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Jungkook went to get their bags out of the trunk as Taehyung made his way into the cabin.
They had decided to stay another night even if it was probably safe to go home now.
Jin and Namjoon could use some more alone time, certainly, and they both really liked it up here.
Away from the city, alone in the woods.
Jungkook entered the cabin backwards, trying to close the door without dropping all of their shopping, "You know, you could've helped me, you know." he said and turned around and froze in his step, dropping all of the bags and his jaw.
Taehyung was sitting in the armchair, legs wide apart, leaning back with one arm slung nonchalantly over the back of the chair, still in his new suit but with his shirt unbuttoned down to his chest.
He had never looked more attractive and Jungkook got hard instantly.

He had never looked more attractive and Jungkook got hard instantly

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"Aehumnae uh schlo heh." he couldn't form a coherrent thought, much less intelligible words.
He had to sit down. His legs wasn't working properly.
Luckily, the couch was right beside him and he stumbled down on it in a less than graceful way.
Taehyung smirked and licked the side of his lower lip.
Jungkook's heart was beating so hard he thought it would break through his ribcage. "Za-haddy." he wheezed, gasping for air.
Without breaking eye contact Tae started unbuttoning his shirt, undid his pants and started playing with his growing, thing.
Hot and cold tendrils was running up and down Jungkook's entire body.
He couldn't move.
He couldn't think.
He couldn't look away.
He was all lust.
Taehyung was picking up the pace and Jungkook could tell he was already close. With a low moan, Taehyung came, hard, spurting all over his chest, while looking straight in to Jungkook's eyes.
"Are you trying to kill me?" Jungkook growled, he'd started shaking.
Maybe this would be the day his man made him come in his pants without even touching him?
He hoped not.
Or maybe he did?
His thoughts were a complete mess.
Jungkook was so worked up he felt he might start to levitate from the excitement.
Taehyung stood up, shook of his shirt and jacket and made his way over to Jungkook. He still hadn't said a word.
Jungkook swallowed loudly.
Taehyung straddled him and pulled his hair so he had to look up and attacked his mouth.
Jungkook grabbed Tae's ass and stood up, thrusting his tongue into Taehyung's mouth. "You're gonna stain your shirt." Taehyung gasped.
"Oh, now he talks!" Jungkook was halfway to the bed with Taehyung in his arms, "I'll wash it."
"But it's silk."
"I don't care."
Jungkook dropped Tae on the bed and rid himself of his suit jacket and pulled off Tae's pants and underwear, realising he had a buttplugg in and just yanked it out before unzipping his own pants.
"Here." Tae held out some lube and squeezed out an ample amount in Jungkook's hand.
He almost sobbed when he spread it out over his throbbing cock.
He tried to take it slow, but he couldn't think!
He thrust himself in to Tae and screamed, howled, roared, like a freaking caveman when he instantly came, emptying himself completely inside his love, collapsing ontop of him.
"I love you." he mumbled, sluring his words, drool coming out of his mouth.
"I love you, too." Taehyung whispered.
And Jungkook was out. He just passed out. Fell asleep still inside.
Tae didn't mind. He giggled softly and kissed his fiancé on the cheek before driftig of to sleep as well.

Jungkook woke up with a growing hard-on, realising he hadn't actually pulled out and that Tae was still splayed out under him resulting in an even harder dick.
He started to slowly roll his hips, grinding into the other one's prostate. He could feel Tae's member twitching and growing against his stomach.
Moaning, Tae opened his eyes and licked Jungkook's lips.
"You did that on purpose, didn't you? Jerking off in front of me?" Kook accused him.
Tae licked a hot line up Jungkook's neck, nibbling his earlobe, "I just thought it'd be fun to remind you of how this all started..." he whispered with his deep voice making Kook shiver. And blush.
"Naw, don't be embarrassed. I really didn't mind you spying on me! It was kinda hot, and I made sure you would a couple of times." he kissed Kook's cheek, lost in thought, "Did you ever spy on Jin?" he wondered.
Jungkook stopped grinding and rested his head on his arms, "Well, I tried, but he really wasn't as, hm, active, as you were?"
"No. He already had Namjoon then." Taehyung remembered, "God! They've been together for ages, haven't they?"
"Well, so have we." Jungkook nodded.
"True." Tae kissed Kook's nose. "So, did you succeed?"
"With what?"
"Ha. Ha. Spying on him."
"Kinda. But it just felt weird, not exciting like with you. And he caught me." Jungkook chuckled.
"He caught you?! OMFG, what did he do?"
"Well, he didn't turn around and give me a first row view..." Jungkook arched an eyebrow.
Tae laughed, "No?"
"No. He just smiled and snorted and closed the door."
Taehyung slung his head back laughing.
Kook slapped the side of his head, "Be nice, I was embarrassed for weeks!"
Tae gently stroked his cheek and drew him in for a kiss, "Well, you weren't exactly embarrassed when you walked in on me, were you?"
"Oh, I was mortified." Kook started moving again.
"But..." Tae felt a bit perplexed.
"Yeah, I know, I whipped it out, but I thought I was gonna die!" Jungkook confessed.
"Let's go take a quick shower. I wanna kiss every inch of you, taste you and make love to you." Taehyung realised.
"God. Have you any concievable idea how much I love you?" Jungkook growled.
"Yes." Taehyung nodded.
Jungkook tried to lift him up, still kissing, still conjoined, but he forgot he had his pants around his knees so that didn't work, instead he placed Tae standing on the bed as he quickly stepped out of his pants and shoes before grabbing his man, holding him close to his chest with Tae's arms wrapped around his neck, kissing the life out of him whilst waddling them towards the bathroom.

"Do you remember the first time we actually kissed?" Taehyung whispered as they were lying on their sides, foreheads together, softly trailing their hands over eachothers naked bodies.
"Of course." Jungkook smiled, "That used to be the horniest-I-had-ever-been-in-my-entire-life-moment, but you made me surpass that today." he pecked Tae's nose.
"I was so scared." Tae confessed.
"I didn't think you would actually allow me to touch you like that, I didn't know if you actually wanted me to touch you like that." Tae put a couple of hairs behind Jungkook's ear.
"We masturbated in front of eachother before that!" Jungkook protested.
"Yeah, but that was just, jerking off, in a kind of low grade porn way. This was, real." Taehyung remembered the fright.
"Well, I thought I was dreaming. I didn't think you were actually gay, and I was so gay, and so in love with you and when you finally kissed me in that dark hallway behind all those clothes, I thought I was gonna cry." Jungkook admitted.
"Honestly, I don't know that I am, all that, gay? I think I'm more of a Jungkookian, really?" Taehyung argued.
"I know, baby. And that just makes me feel all the more lucky. That you were open enough, brave enough to explore this, us, our love." Jungkook motioned between them.
Tae played with Kook's hair, "I wanted to kiss you so bad, touch you so bad, feel your hard-on against me, so bad. But I really was freaking out, internally. I didn't understand why or what it ment, I just knew I've never wanted anything, anyone, more, ever."
Jungkook reached out and pulled Taehyung close to his chest. "You are, without a doubt, the most beautiful human beeing to ever walk the face of this earth. And I mean that in every sense of the word. Everything about you is beautiful." Jungkook drew a shaky breath, tears pooling in his eyes, "And, I love you!"
Tae hugged him hard.
"But that wasn't what I was going to say! But I do, I love you!"
He was rambling!
Kook shook his head to get a grip of himself, "What I wanted to say is, you have no idea how lucky I feel, how privileged I feel, that a man of, no, human of your caliber, wants me! Loves me! I mean, sometimes I don't feel worthy."
"Sometimes I don't feel worthy of you either." Taehyung brought his hands up between them and started fidgeting with his fingers, "Like, when I can't keep my darkness from seeping out and taint us or I knowingly say something to make you uncomfortable."
"But, Taehyung, baby, don't you get it?" he shook him slightly and very softly, "Not that I want it to hit us again, I don't, but it did, and, I find even our darkness to be beautiful, baby. Breathtakingly so."
"God, I love you!"
They clung to eachother feeling a little bit like they were lost at sea and the other one was the only thing keeping them afloat.
"I know what I want our engravings to be," Taehyung whispered after a long while,
"What?" Jungkook asked in a likewise soft voice.

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