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"Jin," Namjoon tried to talk some sense into him.
"Stop Jinning me Namjoon!" Jin shouted.
"Fine." Namjoon bit out, "What the hell is wrong with you? Going off on Hobi?"'
"I wasn't going off on Hobi, I was making a joke!"
"You were being mean!"
"Why are you yelling at me? Don't yell at me!" Jin's face scrunched up.
"Christ." Namjoon turned to the skies for help, "Come here, honey." he opened his arms and Jin practically fell into them.
"I don't like it when you're angry with me!" Jin cried.
"I'm not angry with you, baby." Namjoon comforted, "I'm worried." he admitted, "You tell me you are fine, when you're clearly not and,"
"I am fine!" Jin complained.
"You're not fine, honey."
"I AM FINE!" Jin stomped his foot.
"Ok." Namjoon agreed, stroking him over the hair, "But that was a lot of emotion you had bottled up in there, and, I, just," he sighed, "I get the feeling there's more you're holding back, that's all?"
"I'm not! I'm fine!" Jin stomped his foot again.
"Ok." Namjoon again agreed, being currently in a relationship with with a five-year-old.
'Strike that.' he thought, boys could be demanding princesses too.
If princess was a way of being instead of a station.
Like, you know, you viewed it as a state of mind, and not, you know, pink dresses and tiaras?
What the hell was he on about?
And he swore he wouldn't treat Jin like the little missus anymore!
Namjoon got off that train, fast.
"I'll take your word for it." he said, 'For tonight.' he thought.
'Cause let's face it, every drunk person on the planet was pretty much five years old during said drunkeness.
He needed some sleep himself, he realised.
"Let's go to bed, honey." he suggested.
"And make sweet, sweet love?" Jin asked, hopeful as a fool.
'Nope.' Namjoon thought. They were decidedly not screwing tonight.
"Tell you what, let's just cuddle and kiss and see where it takes us?" he suggested instead, having a hunch Jin might take a no a bit too harshly tonight.
"I want strawberries." Jin pouted.
"You can have strawberries." Namjoon promised.
"And champagne?"
"Sure." Namjoon lied, he planned on serving him some nice apple soda in a champagne glass, should it come to that.
They wormed their way into the bedroom, Jin was three sheets to the wind.
And Namjoon had all the trouble in the world keeping him upright.
Especially since Jin constantly tried to kiss him.
Namjoon was starting to feel like he was fighting off an drunk octopus, with arms and legs everywhere and wet lips sucking onto whatever skin they could reach.
This was, without a doubt, the least sexy Jin had ever been.
"Finally." Namjoon groaned as he heaved them onto the bed.
"Take my pants off." Jin ordered and Namjoon did his best to comply, starting with his shoes.
He'd only gotten the first footwear off when Jin fell asleep, snoring, loudly, on his back.
"Fucking hell." Namjoon mumbled and proceeded to take the other one off and then pulling Jin's pants down.
"Shit." he swore, realising Jin was wearing his favourite black, silk shirt and that it would have to come off, lest he wanted a nuke exploding in here tomorrow morning.
"I may have to re-think the whole having a baby thing." he muttered as he wrestled Jin out of the garment.
What the hell was he going to do?
Despair filled his veins and a sob broke lose.
He needed Jin to guide him through, this.
Really, he did.
But, this, was Jin, and, yeah.
Namjoon sighed.
'We need to talk.' he texted Taehyung.
'Yes.' came the reply, fast as lightning, 'Breakfast tomorrow?' Tae suggested
'Yes.' Namjoon agreed, 'I'll text you when I'm up. Let's do it early?'
Through devine intervention Namjoon suddenly had a change of heart, 'No.' he texted back, 'Let's not go behind his back, let's face this head on, all of us. Like grown-ups.'
'Yes. You're probably right. We were all gonna brainstorm anyways. More honest to let him in on it. See you at one?'
'Count on it.'
Namjoon pulled the covers over Jin and went to fetch some painkillers and some water.
And some orange juice. He remembered.
Jin liked to drink that first thing after an wet evening.

Standing in the shower, Namjoon let the hot water beat down on the back of his head, wondering, again, what the hell he was going to do.
He steadied himself with his hands against the wall, and just.
He'd never been more worried than he was right now.
Not when the kids went through their separation.
Not when they were all outed.
Not even when Yoongi was shot.
Because Jin was whole.
He was the beacon of light.
"I'm utterly useless." he realised.
Without Jin's guidence Namjoon didn't know which way to turn, how to.
'I need to step up.' it dawned on him. He couldn't hide behind Jin anymore. Let Jin make all the decisions about their family life.
'I need to be a parent, too.' Not just a, step parent, or a bonus parent, or whatever you called it.
A parent.
Setting a course, getting everyone on board, making sure there was enough provisions to get them there safely, while still encouraging everyone to do their part, use their wit, pull their weight.
"I need to pull my weight." he repeated after himself.
He'd always seen his own role as being on the side line, making sure no one fell off the field, but.
"I need to be on the team. I'm the goalkeeper. I should be the goalkeeper."
Jin and Minho, and Yoongi, he realised, were the backline, the kids were the forwards, and he should be the goalie. Keeping an eye on all of them. Letting them shine.
"I don't even like sports." he grumbled, "And great, I'm talking to myself."
He turned the shower off and took two towels with him, drying himself on the way to the couch.
He was about to sit down when he changed his mind and went to fetch an ice cold beer and some pretzels.
"I think I aged twenty years tonight." he told the empty room.
And himself.
"Mazel tov." he raised the beer in a cheer to himself and drank the whole thing in one go.
"I really don't like this shit!" he grimaged, and went to get a soda as a chaser.
He sat there, staring off into space, for at least an hour.
Feeling miserable.
But determined.
His man needed him.
And he would be there.
Come what may.

Jin had made a burrow in the covers leaving Namjoon to find something else to use for himself.
Luckily there was an extra duvet in one of the wardrobes that he towed behind him, pulling it over his belly as he layed down beside his love.
His reeking of alcohol love.
"The things I'm prepared to endure for you, my love. The things I'm prepared to endure." he muttered, turning away from the fumes as best he could.
"Nam-nam joon." Jin said, in his sleep, making Namjoon giggle.
"I love you, Jin." he smiled, "I really do."
Jin let out a fart.
"Oh my fucking God!" Namjoon moaned, "What the hell?" he almost threw up. "No. U-uhm." he stood up and opened the window, "Help." he whispered, "I need air!"
"Jin! Namjoon!" Bonbon shouted from the hall, "Everything ok, in here?"
"Fuck." The alarms. Namjoon forgot.
"Yeah!" he shouted, "I forgot!"
"I'm coming in to check. You know the drill." Bonbon warned and entered the room to make sure no uninvited guests were coercing them or something.
"Jesus Christ!" Bonbon waved a hand infront of his nose.
"Mm." Namjoon agreed.
"Ok." Bonbon laughed and went back out, "Sleep tight." he said, closing the door behind him.
Jin hadn't moved a muscle during the whole ordeal.
"The things I do for you!" Namjoon giggled and pecked Jin on his nose before climbing back into bed, "The things I do for you."

The Kim Family TetralogyWhere stories live. Discover now