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"What are you doing?" Tae asked, amused, looking at Jungkook and their fur child, coming home after dinner with the dads and Minhobi.
"Nothing." Jungkook blushed.
"Are you smelling Bam's feet?" Tae laughed.
"No." Kook lied and pushed his face into the puppy.
"'Cause it looks like you're paw-sniffing." Tae giggled.
"Ok, fine!" Jungkook came clean, "I am. And it's totally Jin's fault!" he put the blame where it belonged, "But, it's kinda soothing?" he confessed.
"Oh?" Taehyung said, and came closer to get a wiff of the toe beans, "Huh." he took another sniff, "It kinda is." he agreed and folded himself down beside them, gently stroking Kook's hair out of his face, "Why are you so amazing?" he smiled.
And Jungkook's heart stopped.
It stopped in his chest and he was struck down with love.
"Taehyung." he pressed out, with no air in his lungs, "Oh, Lord. I," he had to shake his head, "Make love to me."
"Kook!" Tae croaked out, overwhelmed with the raw emotion from his man.
"Make love to me, baby." Kook again pleaded, and used his arm to draw Tae in by his waist and tip him backwards so he could crawl up on him, kissing him softly, "I need to feel you love me, Taehyung. I'm so in love with you."
"God, Jungkook!" Tae groaned, "I love you so much, I'm so happy! And I love you so much!"
Jungkook was on top of Taehyung kissing him, softly stroking the hair out of his face, loving him.
Bam licked their faces, wagging his tail.

"Come on." Jungkook said, briskly, and scooped Bam up in his arms, hurriedly putting him in his kennel before returning to a giggling Tae on the floor.
"I remind you, Jeon Jungkook, our son was your idea." Tae laughed.
"Yes, yes." Kook chuckled as he resumed his position, "I, mayhaps, didn't think things, entirely, through. But can you blame me? Look how cute he is!" he pointed at Bam who made the most hearttugging of woofs at the attention.
"The cutest." Tae agreed, putting a hand on Kook's cheek, "And I'm happy you got him. He's gonna keep us grounded." he nodded.
"Yes." Jungkook agreed, "But you're gonna stop talking about our dog and make love to me now..." he winked.

Taehyung smiled and caressed his face, letting his thumb feel Kook's lower lip, "You are so handsome, Jeon Jungkook, love of my life." he crunched up to kiss him, very, very, softly, "You have so much power, so much life in you." he said amazed, "I am so lucky to get to call you mine."
"I am yours." Jungkook stated, stripped of all finesse.
"And I am yours." Tae nodded, eyes endless, filled with love for this man. His man. "To come home. To you. To feel your presence, have you around me," Taehyung whispered, "it's such a wonder. It makes me so happy. You, make me so happy." he smiled, "And I'm so in love with you." he sighed.
"Tae!" Jungkook gasped, and attacked his mouth, overwhelmed with emotion, "You take my breath away." he slured between kisses.
"Mm." Tae purred and had them do a turn so he now was ontop of Jungkook, "And you are so sexy." he growled, "So, sexy, Kook."
"I wanna be in control." Jungkook realised.
"Be in control." Taehyung encouraged him.
"Ok." Jungkook flipped them over again, "Imma make you come undone." he panted.
"Yeas!" Tae slured, "Please!"
"How's your ass?" Jungkook asked.
"Tired." Taehyung admitted.
"Ok." Kook nodded, "Mine too. Little bit." he confessed, "So, mouth it is, baby."
"I do like your mouth." Tae nodded.
"And I do like to have you in my mouth." Jungkook said, kissing Tae behind his ear, "When you come in my mouth." he whispered, "It's so sexy." he groaned, "I get off on it."
"I like to lick your cock." Taehyung groaned, "I like to feel it twitch. Feel the, double, soft, bumps at the very top with the tip of my tongue.
They were humping eachother, rubbing their hard-ons up against one another, lacing their fingers together.
"Oh, my God, Tae," Jungkook panted, "just talking about it makes me so turned on!"
"Mm." Tae agreed, out of breath, "Take my clothes off?" he asked.
"Hooh yeah." Jungkook sang, and started to unbotton his shirt while they were still kissing, "Hop up on the bed for me." he whispered and got up to fetch a big towel.
When he got back, Taehyung was leaning on his elbows, legs apart, shirt open, looking absolutely wanton.
"Ohmigod." Jungkook grabbed his junk, "You drive me wild!"
"Good." Tae answered, with a loopsided smile, "Now, control me, baby."
"Ohmigod." Kook gasped, almost losing control of his legs, staggering closer, "God. Of. Sex." he panted, "Open your pants for me, baby." he ordered.
Tae slowly opened his belt buckle, using his right hand to fumble the button out and very, fucking slo-mo, slow, pulled down his zipper.
Jungkook ripped the shirt off himself, earning a practically primal grunt from Tae, eating him up with his eyes.
"You are so fucking sexy, Jeon Jungkook." Taehyung growled, pants finally open, cock springing free.
"Why the hell do you go commando all the time?" Jungkook panted, staring at Tae's cock.
"I like it." Tae shrugged.
"I like it too." Jungkook groaned and fell to his knees, licking Tae's exposed cock from base to top.
"Hrng." Tae's head fell back and he started bucking his hips.
"Off." Jungkook ordered and pulled the pants off Tae's legs, pausing to get his socks off as well and stood up to get out of his own pants and socks.
He grabbed Taehyung by the waist and frecken threw him further onto the bed, crawling after him.
"Suck my cock, baby." he ordered through chattering teeth, "Suck me." he turned and put one knee on each side of Tae's head and attacked his cock with his mouth.
"HHNNG!" Tae lost his freaking mind! Thrusting into Kook's mouth, and pulled on his cock 'til he could reach it with his lips, opening wide, letting his tongue swirl around it as Jungkook pumped into him.
"AAAH!" Jungkook plopped Tae's cock out of his mouth, "Haiii, need to breathe!" he gasped as his thighs started to quiver and his orgasm was building up from the base of his spine, "Omg, Taehyung, TAE!" he emptied himself down Tae's throat, shuddering apart, hands on Tae's slim belly, arching his back, locked in one final thrust, "Omg, omg, omg." he panted, "What the hell are you doing to me?" he wondered, amazed.
Tae didn't let go of him, but used his tongue to milk Kook's orgasm further.
"Hoohhmmm." Jungkook slured and fitted his lips around Tae's cock again, determined to finish him off, but, lord!"
"Nope." Jungkook said and got off Tae's continued efforts and layed down beside him instead, holding Tae's cock in both of his hands, licking it like an icecream cone.
"Do you want my mouth, baby?" Jungkook teased.
"Houmm." Tae sounded.
"You have to tell me what you want, baby." Kook promted.
"Hai want your mouth." Tae slobbered.
"Where?" Kook kept teasing.
Tae clatched Kook's ass, "I want you to put my cock in your mouth and suck me off." Tae ordered, voice thick, breathing heavily.
"Like this?" Kook put his lips around Tae's top.
"Deeper." Tae growled, "Take all of me in your pretty little mouth."
Jungkook almost got hard again and opened wide, fitting every part of Taehyung's long, thick cock in his mouth, feeling it down his throat and used his hands to massage his balls.
"Oh, yeeeaaahhhh!" Tae pressed his head into the bed, gently bucking his hips back and forth, "So, goooodhhh!" he lauded, "You feel so fucking good around my cock, baby!"
Jungkook let his tongue swirl around all he could muster as he moved his head up and down Tae's member, getting worked up again.
Tae was moaning, whimpering, getting closer and closer so Jungkook reached down with his left hand and pinched Tae's nipple.
"HHAANNGG!" Tae's entire body shook as he came, hard, climaxing, feeling Kook swallow it all, "Damn, baby!" he panted, spent.
"Omg, Taehyung." Jungkook groaned, "You made me hard again!" he got up on his knees, turning to face Tae, straddling his hips and started stroking himself, fast, hard, relentless, over him.
Tae shuffled himself up on his elbows, opening his mouth, letting his tongue rest under Kook's throbbing head, looking up at him, "GOD!" Jungkook shouted, arching his back, coming again, feeling Taehyung lap up his load and lost his balance and fell backwards between Tae's legs.
"You're gonna kill me." Jungkook panted, "One day, you're actually gonna kill me." he chuckled.
And heard a frightened little cry from Bam, scratching at the door, trying to get to his dad.

"Baby!" Jungkook flew off the bed and let Bam out, picking him up in his arms, "Don't be scared." he soothed, nuzzling Bam's neck, "Dada's here." he cooed, "Daddies' just having sex." he explained, "We like having sex." he nodded, and layed down on the bed beside Tae, with Bam between them.
"We do this a lot." Tae sang, petting the dog gently, "You'll get used to it." he nodded.
"Oh, God, I hope so!" Jungkook uttered, freaking out.
"He will." Taehyung promised, cupping Kook's cheek, "See, he's already calming down." he used his long fingers to play with Bam's ears.
"Yeah, 'cause I put him on the bed." Jungkook huffed, realising.
"Where he belongs." Tae smiled and gave Kook a kiss, "We can just get a bigger bed." he shrugged.
"I love you." Jungkook laughed, scooting closer so he could put an arm under Tae's head.
"I love you, too." Taehyung kissed his chest and smiled up at him, "More than I'll ever be able to express." he propelled himself up with his feet and gave him a right ol' smooch.
"Mmm." Jungkook purred, "Me too, baby. Me too."

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