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"We," Jin said, motioning to himself and Namjoon, "have decided to make this our home, for the time being."
"This place?" Tae asked, aghast, "In the middle of nowhere?"
They were back at their, by proxy, rented safe house, waiting for everyone to rejoin the ranks after their little getaway.
"Mm." Namjoon confirmed, nodding, "It's the most practical alternative right now, for us."
"And besides, we're already here." Jin shrugged.
"Yeah, but." Tae insisted, not only was it off the map, it was such an, unpersonal, house.
"We're thinking of buying it later on." Jin said.
"I, I," Tae stuttered, "I don't know what to say? I mean, we're looking at places, too, but."
"Son," Namjoon put a hand on his arm, "we're not expecting you and Jungkook to live here, too." he assured him, "I mean, there will always be room for you here, and you're always welcome to stay as long as you want, you're our kids, we love you, our home is your home whenever you want it to be, know this, but you don't have to live with us. You're grown-ups!" he nodded, "You should do your own thing!" he smiled, "That is," he suddenly got serious, "if you want to? I mean if you want to live with us, we'd love to have you! We're not kicking you out!" he shook his head, "This came out all wrong, I'm sorry!" he did a dog shake, "Help?" he looked at Jin.
"Oh, I'm not helping you." Jin said amused, with his arms crossed infront of him, leaning against the kitchen counter, "I want to see if you manage to wriggle yourself out of this." he chuckled.
"Asshole." Namjoon groaned. With affection. And took a deep breath, "What I'm saying is, our house is your house, always, but should you want something of your own, which I think you do, you should make that happen! We'll totally support that decision." he stuck his tongue out at Jin who was silently clapping his hands.
"Thanks dad!" Taehyung laughed, "I got it the first time, but, nicely put!" he complimented and gave Namjoon a side hug.
"Yoongi just called," Jungkook said, entering the kitchen and came to a full stop, "what's going on?" he looked around, freaking out a little bit.
"Dads are buying this place." Tae summarised.
"This place?" Jungkook's eyes went completely round, "Oh, ok." he tried to school his face.
"Yeah. Exactly." Tae laughed and pulled Kook closer, wrapping his arm around his waist, and nuzzled his neck, "But we're still looking." he promised.
"What did Yoongi want?" Namjoon reminded him.
"Oh, right!" Jungkook returned from his mental excursion, having had a woke nightmare, living here permanently, "MinHobi are coming back the day after tomorrow so he'll pick them up the day after that and bring them here, with him."
"Gonna have a full house, then." Namjoon said and turned to Jin, "Maybe we should convert the upstairs livingroom into a guest bedroom?"
"Yeah." Jin nodded, "And I'm sorry Tae, but we'll need your studio for 'the security detail'." he explained.
"They've already moved in." Taehyung gaped.
"Yeah." Jungkook also gaped.
"We should get them a housewarming gift." Tae suggested, looking at Kook, closing his mouth.
"Yeah. New bedlinnen, or a house plant, maybe?" Kook agreed.
"Let's back away slowly, before they have us move furniture or clean or something." Tae stage whispered, and they began to sneak away.

"We can not stay here." Taehyung spat out as soon as they'd closed the door behind them, looking terrified at eachother.
"Uh-uhm." Jungkook shook his head, "I'm already going crazy and it feels like walking on egg shells, being around those two."
"Yeah," Tae agreed, "I'm so stressed out, I feel like I'm starting to disintegrate from fidgeting so much." he shivered.
"And I'm so done," Jungkook sat down on the bed, "with the hotel rooms, I mean, wow and all," hinting at the wonderful places they'd recently stayed at, "but," he made a gaggig face.
"Yeah." Tae sighed, and folded himself down, crosslegged on the floor.

"Roomservice's nice, though." Tae said after a long pause.
"True." Jungkook agreed.
And they got quiet again.
"Maybe we should rent that place Bikram got wind of? At Minho's building?" Jungkook speculated.
"Yeah, but I really want to run it by them first, I mean, it feels a bit like we'd be imposing, you know?"
"Also true." Jungkook sighed.
"Maybe you should take that offer from New Zeeland?" Tae stretched out his legs infront of him, leaning back on his hands.
"Would you be up for it?"
"Yeah," Tae began, a bit hesitantly, "I mean, I'd for sure want to finish what we've started first, but, yeah." he nodded, "If we're successful, then yeah, definitely."
"I should talk to them, see if they're willing to be a bit, flexibel." Jungkook concluded.
"You should." Tae agreed, "But that might be a while still, and, in the meantime..."
"Yeah," Jungkook again sighed, "let's run for the hills?"
"Mm." Tae nodded, "Before I regress even further and resort to building pillow forts and getting my crayola's out."
"You used to colour in your pillow fort as a kid?"
"For hours." Taehyung confessed.
"I love you." Jungkook smiled.
"I love you, too?" Tae was a bit confused as to why this declaration of love came at this time.
"Tell me," Jungkook laughed, fondly, "you were on all fours and this close" he measured a short distance with his fingers, "to the paper, weren't you?"
"Maybe." Tae answered, loftily and blushed for the first time in ages.
"I love you." Jungkook laughed.
"Hrmf." Tae's colour deepened as he felt strangely transparent.
"Naaww," Jungkook got up from the bed and got down on his heels, straddling Tae's legs and cupped his face, "look at my man being all cute and adorable!"
"Hrmf." Tae crossed his arms infront of him, slightly offended.
"I love you!" Jungkook laughed again and kissed Tae's firmly shut lips.
"I'll have you know," Taehyung moped, "colouring in your pillow fort is very relaxing!"
"I believe you." Jungkook laughed, "Let's build one! Right now." he stood up and looked around, trying to figure out what to use and where to put it.
"Hang on," Taehyung said, and got up from the floor and left the room.

Jungkook decided that their desk and the desk chair was the best option for the frame and started to pull down blankets and comforters from the bed to use as a comfy flooring and sheets for the roof and walls.
Taehyung returned with reams of paper, oil pastels, a bag of chips and two sodas in his arms.

"You decent?" Namjoon knocked on their door about an hour later.
"Sure!" Tae answered and Namjoon entered.
"What the hell are you doing?" he stopped in the doorway.
"Colouring in our pillow fort." Tae explained, innocently, lying in his stomach beside Jungkook, drawing for dear life.
"Is this some sort of elaborate foreplay or something?" Joon asked, flabbergasted.
"No?" They looked at eachother, "Not yet." Tae grinned.
"Lord." Namjoon sighed and rolled his eyes, "I can't." he backed out of the room.
"Did you want something important?" Jungkook asked, angelically.
"Never mind." Namjoon muttered and closed the door behind him.
Tae was silently laughing beside him, "I think we broke Namjoon." he giggled.
"Huh." Jungkook thought about it, "Me sucking your cock didn't faze him at all, but, pillow forts was taking it too far?"
"Apparently so." Tae laughed and pulled Jungkook ontop of him, "Wanna try sucking my cock in a pillow fort?" he grumbled.
"Depends." Jungkook nuzzled his neck.
"On what?"
"Will you return the favour?" he whispered.
"You really have to ask?"
"You first." Jungkook gasped and turned on his back taking his sweatpants off.
"Mm." Taehyung wormed his way down Kook's body, "Look at this cock," he praised, "all dressed up and nowhere to go..."
"Put it in your mouth, baby." Jungkook suggested, panting, already worked up.
"In my mouth, you say?" Taehyung teased.
"Like this?" he took him all, gently squeezing his balls.
"Oh, yeah." Jungkook moaned and guided his head, "Just like that."

The Kim Family TetralogyWhere stories live. Discover now