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"I can't believe we're actually going!" Taehyung cheered in his first class seat as the plane was taking off.
"I know! It's amazing!" Hobi jumped up and down like a five-year-old, making Minho fondly smile from ear to ear.
"And I have to tell you," Jungkook smiled and turned to Hobi, "Brilliant use of our prizes!"
They high-fived.

Hobi had remembered they'd actually won some sort of travel stipend at the Olympics, ment to cover five years international flights to different games, but he had negotiated a handfull of first class tickets instead to be used within a year, which the company gladly accepted as a trade, making this trip a lot cheaper than expected.
A lot.
Taehyung had seriously started to investigate how much chartering a jet would actually cost, when their, for security reasons, required first class tickets to London started to spiral out of control, money-wise. 'Cause it was on the cusp of being just as expensive with their own freaking plane, but since Minho and Hobi had decided to visit with Minho's family in San Diego before returning home, he abandoned that idea.
And then Hobi went and solved it so neatly, all they had to pay was their hotel rooms.
Which weren't cheap either.
Due to, well, New Years, and, again, security requirements.

Jin and Namjoon had declined to come with, for several cloudy reasons, Taehyung suspected the main one beeing simply to get some alone time.
And Yoongi had to work, to his utter displeasement and malcontent. But the project he was actually getting paid for, had hit a snag and the deadline was fast approaching.
He had no choice.
Jangmi'd had a frecken meltdown when she realised they wouldn't be going.
He really needed to end things with her, but he hadn't the time.
Or so he said.
They all thought that was a bit of an excuse, but, his pants, his problem.

"Look at these pictures Jimin sent!" Taehyung exclaimed and turned his surf pad so they could see.
"Holy cow!" Jungkook snatched it so he could take a better look.
"I'm starting to feel a little bit self-conscious all of a sudden." Minho cofessed and cleared his voice, pretending to right his nonexistent tie.
"Haha," Hobi laughed, "oh, you're serious!" he realised and viped the smile off his face and reached for Minho.

"Haha," Hobi laughed, "oh, you're serious!" he realised and viped the smile off his face and reached for Minho

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"Are you gonna go all alpha-male and draw swords and challenge him to a duel to the death over Hobi's affections?" Tae asked with thinly veiled anticipation

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"Are you gonna go all alpha-male and draw swords and challenge him to a duel to the death over Hobi's affections?" Tae asked with thinly veiled anticipation.
"O, would you?" Jungkook begged.
"No!" Minho laughed
"Could you at least give him an indian burn?" Jungkook pleaded, disappointed.
"Jungkook!" Tae slapped him, "It's called criss-cross apple sauce burn now!"
"Kidding." Tae laughed, "But I heard one of the kids in my art class call it that, probably 'cause that's what they call sitting cross-legged now."
Minho died, "Omomomo!" he wiped his eyes, "Imma have to tell my sister that, she's a kindergarten teacher and a yoga instructor!"
"What did they call it before, then?" Jungkook doed, not getting it. At all.
"Indian style." Tae smiled.

The Kim Family TetralogyWhere stories live. Discover now