, looking out the window.
"Are you nervous?"
"Little bit." Tae confessed.
"Why do you really want to know?"
Tae sighed again, "I'm just curious, I guess?"
"Well, I am!" he turned to face him, "And I wasn't lying about the other's guesses either!"
"Why am I even considering telling you?" Minho yelled, "I'm being so unprofessional!"
"Well, you did just stick your tongue out at me..." Tae said poignantly.
"I'm losing it." Minho determined, "Lost in space. He had such potential, they'll say, and he threw it all away..." he said airily, whisking his hand. "What the hell is happening to me?!" he looked around in the mirrors, "I need to pull over."
Taehyung was shaking from silent laughter beside him.
"You've gone native, man!" Tae giggled as they stopped.
"Yes!" Minho agreed, "And that's so fucking unprofessional of me!"
"Come on! You're allowed to make friends, aren't you?"
"Duh." Minho stomped his feet at himself. "But befriending one's clients is not something one should aim for! It clouds your mind!"
"We'll just have to fire you then, so you can hang out with us." Tae shrugged.
"Geez, thanks!" Minho said sarcastically, "Why did they fire you? I became too friendly! That'll look good on my resumé!"
"You're so gay." Tae was smug, having realised this fact.
"YES!" Minho shouted, "Totally!"
"Welcome to Team Dick!" Taehyung streached his hand out to shake Minho's.
"God dammit." Minho sighed and shook his hand.
"Relax. I won't tell anyone." Tae assured him, "Unless you want me to?" he suddenly got a hunch.
"Whatever." Minho mumbled.

Tae decided to think back, replaying their first interaction with Minho. He'd been so focused on Jungkook's needs and trying to map out future scenarios in his head he hadn't really payed attention to the undercurrents in the room.
He turned to Minho, "What's wrong with Jimin?"
"What the hell? Where did that come from?"
"I just replayed our first meeting" Tae wound back the tape with his hand and went forward again, to illustrate what he ment, "and... tell me!"
Minho sighed, "There's nothing wrong with him, he's just... Listen, I'm sure Jimin will grow into himself eventually but right now he doesn't trust himself and therefore can't be trusted. I'm pretty sure he's hiding something or done something he doesn't want any of you to know about, that he feels ashamed of or is thrilled by, I can't get a grip on that one." he admitted.
Tae sighed, feeling completely depressed. He was his best friend after all.
"How the hell did you pick up on that just from that first meeting?" he wanted to know.
"How do you know that I did? I've been around you guys a lot lately?"
"I was there." Tae smiled crookedly. Minho wasn't the only one who could read a crowd.
Minho laughed and shook his head, "Well," he said suddenly a little bashful to admit what he was going to admit, "he was eating me up with his eyes..."
"Yeah, but Hobi..."
"Hobi was instantly attracted to me and reigned it in as soon as his conscious mind catched up and realised. Jimin was thinking about doing me. And my mom. And any sisters I might have. For. That. Entire. Meeting." he looked around the traffic and prepared to resume the driving.
"And were you? Instantly attracted to Hobi? Too?" Tae wondered, not sure if he'd read that right.
Minho closed his eyes and tried to shake his head to make everything go away, "I'm, not, talking, about..." Minho turned bloodred to his complete surprise, he didn't think he had it in him to blush anymore.
"Aha!" Tae pointed at him.
"Fine!" Minho bit out between his teeth, and drove off again, this little shit saw way too much! He was almost as good as himself!  "Yes. I don't, usually, but, yes, I was. Let's just say I was shocked by my reaction to him." he admitted and turned to face Tae, "But please don't tell anyone that!"
"Eyes on the road!" Tae motioned him to turn forward again, "And I won't."
"Thank you."
"You're really good at not showing any of that stuff, I mean, what you pick up on and what's going on inside you." Tae said, kinda amazed.
"Well, you have to be." Minho confessed, "If you're not going to spill any advantages you might have or your clients' secrets to the other side." he shrugged, "You learn to project only what you want to project. "
"So basically you're an actor." Tae laughed.
"A very bad one." Minho laughed. "I mean I can't portray people, I can only not show what I'm thinking or feeling, or let that be shown."
"Kind of what an actor does..." Tae said nodding his head in agreement with himself.
"If you say so." Minho shrugged and quieted, focusing on driving.

The Kim Family TetralogyWhere stories live. Discover now