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"I want to make love to you." Jungkook whispered in Taehyung's ear from behind as they left the livingroom with the other couple, canoodling.
Taehyung felt the words drop through him, like a heavy golden nugget, making his body tingle and prick, and a soft moan left his lips.
Jungkook snaked an arm around Tae's midsection and held him close, "I want to feel your beautiful, naked, body writhe under mine as I kiss you when we come together." he continued, and placed a kiss on the side of Taehyung's neck, holding him up since he'd more or less turned boneless in his arms, "I want to know that I am yours and you are mine." he managed to open Tae's pants and let his right hand move closer to the naked warmth down there.
"And it feels a bit weird to do it in someone else's house, but." he shrugged, "They made me horny." Jungkook confessed as he locked the door behind him and leaned against it, "Made me want you." he groaned, kissing the soft skin where Tae's neck met his shoulders.
"Hng." Tae bucked his hips up, trying to get Jungkook to touch him.
"Not yet, baby." Jungkook whispered, and rid him of his shirt, moving his left hand up along his stomach and chest.
"HNG!" Tae bucked his hips again, invouluntary, getting so turned on by this.

Jungkook let him go for a second and got out of his own clothes, very quickly, before resuming their positions.
Taehyung turned his head so they could kiss, feverishly, as Jungkook caressed his body and pulled Tae's arms up, making him clasp his hands behind Jungkook's head.
"I love you." Jungkook whispered, softly trailing his fingers over Tae's upper body, coming teasingly close to his cock, "I love how I can make you forget everything but me, just by touching you." he continued, "How I can make you hard for me."
He placed a nipple between his indexfinger and thumb on each side and softly rubbed his fingers together, making them stand out, "You are so beautiful." he groaned and bit down on Tae's shoulder, "And I want to take you like this, too. From behind. Holding you up as you come for me."
Taehyung couldn't speak.
Or move.
Or form coherrent thoughts.
He wasn't in control of his senses right now.
He just wanted this feeling to go on forever.
Jungkook had cut through every layer of sophistication with him and left him wide open for love.
All he wanted was Jungkook's hands on his body.
His breath against his skin.
His love.
This moment.

"Yhaihh." Tae sounded, agreeing. Hoping Jungkook would understand what he ment.
"Ok, baby." Jungkook nibbled on Tae's earlobe, and reached for the bottle of lube he'd forgotten to put away, lazily enough, on a dresser, to the right of him.
"Hold on to me, baby." he whispered and Tae fastened his grip around Kook's head, "Wait." Jungkook said and kneeled down beside him, spreading Tae's ass out with his hands, licking his puckered entrance.
"Haoohh." Taehyung groaned and leaned against the door, almost melting from pleasure.
Jungkook lubed himself up and used his tongue to coat Taehyung and caressed the inside of Tae's legs as he stood up again, licking the other one's spine all the way to the base of the skull, cupping him from behind. And had to let go very quickly when Taehyung folded in the middle, catching him, and having him clasp his hands behind his head again.
"You are so beautiful, baby." Jungkook sighed, happily, holding Taehyung close to his body as he sheathed himself inside.
"Haoohh." Taehyung shivered like he'd been thrown in cold water, "Oh." he moaned, "Oh!" every thrust made him press closer to Jungkook, "OH!" he couldn't keep quiet, "OH!" what was happening?
"OH!" Tae's legs almost gave in when Jungkook started stroking him with his lubed up hand.
"Come for me baby." Jungkook begged and pinched Taehyung's nipple.
"TAEHYUNG!" Jungkook sobbed as he released with his man.
"I love you, I love, you, I love you." Taehyung panted, relying solely on Jungkook to keep him upright.
And suddenly he was being carried in Jungkook's strong arms over to the bed, where he gently sat down with Tae in his lap, "I love you." Jungkook murmured and fitted his lips to Tae's swollen, red, ones.
Tae wound his arms around Kook's neck and rested his head on his own arm, "I love you, Jungkook." he breathed, "You make me so happy." he pecked Kook on the cheek, "Every day, you make me happy."
Jungkook took a deep breath and held it, feeling as if his chest was going to burst from too much love, he held Tae tighter, "I want to make you happy every day for the rest of my life, Taehyung." he whispered, "No matter where we go, I want to walk beside you, hold you, have you, be with you, because I love you so much Taehyung, so much."
"Oh, Jungkook." Tae sighed, finding Jungkook's lips again, out of words to say.

They sat like that, softly kissing, being very much in love, smiling, exchanging vows with their eyes, being close, 'til Jungkook's stomach rumbled, and Taehyung began to giggle.
"Food, huh?" he asked, nose to nose with Jungkook, eyes shining with love.
"Yeah." Jungkook admitted, he was frecken starving, "Steak." he decided, "I need protein." he confessed, "Been a bit careless with my food intake the last couple of days." he explained, "But," he motioned towards the other part of the house where their host were most definitely getting it on right now.
"Yeah, no." Tae said and stood up, shaking his head, "Let's not disturb them. Imma hop in the shower real quick and then I'll join you in the kitchen?"
"I want a shower too." Jungkook realised, "Come on!" he pulled Tae with him to the bathroom and muscled him into the shower with him, "These rain showers really are something else. Me likey." he sighed happily.
"Yeah," Tae said turning his head up to let the water wash over his face, "we're getting one." he sighed, happily.
"I want a home with you so badly, Taehyung." Jungkook put his arms around him, leaning on his back, "A home. Not a place. Our. Home."
Tae turned in his arms and reached up to cradle his face, "Yes." he nodded, "I want that, too." he kissed his nose.
"I've never been jealous of Hobi before, but, I want what he has." Jungkook confessed, "I mean, you know what I mean. I mean, I want you and our things. Not his, but," he was getting more and more tangled in his sentance.
"I know, baby." Tae said, gently, cupping his cheek, "I promise you, we will make a home, I'll start pulling strings as soon as we get back, because I think we need that as our foundation, baby. If we're going to stay whole for the coming years."
"Yes." Jungkook nodded, "I think you're right." he placed his hands around Tae's face, "We're gonna be running faster than we ever have before, and we need something to anchor us. That used to be Jin and Namjoon, but, we need to be able to supply ourselves with that stability now. And we can't just transfer it to Hobi and Minho." he realised, "We need to anchor ourselves."
"It's you and me, baby." Taehyung nodded, "We'll make a stronghold for you and me. Our mine of comfort and replenishment, where we can sooth our aching minds, bodies and souls."
"I love you." Jungkook kissed him.
"I love you, too." Tae held him close, " It's been such a weird year for us." he realised, I mean, I don't really remember what I had planned before, but, I know it wasn't what's actually happened?"
"No," Jungkook agreed, "I mean, some of it's been, I don't know, sort of what I perhaps thought the future would hold for me, us, after winning the Olympics, but," he shrugged, "most of it has just been strange and/or, terrifying." he swallowed, "Or completely out of the blue." he shrugged again.
"Yeah," Taehyung nodded, "everything's different now, changed, and," he shifted his weight, feeling slightly, just slightly, uncomfortable with the thought, "we're about to change everything even more." he shivered, "It's a little bit scary, actually." he confessed.
"Terrifying." Jungkook again stated, but, nodded, agreeing, "Still, I'm actually looking forward to it?" he confessed.
"Yeah, I am, too?" Taehyung said, a bit hesitant, but meening it, "Now come on, let's go make dinner for our teammates." he winked, "I want potato gratin." he'd just leaned how to make it and was, honestly, obsessed with it.
"Groan." Jungkook giggled, "Starch." he mock shivered.
"Yes, yes," Taehyung said, dismissively, "I'll find you some asparagus or something, don't worry baby."
"Stinky pee."
"You know I can't smell that." Tae laughed and shoved him gently out of the shower.
"You're weird."
"You're weird." Tae slapped him, "Now come. On. I'm hungry." he stalked out of the bathroom, drying his hair with a towel.
"Yeah, well, I'm starving." Jungkook muttered and followed him.

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