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'This is what that feels like', Jin thought to himself looking down into his empty shot glass. He motioned to the bartender for a refill.
Soju really wasn't his poision, he realised, but it got the work done.
Numbing the pain.
Making everything flat.
Which was the whole point of him being at this bar.
Two women, considerably older than him, had already tried to pick him up but been brusquely shot down with, 'Sorry, not interested."
He wasn't here to make friends.
Or flirt.
He wasn't even here to get off.
He was here to drown his sorrows.
Why was he the one having such trouble with this?
Everyone else just seemed to have adjusted to the circumstances and, whoop-de-doo, was sailing along on these new winds, like freaking Jack Sparrows, the lot of them.
Why couldn't he?
He had no clue.
It went beyond his abilities right now.
To get a grasp on this.
Handle it.
That was the problem.
His job was to handle it.
Not muscle it.
Change it.
Or even endure it.
Just, handle it.
Which he couldn't.
And it made him feel impotent.
A leftover.

And Hobi?
He squirmed in his seat.
Why was he so fucking provoked by Hobi?
He felt shame tint his cheeks and downed his drink.
Thinking about what'd just transpired between them was totally not something he wanted to do right now.
That's what he wanted to do.
He'd snuck out of the hotel like a freaking theif.
Not wanting any company tonight.
Certainly not by the flipping bodyguards.
He just wanted some alone time.
To get his head straight.
Or, rather, dizzy.
He snorted at his joke.
He was definitely tipsy.
One more, then he'd leave.
He motioned the bartender again.

The blow came out of nowhere.
Shocking his system when he hit the ground and his head exploded with pain from the double impact.
There were at least two sets of legs, kicking him and Jin did the only thing he could, he curled up in a ball, trying to protect his head and neck with his hands.
"Fucking faggot." was the last thing he heard before a shoe hit his face and everything went black.

"JIN!" Namjoon and Bonbon came round the corner when the two assailants  were leaving the scene.
Namjoon had grown worried when Jin didn't show up after their dispute and had the bodyguard come with him to search for his husband.
A loud buzzing sound was surrounding Namjoon as he ran to his love.
The whole world seamed to shrink and only consist of him and Jin.
And that fucking sound.
He was bleading but breathing, Namjoon figured out, and tried to unlock his fucking phone to call an ambulance but the bloody thing wouldn't OPEN!
"Namjoon." Bonbon said, with a hand on his arm, "Let me stop the bleeding."
"I NEED TO CALL AN AMBULANCE!" Namjoon shouted. Was the man a complete dimwit? His husband lay bleeding on the ground!
"It's already on it's way, Namjoon, let me help him."
"HOW CAN IT BE ON IT'S WAY IF I HAVEN'T CALLED IT?!" everyone was crazy!
"NAMJOON!" Bonbon barked, "STEP ASIDE!"
"Oh." he went back to reality for a second and did as he was told, kneeling beside Jin instead of laying on top of him as Bonbon quickly did what he could as they waited for the ambulance.
Namjoon pulled the unconscious Jin into his lap, shielding him from further attacks and that fucking sound!

It took forever for the ambulance to show up and when it finally did Namjoon had trouble letting go of Jin.
Strangers tried to steal him from him and he had to remind himself they were actually trying to help them!
Someway or another they got everyone on to the ambulance and now that fucking sound was mixed with the howling of the sirens.
"Don't die, don't die, don't die, DON'T YOU FUCKING DIE ON ME KIM SEOKJIN!" Namjoon chanted all the way to the hospital.

A flurry of activity errupted upon arrival.
People prodding, and turning and sticking needles in Jin and asking questions!
"... blood alcohol level. Does he have a drinking problem? " some idiot asked, right infront of Namjoon's face.
"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" Namjoon was livid.
"Ok." the idiot said, "Stay here."
And Namjoon was alone.
Standing in a corridor.
Looking out on the street outside.
Not knowing what the fuck he was supposed to do now.

The doors opened and he saw some people hurry towards him. One of them seemed drunk because he kept stumbling and losing his balance all the time as his companion held him up and kept them moving forward.
"Dad!" the drunk guy shouted and Namjoon realised it was Tae being held up by Jungkook.
"Taehyung." Namjoon whispered and started shaking as he hugged his kid.
"What the hell happened?" Jungkook asked.
"H-hai do-hon't kno-how." Namjoon stuttered, the walks seemingly closing in on him, "H-hai need to sit do-hown." he realised and Jungkook halfway carried both him and Taehyung to the waiting room.
"He's ba-had." Namjoon continued, "Hai, he's ba-had."
"Stay here." Jungkook ordered and came back two seconds later dragging a doctor behind him, "Help him!" he pointed to Namjoon.
"What seems to be the problem?" the doctor kneeled infront of the shaking Joon.
"Jin." Namjoon wailed.
"Kim Seokjin, his brother was in an accident of some kind," Jungkook explained pointing to Taehyung, "And that," he pointed to Namjoon "is Jin's husband."
"Oh?" the doctor looked up with a little bit of disbelief on her face.
"For all intents and purposes." Jungkook filled in.
"Is he dead?" Tae asked, white as a ghost.
"Kim Seokjin. His brother. Dr Kim. He's a doctor." Jungkook said, hoping it'll draw out some collegial loyalty.
"Hn-mm-mm-mm-mn." Namjoon started swaying back and forth.
"Ok." The doctor said and stood up and pressed a button on the wall, making the room fill with medical personel.
"We need to get a drip in this guy and find him a bed." The doctor ordered.
"Come with me, love." a nurse said, very softly, and tried to get Namjoon to stand up.
"NAMJOON!" Bonbon barked out,
"Oh, thank God." Jungkook said and collapsed on a chair beside Tae.
"Go with the doctors." Bonbon ordered Namjoon.
"Ok." Namjoon agreed, as cool as a cucumber, suddenly.
"And, who are you?" the doctor asked.
"Their bodyguard. Kim Seokjin was attacked and badly beaten when he snuck out of the hotel, earlier this evening. And I really must insist we take these two somewhere private, and easily secured since there is several threats against their lives being made. The police should be here shortly too."
"Oh!" The doctor said when she suddenly realised who they all were, and picked up a phone and called someone, "Yes, we need to open the VIP room and get some security in, what was his name?" she turned to Bonbon.
"Kim Seokjin." he repeated.
"Kim Seokjin's room, get him somewhere private. It's the olympians for Christ's sake!" she started walking out of the room, "Come with me!" she ordered them and they all obeyed.
"TAE!" Hobi shouted and started running towards them with Minho and Bikram on his heel.
"STOP!" the doctor ordered and held up her hand, making Hobi come to a screeching halt.
"It's the other one." Bonbon whispered in her ear.
"Oh, ok." she said and let him through.
"Tae, what's going on?" Hobi asked, worried and held him tight.
"I don't knoooow!" Tae howled and lost his footing, sliding down when his legs no longer held him.
Jungkook caught him and picked him up in his arms, "Where are we going?" he bit out.
"Follow me." the doctor said and led them to the VIP area.

Minho was effectively letting the hospital know what they needed to know, making sure Namjoon, Taehyung and Jungkook had access to Jin as soon as the doctors were through with him,  putting together a list of people they should let through security if they showed up, calling everyone that needed a heads up about this, at the same time as he was trying to figure out what the hell they'd tell the press and re-shaping every plan they'd made for tomorrow and onward.
Bonbon was talking to the police.
Bikram was directing the security units.
Namjoon had fought his way back to them, holding a drip over his head, trying to take all of it in.
He couldn't.
Neither could Tae.
Or Jungkook.
They sat, holding eachother, looking around them with big eyes, like two abandoned children at a busy train station.
Yoongi and Jiwoo showed up.
Mr Kim showed up.
Coach showed up.
And Tits.
Then the heavy names started dropping in.
The Ministry of Defence.
Representatives for the president.

"Who are his family?" A guy in scrubs asked.
"We are." Namjoon, Taehyung and Jungkook said as one and stood up.
"We managed to stop the bleeding, and hopfully, the swelling of the brain is under control, he is in critical condition but we're doing everything we can for him." The surgeon assured them.
Namjoon couldn't take it in.
That fucking annoying sound made it almost impossible to understand what he was saying.
"Unfortunatly," the surgeon continued and that fucking sound was getting louder, "we had to remove his left eye. I'm sorry."
Namjoon just blinked.
Not processing.
And that was it.
Lights out, fade to black.

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