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Taehyung was biting his nails.
He didn't bite his nails. But he was biting his nails.
Jungkook was tied for first with the american and there was only the last discipline left. 1500 m.
Not Jungkook's best event.
But not the american's either.
"He only has to run faster than the yankee." Hobi assured him, holding Tae's hand in both of his, to stop Tae from reaching the bone.
"I can't watch!" Tae turned around.
Hobi gripped his neck and forced him to turn back 'round, "You can and you will!" he threatened, knowing that Taehyung would regret it forever if he didn't watch his man take home the gold.

Jungkook was tired.
He'd exerted himself yesterday. Those were his best events. Speed, strength and agility, he was good at that.
Today's first event he'd nailed of course. 110 m hurdles. Right up his alley.
But, throwing things?
Not his favourite thing to do on a field to be honest.
Winning the pole vault had taken a lot, but he was glad he'd done it.
Didn't want to embarrass Hobi...
And now he had to run, again.
Bloody, freaking far too.
One thousand and five hundred meters.
Naeh, just four laps. He jokingly told himself, give or take.
He could do it.
He would do it.
Jungkook felt determination settle on his shoulders. Blocking out all the sounds, honing his entire being in, focusing only on the two thousand or so steps he had to take to win this bloody thing.
And he would.
He would.

And, they were off.
Jungkook ran like he'd never ran before, careful to not over-do it. To save some for the spurt. He wanted to win. The whole shebang. And this event in particular.
"Look at my man gooo!" Tae cheered.
Jungkook was in forth place, shadowed by the american, when the last lap began.
'I'm going for it.' Jungkook thought and accelerated. He had more to give and he would give it. All of it.
This was it.
He managed to pass the two nearest him and almost got the Algerian as well, but couldn't pass him in time.
'Fuck.' he thought.
And then it dawned on him.
He won.

He ran over to the bleechers jumping over the fence, climbing up to Tae and Hobi that were hugging eachother, jumping around just like Tae and he had done a couple of days ago and he smooched his man.
Almost falling over the chairs.
Saved only by Hobi that had the presence of mind to wrap his arms around both of them to at least obscure them a bit from the cameras.
All three of them came to and hugged and jumped up and down, before Jungkook was whisked away for the things that was expected from him now.
Taehyung was crying.
Hobi was crying.
Coach was crying.
It was a cry fest.

Tae felt like he was flying, he was so happy for Jungkook. And Hobi, of course, but he'd lived Jungkook's struggle and now he'd, they'd, finally reached the goal of his dreams.
They'd only had short moments alone together since the win and all they could do was jump around in eachother's arms laughing and cheering, being completely unable to come down from their high.
Well, there had been a second when desire struck down upon them, and Jungkook had pressed Taehyung against the wall, grinding into him, slobbering kisses all over him, but then they got interrupted by Coach who'd been sent to fetch Jungkook for something, but he had laughed and told them to keep it in their pants a little bit longer and muscled Jungkook out by taking a tight grip of his arm and leading him out.
Leaving Taehyung to sort out his arousal and euphoria on his own.
Which he couldn't.
So he went around sporting a semi and a foggy brain for the rest of the day.

This was the first time someone from their country had won an olympic gold medal in track and field.
Nothing wrong with archery or taekwondo but, this was huge!
And they had two!
Domestic media were going wild, pulling and yanking at both Jungkook and Hobi to get interviews and features and photo-ops in a neverending flurry of attention.
If going to the olympics had been a circus, winning a gold medal was a runaway zoo.
Completely exhausting.
For everyone involved.
None of them slept for days.
They managed to squeeze in a night of drunken debauchary to celebrate the boys before the entourages had to leave for home.
You wouldn't believe how expensive it was, staying in a city that hosted the olympics during said olympics.
And they'd all booked their tickets years in advance, just to be on the safe side!
The boys wanted to go home as well, as quickly as possible but they did want to go to their prize ceremonys, understandably, so they were saying behind their friends and familys for a few days.
Jungkook was so exhausted he was beginning to feel furious.

When they arrived back home Hobi and Jungkook were prompted to hold a big press conference together, which they agreed to, but only if Coach would be there at the table with them.
Everything went smoothly, Hobi and Jungkook were asked in every possible way how it felt to have won an olympic gold medal.
It became harder and harder for them to come up with new answers to that question, no matter how it was worded, but they tried their best.
One reporter asked Jungkook why he'd decided to follow coach to a new University, to which Jungkook only answered, "Well, it payed out, didn't it?" earing bouts of laughs from the press corps.
A few more rounds of what it felt like, and the conference was coming to and end, when the same reporter as before asked, "So leaving your old University had nothing to do with the fact that you're both gay?"
There was a silence that was heard around the world.
Jungkook's mind was racing, should he ignore the question? Deny it? Come out?
"I think we're done here." Coach said grimly. Jungkook placed a hand on his arm, "Leaving my old University had everything to do with me wanting to stay with my coach and getting the opportunity to attend the best University in the country on a full scholarship and very little to do with my sexuality." Jungkook answered.
All of the reporters looked at the one that had asked such an inappropriate question with disgust, shaking their heads.
"So you're saying you're not gay?" the reporter insisted.
"I fail to understand what my athletes' sexuality, what ever that may be, has to do with anything?" Coach said, icyly.
"Well, some might worry that the country's new favourite sons will be leading the younger generations astray?" the reporter suggested.
Jungkook huffed a laugh down at his hands and shook his head, he cast a glance towards Hobi that looked at him with a dangerous glint to his eye that Jungkook correctly interpreted as 'Get 'em!'.
And he was fed up.
"Yes, I'm gay." he confessed.
"As am I." Hobi nodded and crossed his arms over his chest, he would not abandon Jungkook at this time, "Just as gay as I was a couple of days ago when I won a gold medal at the olympics."
"Gay then, gay now, gay tomorrow." Jungkook said and stood up, followed by Hobi and Coach.
"But this is you, isn't it?" The reporter said holding up a still of Jungkook and Taehyung in the shower, "With the same guy you kissed on the bleechers?"
"No comment." Jungkook hissed and pressed his way out through the crowd that were now snapping pictures and shoving microphones in their faces.

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