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"JIN!" Jimin screamed running down the hall, "Something's wrong with Hobi!" he panted as soon as he saw Jin coming towards him, and turned and ran back to their room.
Hobi was retching into a paper basket without being able to throw up anything but bile.
"My head feels like it's about to split open." he complained when Jin sat down beside him.
"Jimin, could you get my bag?" Jin asked.
"Sure." Jimin took off.
Jin felt Hobi's forehead and looked him over as best he could before Jimin returned with his bag and the others, following behind him, worried.
Jin got out some liquid gel with fructose and what not that he forced down Hobi's throat.
"Can someone get some sports drinks up here?" he asked.
Namjoon left to fetch it.
"I would really like to give you some saline drip and a banana bag, but I don't have any of those with me, unfortunately," Jin sighed. He'd been forced to leave rather abruptly, yesterday.
"On it." Mr Lee said, pulling out his phone and stepping off.
"Oh?" Jin said and shrugged, "Well, then!"
"I'm dehydrated?" Hobi asked, trying to keep the gel down.
"Very." Jin said dryly and illustrated this fact by pinching the back of Hobi's hand, leaving the skin up for several seconds.
"Fuck!" Hobi hissed, "I thought I drank enough before bed yesterday but..."
"Well, you were pretty out of it, I'mean you were frecken unconscious most of the day."
"Was not." Hobi protested.
"Was too." Jin argued.
"I was sleeping!"
"Which is an altered form of consciousness leaving you un-conscious to your surroundings." Jin stuck his tongue out.
"Dr Kim," Mr Lee said, re-entering the room, "their team doctor wants a word.", he motioned to his phone.
"Oh, ok." Jin said and took over the call, stepping outside for a bit.
Namjoon came back with three bottles of sports drink and a bag of pretzels, "I know it's tastes like, well, you know, when it's lukewarm, but..."
"Yeah, yeah, I know the drill." Hobi said and reached for them.
"Small, sips." Namjoon warned, this wasn't his first rodeo either.
"Thanks dad." Hobi teased.
"Aish!" Namjoon fake slapped him.
Jin came back and gave Mr Lee his phone back, "There's a hospital not far from here and your doc has contacted them," he turned to Hobi, "but we, I, need to go pick up the stuff for you."
"Take one of the bodyguards with you." Mr Lee said, "Please?" he begged when Jin was about to protest.
"Fine." Jin agreed, "Jimin, could you wet some towels in cold water and place them over Hobi's eyes and neck? It might help a little bit for his migraine, 'til I get back with the good stuff?"
"Heroin?" Hobi begged, earning a slap from Jin.
"Sure." Jimin said, going in to their bathroom to see to it.
"Call me if anything happens or if he gets worse?" Jin asked, and caressed Hobi's forehead as he got up and left. He loved this little bastard, too.
"Absolutely." Mr Lee agreed.

As soon as everyone but Jimin had left, Hobi tried to nibble on a pretzel, "Nope." he realised, "Too soon." he put the mouse-eaten thing down, praying he wouldn't throw up again.
"You know," Jimin placed the paper basket closer to Hobi, should he need it, and sat down on the floor holding a cold, wet towel against Hobi's neck as he layed hovering over the side of the bed, "I can't for the life of me understand why someone would do this to themselves?"
"Glory?" Hobi suggested.
"Mm." Jimin agreed, "This is glorious indeed."
"But standing on top of the podium getting celebrated by everyone was pretty freaking great..."
Hobi layed back down, he wasn't going to hurl as it seemed.
He sighed, it was kind of crazy, the things he and Jungkook did to get to where they were, but, hell! He would do it all again tomorrow!
"Can you hand me that bottle?" he asked, "I need to take another sip of that cat piss again." he shuddered.
So worth it.
It was!
"If I fall asleep, can you wake me?" Hobi pleaded, "I need to take a sip every ten minutes or so?"
"Ok." Jimin nodded and set the timer on his phone, just in case, "Will you be ok if I run down to the kitchen and get something to eat for myself, I'm freaking starving?" Jimin wondered.
"Uhum." Hobi nodded, but realised, "Just eat in the kitchen, please? I don't think I can hold it in if I smell food..."
"Ok, baby." Jimin said and leaned down to kiss his forehead, "I'll send someone up on sleep and sip duty in my place." he promised.
"Uhum." Hobi bent over to the paper basket, but no. False alarm.

"Hoseok, eah, Hobi?" a deep, unfamiliar but still familiar voice said, gently shaking his shoulder.
"Uurrgh." Hobi sounded as he opened his eyes. He'd fallen asleep the second Jimin left.
Mr Lee held out the bottle of piss, "Take a sip, and get back to sleep."
"Thank you." Hobi whispered, "But it's better if I stay awake, frecken torture to be woken up all the time!"
"Ok." Mr Lee said and sat down on the floor with his laptop, "I hope you don't mind if I check my e-mails?"
"Nah, go ahead. Bet you've gotten a gazillion by now." Hobi closed his eyes.
"Oh, I always have a gazillion e-mails." Mr Lee smiled.
"Well, a babillion, then."
"Hm." Mr Lee said, "But is a babillion really more than a gazillion? I mean, million, babillion, trillion, gazillion?"
Hobi started to giggle, "Ha, ho, ow, ow!" his head!
"Don't make me laugh!" he complained, "It hurts like a mf." he put his hands over his eyes.
Mr Lee stood up and took the wetish towels from him, "I'll wet these again." he said and went into the bathroom.
"Got roped in to babysitting, huh?" Hobi said when he returned.
"Yeah." Mr Lee said, sitting down on the floor again, "Dr Kim went with Dr Kim and the bodyguard, and the bodyguard that stayed behind is, well, guarding, and by the sound of it the other two are doing something private so..."
"Yeah." Hobi giggled, very carefully, "They're freaking rabbits. Can't stay away from one another to save their lives!"
"Well, an active sexlife is good for you, I hear." Mr Lee said, dryly.
"I've heard that, too." Hobi admitted.
"Time for another sip." Mr Lee said, giving the bottle to Hobi again.
"Don't mention it."
Mr Lee's phone started buzzing, and he sighed, "I'm sorry for this, but I have to take this," he explained, "It's my mom." he sighed again, "She'll call the freaking police if don't answer."
Hobi was laughing on the inside.
Didn't seem to matter how old, successful, and capable you got, your mom would still hound you!
"Hi, mom!" Mr Lee said, cheerily, "I'm in the middle of something. Yes, yes. I'm fine! Yes, of course, it's what I do! Yeah. Ok. Fine. Sure. Tell everyone I love them. Yeah. Ok. Yeah! I will! I love you too, mom. Ok. Yes. Kiss, kiss. Bye." Mr Lee sighed.
Hobi was giggling, trying to stay still and not smile to much.
"My mom says to tell you she's very proud of you and congratulations on your gold..." Mr Lee rattled off.
"Tell her I said thank you and that she made my day!" Hobi laughed.
"Christ." Mr Lee moaned, throwing his phone down.
Thankfully Jimin arrived shortly after that and Mr Lee could get back to being a professional attorney at law! He couldn't believe he'd had to talk to his mom, infront of a client!
God! How embarrasing!

Jin and the others came back and Hobi was successfully hooked up to a drip by the actual MD-doctor of the bunch and Hobi could finally get back to sleeping, eating and peeing.
He had so much fun, right now.
Like you wouldn't believe!
The migraine was still killing him though.
And Jin wouldn't administer anything stronger than an advil at the moment because of his low blood preassure or whatever.
But, hey!
At least he didn't vomit anymore!
Jimin was being a bit of a nuisance, though, trying to take care of him in a somewhat intrusive way, but Hobi didn't have the heart to tell him!
Jin did, however, order Jimin out of there, giving Hobi the calm, dark silence his body and mind craved.
He was eternally grateful to Jin for saving him by pulling the doctor's orders card, which he was sure Jin understood from the knowing look he gave him when he steered Jimin out of there.

"You should be worse off than me!" Hobi complained when Jungkook came and sat down by his bed, later that evening, bringing him some bananas, pretzels and coke, the universal cure for hangovers and migraines.
"Yeah, well, I have a Tae." Jungkook said matter-of-fact, "Any cramps?" he asked.
"Well, I'm stiff as a corpse, but, you know."
"Yeah." Jungkook nodded, "What me to send over Madame Helga, dominatrix, to torture you some?" he wondered.
"Maybe tomorrow?" Hobi asked, being still hooked up to the banana bag. And not wanting to trigger another killer migraine. "And only if sh-he's wearing fishnets and heels!"
Jungkook bent down close to his ear and whispered, "Do you want company?" Hobi shook his head almost invisibly, "Keep him away?" Hobi gave the slightest of nods. Feeling like shit. But he really needed to be alone tonight!
"Ok." Jungkook patted his belly, "Sleep tight, princess!"
"Get out of here, moron!" Hobi answered, with a great deal of affection in his voice.

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