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Hobi was in a foul mood.
Didn't happen that often, but today it had, and he was.
And he had to do a press conference.
"Are you nervous?" Minho asked him, very gently, having picked up on the black hole of malcontent, brewing in the corner.
"No. I'm pissed." Hobi admitted.
"Oh. At?"
"Ok." Minho sighed and decided to not sugar coat it, "Think you can compartmentalise that, and go back to be your sunny self for a minute? I know it's asking a lot?"
Hobi shrugged.
"Being pissed off going into this isn't a good place to start." Minho stated.
"No. I get it." Hobi moped, "But I need to run or jump or move to be able to pack this up for a bit." he confessed.
Minho looked at his watch, "Ok. Come with me." he said and lead Hobi out of there.
He had Bikram clear the hotel gym and took Hobi inside.
"Have at it." he suggested.
"I'll sweat up my clothes." Hobi pointed out.
"Take them off. I'll look away." Minho said.
Hobi took everything but his boxers off and handed the clothes to Minho, before going on the treadmill, cranking it up to an inhumane speed and started running.
As usual everything started to get clearer, more tolerable, easier, with every step he took.
He thought about Jimin.
And left him behind.
He thought about Sunghoon. Asshole.
And pushed him in the ditch.
He thought about being humiliated, publicly, and decided it didn't matter.
He would view them as humiliating themselves, trying to belittle him for being born gay. They might as well try to belittle him for being physically gifted, built for sports with the ambition to excel.
"Hah!" he exclaimed, pleased with having come up with that thought.
"Everything ok?" Minho asked, worried.
"Yeah." Hobi panted, and started to slow down, "I just figured out a way to position myself in the face of all this."
"I'll just take a quick shower and I'm good to go." Hobi said and got off the treadmill and walked over to Minho to get his clothes, "Thank you for this."
"Don't mention it." Minho smiled, making something flit through Hobi's body.
Yeah, but.
Never mind.
Hobi shook it off and took a cold shower.

It was every bit as bad as you could imagine.
'Why have you been hiding?'
'Are you ashamed?'
'How long have you been gay?'
'What does your parents think?'
'Have you had sex with eachother?'
'Are you promiscuous?'
One question sillier than the other, but they had been drilled properly by Mr Lee and navigated them with ease.
Hobi turned out to be rather brilliant at dismantling the non-questions making obvious the ridiculous statements they actually were.
"Have you been corrupted by Mr Jung, Mr Jeon?" one reporter asked, rather desperatly.
"By Hobi?" Jungkook answered, incredulously, "No. I don't see how he could've corrupted my conception? Since I've been gay since then? If that's what you're implying?"
That made some of the press laugh.
"What about your doping tests, Mr Jung?"
"As I'm sure you're aware, his blood samples have already stated there's been no foul play. Turns out Mr Jung had an untreated infection, due to dehydration," Coach lied, "which made his urine samples inconclusive." Coach answered in Hobi's stead, "As soon as he's through with his course of antibiotics, they'll clear up, too, As far as WADA's concerned, he's already been cleared of all suspiscion, but Mr Jung doesn't want any cloud hanging over his gold, so." Coach shrugged.
"What kind of infection?"
"What will you do now, Mr Jeon?"
"I haven't had time to think about that, yet." Jungkook said, grabbing the baton to steer clear of infectious disease, "I need to be fully rested and not still tired from this Olympics to make a decision about my future."
"But will you retire?"
"What kind of infection?"
"As I said," Jungkook muscled the conversation, "I haven't come to a conclusion on that, as of yet. I will make that call when I'm fully recovered and back in practise again, but, I'm still young," he shrugged, "and there still might be things I'd like to prove to myself, athletically." he leaned forward, "But know this, it is painful to train on the level that we do. Our bodys hurt every day, and you need a strong, inner will, conviction, to put yourself through that. You gotta want it. Bad. And right now, I just want to sleep." he leaned back again, 'And you're not letting me.' he thought to himself, but everyone in there heard the unspoken words.
"Mr Jeon, you've been living with three gay men, and had a gay mentor since childhood, you don't think that has influenced your way of life, as an adult?" the desperate reporter asked.
Jungkook leaned forward to the microphone, "No." he said, leaning back again.
"But letting yourself be filmed when having sex with one of those men is a bit risqué? Don't you think?"
"Mr Kim?" Jungkook said calmy, turning to the lawyer.
"As you are aware," Mr Kim started, rather von Oben, "Neither Mr Kim nor Mr Jeon 'let' themselves be filmed. Someone else filmed them, and others, without permission, using hidden cameras, breaking the law and has been brought to justice for that and other crimes. Having consensual sex, in private, which a hotel room qualifies as, is not a crime, and is not in the least bit risqué. In that case every couple on the planet should be deemed risqué."
"Is this you, Mr Jung?" the desperate one asked, holding up the same picture as Minho had used.
"Mr Kim?" Hobi urged, secretly pleased he was about to get back at Sunghoon and use it against him. Photo-selling-bastard. And shut down the reporter.
"You are now comitting a crime." Mr Kim said, grimly, "My client is underaged in that picture, which makes it child pornography. In fact, as of today, we have made the police aware of several child pornography crimes being commited by a lot of people and media outlets, distributing that exact picture." he paused for effect, "Luckily for you, Mr Kim and Mr Jeon were both of age so the distribution of their pictures just falls under invasion of privacy and poor taste." he spat.
"Why haven't you taken those clips down if you don't want anyone to see them?"
"We have, we are and we'll continue to do so, but," Jungkook said in an almost bored way, "Mr Kim?"
"My clients don't own the rights to those clips, the criminal who made them does. And as such they can continue to upload them to various sites and make money from them faster than we can take them down. And that's only because they were obtained illegally that we can take them down at all. Otherwise my clients would've had to suffer being exploited over and over again, without having any say in the matter whatsoever. A clear lapse in the current intellectual property and copyright laws."
Mr Kim's law explanation was boring enough to make the reporters want to get out of there and start, selling their crap.
Jungkook hadn't been more grateful for anything in his life when he could, finally, get out of there and walk right into Taehyung's waiting arms.
He hid his face against Tae's neck, letting him hold him, feeling the love and support Tae always offered him, just by his presence.
"I love you." Jungkook whispered, getting a kiss on his forehead as a reciprocation.

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