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"Well, well, well, if it isn't Park Jimin, sitting there, being sexy as all hell, just as I remember him." a sarcastic voice said behind Jimin's back as he was warming up his ankles the next morning.
He turned around, "Soonyi?" he couldn't believe it!
"Is that really you?" he got up on his feet and came to greet her.
"In the flesh." she nodded, smiling, taking his hands, giving him cheek kisses.
"Wow!" Jimin took a step back and looked her over, "I haven't seen you, since," he had to think, and remembered, but said, "since forever!" he smiled.
"Since you knocked me up?" she helped him along and raised her eyebrows looking up at him, and then started laughing.
"Jesus Christ!" he gasped, but started laughing too, "No, not since then." he noddingly agreed, "How have you been? Where, have you been?"
"Here." she said, "My parents moved here, and I came with them." she shrugged.
"Good, you've met." the director said, striding in there with a binder in his hand, "Soonyi Kim, meet Jimin Park, Jimin meet Soonyi." he pointed between them with his finger, still reading his notes.
"We know eachother." Soonyi disclosed.
"Excellent." the director said, still reading, "Do you need to brush up on the piece or are you ready to jump right in?" he looked up at Soonyi.
"Oh, I'm good to go." Soonyi assured him and doubled over, grabbing the palm of her feet with her hands.
"You're the understudy?" Jimin almost passed out!
"Yup." she nodded, flexing her feet in and out.
"Mrs Choi." Jimin sighed. Their old dance teacher had unexpectedly died, just before he left.
"Yeah." Soonyi craned her neck, looking up at him, "It was really sad."
"I'm sorry I couldn't make it." he said sincerely, "I was kinda exiled on account of the death threats and, everything, and then I had to leave for England."
"What death threats?" the director asked, stood as a pillar of salt gaping at Jimin.
"My friends, well, my boyfriend and my friend, came out as gay, publicly and it was a bit of a, commotion?" he shrugged.
"Why?" the director asked.
"Well, they'd just won an olympic gold medal each, and," Jimin shrugged again.
"Oh?" The director sat, down, "Yeah, I think I read about that." he nodded, "One of 'em was your boyfriend?"
"Mm." Jimin nodded, looking down on his feet.
"Blimey." the director said.
"Mm." Jimin chuckled.
"Is this something we need to take into account?" the director asked, worried.
"I don't think so?" Jimin answered, "I was never, you know, seen, by the public? But, I don't know, honestly." he confessed, "But I do know I'm rather invisible over here. Just some asian guy, you know?" he shrugged, "We all look the same." he said with a bitter tint to his words.
"Huh." the director had gotten things to think about.
"But, I could talk to the security detail, they got? And hear what they think about it?"
"Yeah, let's do that." the director nodded, "'Cause you're gonna be famous in your own right, Mr Park." he winked.
"Oh." Jimin blushed.
"Cute!" Soonyi swooned and cupped his face.
"Aish!" he looked down on his feet.
"Oh, and before I forget," the director mused, "we all been asked to brunch with two of our patrons tomorrow. I hope you can both make it?"
"Absolutely." Jimin and Soonyi nodded in unison.

"We're absolutely delighted to have you onboard!" one of the almost comically super brittish gentlemen said to Jimin as they say down to brunch.
Jimin's phone started buzzing, but he just put it in his pocket.
It didn't stop.
He took it out and glanced at it just as a text from Hobi came through: ANSWER YOUR GOD DAMNED PHONE!
It started buzzing again from Hobi calling him, "I am so sorry," he apologised, "I think something's happened back home and I need to take this." he motioned his head towards the phone.
"But yes, of course!" the other brittish gentleman said.
"Excuse me." Jimin said and stood up and answered as he left the table, "YOU GAVE ME CHLAMYDIA, YOU FUCKING TROLL!" Hobi screamed on the top of his lungs.
"Jesus, calm down! I'm out to brunch!" Jimin hissed, certain everyone in the restaurant had heard him.
Jimin was practically running out of there.
Jimin banged his fist into his head, "Hobi," how fucking stupid, stupid, stupid, could you get? Jimin wanted to die, right now, "I'm,"
"Don't." Hobi interrupted him, "Just get fucking tested, and treated and get the people there to tell whomever they need to tell over here about the result and give them YOUR FUCKING CHEETING PARTNERS!"
"I'm sorry, I was just so" Jimin tried to explain what he couldn't even explain to himself.
One night of, despair.
And now, this?!
He wanted to throw up.
"I don't want to hear it, Jimin. We're through. Over. For good. HOW FUCKING COULD YOU, YOU IDIOT!"
Hobi cut the call.
And Jimin stood there.
In the wardrobe.

He tried to reach Taehyung. To get him to go to him and beg him for forgivness.
Like he couldn't do himself.
But he just got cut off there too.
So he stood there.
Hands hanging to his sides.
"Are you ok?" Soonyi asked softly behind him.
"No." Jimin gasped and doubled over from the pain that hit him straight in the gut.
"Did you?" he sobbed and she took a step forward and put her hands on his shoulders, leaning lightly on him, hugging him from behind.
"Yeah." she confirmed, "Everyone did."
"Oh, God!" Jimin inhaled sharply, stood back up, covering his eyes with his hand, dying from shame.
"Jimin, it's ok, Jimin." she comforted, "It's ok."
"No, it's not!" he cried behind his hand, "I love him, and, I," he gasped, "I'm useless." he cried harder.
"You're not useless!" she protested and turned him against her.
But he just nodded, disagreeing with her.
Under his hand.
"You're not!" she hugged him, rocking him from side to side, "You're just, maybe, a little carless with where you put your dick sometimes." she said, matter-of-fact.
Jimin snorted out a laugh.
Yeah, that was the understatement of the year, coming from her.
"I'm sorry for what I did to you, back then." she continued,
"You're sorry?" Jimin said surprised, leaning back, looking at her.
"Yeah." she nodded, "I knew you didn't really want to, that night," she confessed, "but I was so in love with you and,"
"You were in love with me?!" he gaped.
"See, this is why I did it." she nodded, "I was head over heels for you. I," she sighed, "I mean, it doesn't really excuse anything, but I was really young, and so in love with you and I wanted you to realise I existed. That you could have me. That I wanted you. Shake you up a bit so you'd stop pining after that, jumping dude that was pining after your friend." she paused, "Oh?!" she started to laugh at herself, "Well aren't I dense?"
"Yeah, you and me both." Jimin sighed, "But I am also stupid." he sighed again, "On so many levels." his voice broke again.
"True." she nodded, joking.
"Hey!" he whined and slapped her side, "I'm hurting over here!"
"Hurt later." she ordered, "Now we have to go woo our patrons."
"Fuck." Jimin bit out, and shook his shoulders out.
"Listen," she said, all serious, "stuff happens." she looked him in the eye, "We learn from them. Or don't." she shrugged, "And we move on, knowing a little bit more about ourselves. This isn't the end of the world. It isn't bone cancer." Jimin flinched, "It's just embarrassing." she went on, "Hold your head high and let's get this shit done!"
"Ok." Jimin took a deep breath and wiped his eyes, "How do I look?"
"Like a snacc!" she panted, tongue out.
"Christ!" Jimin snorted and squeezed her shoulders, "Thank you, though. For this."
"Anytime." she smiled, and took his hand as they went out on their first stage.

The Kim Family TetralogyWhere stories live. Discover now